Diablo III first 24 hours sales are almost as much as D2R's 6+ month sales

A more fair comparison would be to compare D4 sales (when it’s released) to D3 sales than D3 vs D2R.

Not everyone wants to play a remastered of a game that was originally released 20+ years ago.

Or you can think of how many sales you would expect if D3 was to be remastered 20 yrs after release. I would be surprised if it would get more than D2R sales.


Yes D3 sold very well off the reputation of D2. It’s too bad it wasn’t worthy.


“The game’s global sales reached 1 million copies after two weeks, and 2 million after one and a half months. It was awarded a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records 2000 edition for being the fastest selling computer game ever sold, with more than 1 million units sold in the first two weeks of availability.”

This is from Diablo2 Wikipedia. Just for a better scale of, different time periods, and how it effects sale numbers. And what was considered big, and successfull.

All Blizz titles sold good, newer titels because of older ones. Be it Diablo, Star Craft, War Craft, WoW.

But a game can be considered successfull imo, if it has constant sales, even after 10 years or more.

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  1. Give us back TCP/IP or an alternative LAN functionality so that we can play with friends on any player count or play modded multiplayer.

The OP is to much of a teenager to understand d2 is what launched d3 in sales. He just wants to fight everyone. Watch him come argue your point now even though it’s 100% true.


1-2 4-5 no
3, 6 and 7 yes

also because diablo 3 WAS a good game on its release… it wasn’t until they forced sets on everyone that it became trash

as horrendously bad RMAH was it destroyed the game MUCH less
than BS like this did

60,000 percent…

like this is why diablo 3 is trash
it’s why i will never touch it again despite loving it on release and

you cant balance personal loot as well as FFA loot is balance

you need to deal damage? then they will just use something like a lvl 1 frozen orb
you want to make it base on how much damage u deal? then the bots will kill everything before u can hit anything.

you want to make it timed? then people sit back and do nothing and leech items

right now we have the best solution… get in there and fight and u have a good chance at loot… the further back and less in danger you stay, the less loot you get

The problem with a lot of the game industry’s lack of classics nowadays, and Diablo 3 had this same problem, is that the corporations behind them tend to want to appeal to everybody after and initial success.

I’m sure they had meetings talking about how it’s only a small segment of the gaming population that enjoys steamrolling the same things for hours every day looking for a huge upgrade, that can start an entire new build, and is 1 in 100,000. They figured they would start tweaking things too start giving reasons for other gamers to want to buy the game. And so what ends up happening is a dilution of the true draw that made the previous game’s success.

Game makers just aren’t satisfied with the cult followings that they have. They feel like they can expand them by diluting the entire reason a game was successful in the first place. It never works.

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It’s not really cheated, but the important factor that probably only Blizzard could see is player retention rate as far as how long and often were people logging on to D3 to play and how did that taper off over time. I guarantee it wasn’t good. Which is why D4’s major selling line is “return to darkness” - which is an admission of “we f’d up”.

D3 has seen nothing but enormous backlash and criticism since its release and its not even the RMAH. But Blizzard clearly has hired some 3rd party troll/shill farm to counter legit critique of the game, most of them linger on the D3 forums with 10,000 post counts.


I will always remember the 12 months with no content in WoW in exchange for a free D3, and then… the D3… the only thing worse was the WC3 remaster…

exactly those purists like thedarkjedi are all rejects thats needs e-pride online. WE need ploot and controlled pvp

You are talking about different era bro.
Just like a singer launching an album 20yrs ago and than relaunch the exact same content with improve audio quality.

this entire thing is troll.

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nobody knew how much D3 was gonna suck and fail…it was riding D2’s success and the 2nd factor was the 1yr bundle with wow subscription…did u forget that critical part? everyone that bought 1 year of WoW got Diablo 3 for free as a bundle and Blizz (for PR) included those sales as D3 sales…basically 10 million players that were gonna resub to wow anyways just got D3 for free…

Glad u forgot that part - brilliant move by blizz for profit, but doesnt really show them how many ppl bough D3 to ACTUALLY only play D3

but i agree changes are exciting even if ur premise for logic is flawed out of ignorance

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  1. against your suggestion
  2. yes!
  3. against your suggestion
  4. against your suggestion
  5. It’s a buff. I’m for it, but saying all it does it time reduction is wrong. This should go hand in hand with a small buff for monsters aswell.
  6. please, yes.

That’s because D3 was expected to be good… but it wasn’t. D3 hurt Blizzards rep pretty hard.

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You can’t even compare hours played, games played, games on season/ladder reset, interest in general. Literally, they got the numbers out of d3 i remember (d2 had more played games in old battlenet than d3, when you could see the numbers, sometime 2013).

Do someone think there will be a remaster diablo 3 in 2032? No.
D2 will outlast d3 and probably d4 (can’t bash and unreleased game, but would be my guess). Easily. Think about why. If you can’t figure then maybe you fail to see, maybe you like more d3. Most diablo players don’t. Can imagine d3 sales if it was released now knowing all? Even diablo 4 is gonna hurt in sales due to association to diablo 3 lol, people see the same kind of movement and say it’s a d3 reskin or diablo 3.5 (we didn’t even see items or skill progression to be fair, but it goes to show how much of diablo 3 sales reflect or back the game nowadays : very low %, so these sales of 2012, today means nothing, they are even bad publicity to some).
5 millions for a 20 year old remaster? Impressive i say.

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just because diablo 3 sold more copies doesnt make it a better game lol diablo 3 is absolute garbage no matter how many copies are sold

how old are you? seems the personal loot people are all of the same demographic… and hostile feature is toxic really? diablo 2 was never meant to be a safe space


Using this same logic some would say David Bowie isnt as good as Kim Kardashian if he sold less albums - Bowie is timeless she isnt same goes for this kind of poke the eye of community logic…

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More sold copies don’t have to neccessarily mean better product.
A nice example for this is when you compare some pop music on youtube with millions of views with some not so well known music, that has very few views.

D3 was intentionally made to reach to as many types of people as possible, just like pop music is. It is dumbed down, easy to understand.

Also, It was hyped given the success of D2.
D2:R, on the other side, got some negative look based on W3:R and general bad reputation of Blizzard.

D2:R may have sold less copies, but I’d say mainly because it is not a game for everyone, you have to be quite dedicated to ARPGs to really appreciate this game. Its not family-friendly **** sitting on a couch killing some demons type of game.
However, there is much wider audience in this area, people that are not so dedicated to games at all will surely prefer D3. That’s why D3 sold more copies during the following years.

TL:DR - popularity does not have to mean better product.

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I would say that D2R is the best remaster I have seen since it started being a trend for a few years , devs actually listen to feedback and make changes slowly but surely .