Did i need to set /players 8 everytime i start my party or is it saved?


Did i need to do this everytime i start?

It is NOT saved between sessions. You will need to reset it. Though, in single player, IIR, it stays until changed (during any single session)?

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The /players command is kept if you save and exit back to the main menu, but do not exit out of the game itself.

online it automatically adjusts


The default is players 1. If you change it and leave game your next game will be back to players 1. There is a way to change the default though. On the Bnet app click the option icon next to “play” then select “game settings”. Check the box “additional command line arguments” and add “-players X” without the quotes with X being 1-8. This will be the new default. You will still be able to adjust this in game like normal. Once monsters are spawned their strength can’t be changed.

edit- /players command only works in single player.

This used to the be the case for D2 but in D2R it goes back to players 1 after exiting each game. I don’t know if it was an intentional change or not.


Hmm, interesting. Didn’t know D2r wasn’t playing nicely. Go figure.

Anyways, best answer of us all right there. :stuck_out_tongue:

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F, looks like tinkering with the main menu

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Thanks a lot for the good info.

I just did it in bnet, but how can i check in game which /players am i?

/players does not work in bnet

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I meant put it on the command line argument :smiley: On Bnet launcher

And please stop calling the online Bnet.

Bnet is the app for launching the game, there is online and offline mode but not bnet mode and offline mode :wink:

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The /players command is meant for single player and does not do anything on bnet. It’s meant to simulate a multi player games difficulty, exp, and item drops. If you want to play /players 8 on bnet you need to join a game with 7 other people.

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Oh, I don’t know of a way to check other than comparing the modes. The most obvious difference is monsters have a lot more hit points.

I gotcha now.

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I know, sorry my english is not really great.

I meant i put the argument line on Bnet app.

And when i say Bnet, i mean the app, online mode in D2R is not bnet, it’s just online mode :smiley:

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Yes you will need to enter /players on every game creation in D2R. In D2 you were able to enter it once until you exit the application. If you used PlugY mod, then you could set it once forever (even after application restart).

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how can i put a comment on the solution for the question i post?

I will call it what it is. Note: When you connect multiplayer, what does it say…

“Connecting to battle net”

You can not mark or otherwise, someone elses post. You could however, add it in your original post, and edit your title to Solved:.

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How does this guy made this? marked as solution.

What i just see when you can choose your character is 2 tab, online and offline. Not bnet and offline :smiley: That why i said that.

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err, i don’t know, i got logged out instantly going there. Perhaps there is a way?

@MissCheetah (If she sees this. I don’t really know how to magically summon her. lol.

EDIT : All good mate, many of us over years have just called it bnet (both 1.0 and 2.0)

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OK sorry then my mistake.

Now i know :wink: