Diablo II: Resurrected PTR 2.5—Terror Zones - PTR is Now Over

Did you read the 2.5ptr feedback? Is this what you want? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…really…Users asking for a change… Stupid developers…Everyone is going crazy…

Even a 9-year-old daughter can close her eyes and control a mouse with her feet… It will be so easy and fun.

The 2nd ptr 2.5 is really a test for the variety of builds…

It seems like my head is full of only ramen noodles…only.

ha ha ha.

Clown devs are clowns. No one asked for these trash charms. Stop ruining this remaster kthx


go play D3, clown. :wink: All your clown comments are ‘nerf hammer nerf hammer nerf hammer nerf hammer nerf hammer’
this is the average battle net forums user. These are the people these devs are listening to. RIP D2R.

HAHA u mad bro?
Nerf hammer. You know deep in your heart, how op hammer is.
I only say the truth.

which is I provoked you as well.



(Body unclear)


God they created something even worse than Hammerdin now. Welcome everyone the most Op thing you ll ever see. Blizz Sorc!!!


any faith I had in these devs is absolutely gone with this grand charm idea. remaster break the game speed run. you should even change the name from “resurrected” when they hit because the diablo franchise will have died with 1.14


Sundered balance idea for elemental (fire, cold, lightning, poison)

While sundered charm breaks the immunity it also caps enemy resistance at 75% at lowest. Getting from 95% to 75% would require -120% lower resistance. Similar to how infinity and lower resistance works currently on immunes.

This way you could break the immunity but unless you have infinity the monsters probably end up with 85 to 90% resistance depending on how many -% resistance you get from your gear.

So all conviction, lower resistance and -% res would work only at 1/6 capacity while you have the charm in use and the enemy resistance could not get lower than 75%.