Did blizz add these to the game after patch 2.4?

Did blizz:

  • add Sorc Orbs and Necro Shrunken heads to the vendors?
  • add Runewords for Sorc Orbs or reclassify Sorc Orbs as staves (leaf RW reasons)
  • add Runewords for Necro Shrunken heads or reclassify them with shields (for RW reasons such as Rhyme)

If they didn’t, did they say that they would be or might be adding more RWs to the game in the future?

Orbs and necro heads are still not vendor items as of 2.8

orbs are not staves orbs are orb class weapons

necro shrunken heads are and always since 1.07 were a subclass of shield type same as auric shields… there are no specific runewords for shrunken heads, however any shield runeword that occupies up to two sockets (as this is the max for shrunken head), can be made in a normal socketed shrunken head ( but not magic or rare with the mechanic’s prefix a.k.a two socket magic or rares).
both Rhyme and Splendor runewords fit this category… however there is a more neat way of aquiring good value shrunken heads…

you need to use a cube recepie for shield of spikes, however you need to use it on the highest elite magic head those are usually refered as “skull” the highest elite base has quality level higher than lvl 67, and this causes the equation for calculating affixes for shield of spikes ( which creates a ilvl30 item) to have higher than ilvl 30 affixes spawn on the said item while the item level is <37 which means You may roll skills from 1,6,12,18 and 24 level rows but not lvl 30 rows… this causes a chance to roll a head with +3 to necromancer’s summoning skills and a chance to roll skeleton mastery and raise skeleton which otherwise would not be possible even as a mob drop due to item level differences of said affix and said staf mods…
also +3 to poison and bone skills and +3 to bone spear is also possible to get the same way…

wands can be made similar way by the add sockets to magic item ( ilvl 25 or 30 item) when a magical base wand with quality level high enaugh ( a.k.a above 67 is chosen) those usually mean cubing elite version of grim wand with that recepie, same effects can be obtained as with shrunken heads and shield of spikes recepie…


Thank you + 20 characters paid in full.

may actually underdid with qlvl 67

first do notice it’s qlvl that the magic item needs to be not ilvl
and 67 might actually not be enaugh the weird calculation formolae will work the way i described in my previous post if you use highest tier elite item for both wands and highest tier necro skulls ( elite shrunken heads).
highest tier wand is the one with skull on it you want the elite version of the wand with skul graphic wand and the necro skull with highest str req ( sorry folksdon’t remember the name of it)

neither elite wands nor nero skulls have magic level ( though exceptional and normal wands do)…

so it will work on base of formulea of standard items so qlvl has got to be signifcantly higher than ilvl of crafted item of 30 in both cases, your best bet is to take magical items with highest possible quality level out there just to be safe…

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