Yeah., always “soon” forever. On next ptr, there will be mega zone then giga zone…whaterevr zones…
How about some transparency?
Your audience knows what they want. Ask them!
Please scrap terror zone idea, instead make tal rasha tomb lvl 85. Everybody hates terror zones, nobody will play public anymore if terror zone in the game. Please end terror zone and never again bring it back into ptr or the game. And for the love of GOD end ladder. idc if season 2 is months away just END it. NO MORE TERRORIST ZONE WERE SICK OF IT ALREADY ITS A TERRIBLE IDEA, public hell tombs = 1000x more fun and cooperative.
Zones are cool. Don’t overthink it.
Ladder, set, go!
Zones are lacklustre
They are a good skeleton but need some meat to em
Player agency to spread terror
Pcount instead of mlvl
Dangerous mechanics like evil urns and monster shrines
Without that it’s an incomplete mechanic
All we need is lil change. Don’t have to change all together…let S2 start or show some new items… one by one very often…it makes people happer…
We’ll after some time i think the only thing (besides i still would have prefered loot filter & currency tab) that bothers me is the random factor. If i start D2 up and want to Muh Muh, i want to Muh Muh! Besides that i think it’s great that we got new endgame content.
Love the idea and a way to get out of the non stop Baal Runz. The only reason I never had a 99 was because I wasn’t a fan of doing the same thing for 4 weeks straight. Mixing this up and allowing players to gain XP in other cool areas of the game is awesome. Well done!
Do NOT expect any major content update for D2 or D3.
Think about it, why would Bizzard compete against themselves on Diablo 4.
Blizzard want people to buy D4 and use the in game cash shop.
D2&D3 no longer generate any significant income for Bliz. They probably only assigned the minimum amt of developers just to keep the light running, maybe give it to the interns as training.
D3 has cash shop in Asia.
The new terror zones are a good start, good work and thanks to your team.
here would be important things for the future:
buff uniques, so that they are comparable to the powerful runewords and you can enjoy such drops again. this would allow a lot of new gear combinations and builds without completely messing up the balance.
buff rare weapons, so that with the right very rare roll they can be slightly better than the best weapons
solo self found mode with online leaderboard, would be celebrated by streamers as well as many players and is easy to implement
currency tab in the chest where you can stack runes, gems etc.
Add a larger stash to classic mode on D2R and 3 additional stash tabs
So this thread was unpinned.
Does that mean the whole thing is getting canned?
i think we will get a little bi… a little bit of an announcement soon and they just needed to make some room for that
Unpinned…then re-pinned?
I want to say something a lot of people aren’t. Thank you so much for the continued updates and transparency. It would be nice of all developers continued to have discussions and open lines of communication with all of their fans, and gamers.
And is runned by different company
Does it matter? In the end ActiBlizz gets the money.
I haven’t touched this game in months, and honestly am not a fan of Blizzard at all. I was excited to play my level 93 non ladder sorc if terror zones were coming to non ladder soon. Making this ladder only is literally one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I hope your company goes bankrupt. Where is ACT 6? WTF is going on? Get your shi.t together please. The game is so stale past level 90, and nobody has time for your stupid ladders. Honestly people need to be close to the brink of insanity to attempt level 95 with one character the way your game stands currently. Time to uninstall BattleNet again.