Diablo Immortal coming PC,Going to play?

anyone going to play, just saw on the launcher its coming to pc. looks worse than d3 tho



It doesn’t surprise me it looks worse because it was for mobile only. Not sure when they changed their mind to make it for PC also but imo a smart move. I likely will try it but not expecting much. I just hope people aren’t expecting this to be a huge game like how D4 will be because D4 won’t be anything like this.

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Seriously? Asking a question like this here? LoL. I’ll give it one shot, since it’s free, tho. But as soon as I hit a paywall, delete that💩.


My guess is they didn’t get the turnout they were expecting. I guess it’s a good move, as people were inquiring when the game was announced if it was going to be playable on PC…

Plus it may be a concession to the “Do you guys not have phones?” remark. :slight_smile:

Blizzard was walking on eggshells during that Blizzcon.


I refuse.

Its just a desperate attempt to make some cash out of a failed product that spat in the face of the fan base.


depending how much it costs, if there’s a free demo that I can try before buying

I’d try it. But, I don’t feel any “hype” for that particular Diablo product

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Diablo Immortal is free…

And yes, I also refuse


With it being on PC now, probably will play for the storyline at least.


Mobile game. So it will be less complex, toxic as hell and pay 2 win will be there.

Usually free2play games are very expensive over time. Sounds weird, but overall it is true.


According to a lot of youtubers, the game is clearly pay to win.

Not only that, it seems like a daily quest simulator like most cellphone games.

Sounded a lot like Lost Ark in terms of what you do in the game. Daily daily daily daily weekly daily daily… Don’t skip a day or you will be behind.

In my opinion, Diablo Immortal doesn’t sound like an ARPG, rather a daily quest RPG like Lost Ark.


Absolutely not. Doesn’t look remotely interesting.


Nope since it has been made for mobile it probably going to be bad, Paywall at some point. Not interested at all.


^ This.

Thinking this is anything other than a cash move on a playerbase starved for something other than D2R is complete naivety.

Follow the money.


“In the end, the deciding factor was that we knew many of you would attempt to play this game through an emulator, thus leading us towards building a better experience.”

I’ll probably try it out and see how the story is. Won’t be buying anything though.

Interesting. When I heard Windows 11 was going to get native android support, I was thinking of being able to play Immortal that way without having to use an emulator, but it looks like they went to the trouble to create a PC specific version.

Will probably play through it at least once just to see the story.

I just can’t do woke cultural appropriation anymore. Even if that game is decent, that will annoy me too much. So not a chance.


They aren’t wrong. Cuz I was planning on trying it out using bluestacks. Been playing AnimA this way. But wont be know since its coming to PC

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