Diablo III first 24 hours sales are almost as much as D2R's 6+ month sales

LOL. Yup, same slimeball that was ruining the already limited Nightmare pool of games in non season when I was playing a couple of weeks ago. But it’s ok, that is D2 and the type of player that seems to breed around this game. With that said, if your gauge of the amount of players playing D4 is based around the Fields of Hatred, that is your problematic delusion. PvP is a distraction activity, not the main event; an activity that most players are uninterested in. And despite the pseudo MMO nature of D4, it is not an MMORPG, and each “shard” of the server instance you are on in the overworld, only houses about 12 players iirc. The 4 person is just party size and instanced content like dungeons.

Speaking of population, D2R’s non season was mostly populated by bot games in the game’s list; the D2Honor item sellers. I have seen more people today on the non season servers for D4 while I was testing a new build from a previous season character in both Helltides and World Bosses.

You necro’ed a 2 year old post about game sales. I only responded to that, not about saying D2 sucked, or any changes to THIS game, only that D4 failed to balance elements of both D2 and D3 at launch, and was shifting more towards D3 elements because quite frankly, deeply dug in D2 fans have a hard time accepting anything not D2, and were never going to enjoy the game. Even if D4 was a complete carbon copy of D2, they’d still gripe that Blizzard sucks, and can only copy the greats of the past or some junk like that.

Yet, as much as I am criticizing, I do get it to some degree. I have mixed feelings on elements of franchises/genres in the modern age missing elements of the past. As much as I enjoy D3/D4, I do miss the simplicity of D2’s progression system, and lack of cooldown rotation spam (ah, the days of just being about to shout, enchant, cold shield, holy shield, etc and not have to recast it every 10-30 seconds). As a fan of the old turn based jrpg era, I did not like Final Fantasy 16s combat/gameplay systems (even though it had the best story/characters of the HD Mainline), enjoyed Rebirth despite not liking some of the plot changes and felt some remade major story moments lacked the emotional depth of the original 7.

This is all I really need to know about you, man. This is the second time you’ve made some indirect remark about me. I’ve had Diablo 2 for a whopping 4 - 5 days. I don’t know who it was that attacked you in Diablo 2 nightmare difficulty but I hope you heal from the traumatic experience.

Also, the comment that PvP isn’t main content is hilarious. The majority of multiplayer games are rooted in the idea of being competitive, hence the Diablo ladders existing and another thing people complained about with Diablo 4. They didn’t add a ladder until what season? You know what’s more thrilling than beating a computer algorithm? Beating an actual player. The majority of multiplayer games that are top of the charts are games that have some degree of player versus player. Nobody is saying you can’t make a private game and avoid PvP. But who are you to tell others that do enjoy pvp that they shouldn’t have that option? You’re quite literally a troll.

If you truly are not the same person, then I apologize for the accusation. However the name is exactly the same (granted, the theme of the name fits the common theme of the class), and your rant on PvP in the opening attack on me to call me a “bootlicker” fit the bill and attitude of a player that would do that. Personally, I could care less. I just left the game the moment the hostiles went flying. I think it’s a dumb mechanic that’s only purpose is to be a toxic troll, but it is what it is, and it is one among many reasons why D2 is passed over by players over other games. And I assume that you mean D2R by only having the game 4-5 days, since you have a lot of knowledge on the franchise, and call yourself an original Diablo fan (which begs the question why you have not had D2R from release), but ok, I’m sorry.

It is main content for games designed for competition. Granted, people can make a competition out of anything, but game’s with PvP as a main event, are balanced around that aspect, and iterated upon more than just “Here, beat the crap out of each other until you are bored.” D2’s Hostile system was mainly designed so a player could play a villain role. The original devs had plans to expand to an arena at one point, but history happened.

D4’s PvP was stated early on that the game would not be balanced for it. It was primarily a “go beat the crap out of each other and earn currency for cosmetics” event, with the option of completing objectives for season journey there, or (illusion of an option) go hunt down the Lilith Statues that are there. Most people don’t take PvP seriously in RPGs unless the aspect is balanced for it or tied to a massive reward (which people complain about, and still complain about pvp objectives in the season journey being tied to the hidden title from full completion).

I think D2 may have had a rankings of character levels before 1.10, but Ladder seasons were primarily added as a bandaid to give folks a way to all start at the same progression without the years of hacked and duped items.

I never said or alluded to that. My exact words:

Never said PvP players should not have an option to fight each other. My response was purely in response to you saying the servers were dead and that I was lying to you. In fact, I’d be fine with Diablo 4 having some sort of arena system where they could balance pvp and you could have team battles, much like the proposed and cancelled arena planned for D3. However, I and most players, would not be interested if it came at the cost of more fun pve activities or other functions D4 lacks currently, like party finders or an auction house.

Two years later…


Cool, I’ve played exactly 0 seconds of that game.

Anybody tell him they had to advertise going back to D2 for the sales of D4?

I just read most of this thread as im waiting for a work call.

This cant be a real take.

To be honest who gives a f… about the number of copies sold??? It doesnt really tell u if a game is good or bad anyway. If anything it only shows u how good their advertising was, and how ez they were able to manipulate the gen z casual gamers into buying their product. This seems to be pretty ez these days if u just put the right name on the label cause that generation will play any :poop: :poop: game out there if the right people convince them that its the best ever and it has the right name. They are pack animals and will play whatever their freinds play and they have the attention span of a goldfish so it really doesnt matter if its good or not

I read a post on IG by a reporter about 5 years ago that IMBd Pro claims that Diablo II and LoD have sold 100 million copies since release. I personally don’t think this is far fetched.

I’ve purchased 9 digital copies. Prior to that I purchased 7 battlechests and a copy of each game in separate boxes. And I’ve never botted.

Prior to the release of D2R jsp had 1.1 million members, then there are the reddit groups, facebook groups, discords and other independent Diablo sites like diablo2.net.