Diablo II: Resurrected PTR 2.5—Terror Zones - PTR is Now Over

How long ptr goes? Any know?

At least one week. Longer if there are further changes that need additional testing.

They haven’t elaborated on how long it will be, so they’re likely just playing it by ear.

Ansty for a fresh ladder season. Drop these zones whenever.

Season 2 - we need you.

Agreed. Less chat/test, more slaying.

i can see the similarities from d3. it started out with boe loot and different mobs that you can farm, and then turned into bop loot and everything got nerfed to a point where you can only play rifts.

we are on the way in d2r too. they will release the “terror zones” with extreme overpowered drops so people will be forced to play the “rifts” because everything else is not really worth farming. also it somewhat prevents bots. d3/10

Blizz we need players x command in ptr to test it correctly!


-Stackable gems, runes, and keys.
Limited to STASH only.
That way the “purists” stay happy with the inventory management.
-Conviction is very useful, to break lightning immunities. Why don’t it work for fire or cold? That’s always been confusing to me. There’s a imbalance of lightning, cold, and fire resist.
-****Terror zones, very cool idea.
Very underwealming. Monster group density should be bigger. Just a thought, but maybe those zones should be different tiers. Once you kill all the monsters in the zone. The next tier starts. 10% stronger per tier? ****
-We need unlimited stash size in SINGLE PLAYER. Just like plugy. It’s super important to have that.
-Very big one here, why don’t we have a loot filter? When I’m grinding cows or something, and I see bolts, arrows, fire/gas potions, any potion that’s not super, or any low quality normal item it gets frustrating. Picking up a bunch of stuff JUST TO SEE THE UNIQUE that I almost missed. This needs to be reworked. It’s quality of life.
-All of these things should have an option.
If you want them off, turn them off and play the basic Diablo 2 with no changes. If you want quality of life. Let us click the option, that way all the purists and elitists can play together, and they don’t have to see noobs like us around. Everyone’s happy.


Conviction works the same against Fire and Cold as it does against Lightning. It’s just Fire and Cold Resistance is much higher than it is for Lightning. The reason Cold is difficult to break is because of Cold Mastery(-Enemy Resistance = -100 once broken for double damage) and the fact Cold is excellent CC with Freeze effects. Fire is difficult because its the Burning Hells… they come from Fire and Brimstone so being extremely resistant/immune to Heat/Fire Damage makes sense(excluding Andariel for some reason…). Fire also has excellent AoE(Fireball, Meteor, Molten Boulder, Volcano, Armageddon, Immolation/Exploding Arrow, need I go on?).

I suppose Lightning could get a modest bump with respect to Monster Resistance so as Infinity is not enough to break it for Light Sorceress/Javazon builds. Thing is that would merely push people towards Paladins/Necromancers and their Magic given the choice.

Yes. At least for terror zones enemy immunities shall changes and be harder to break !

Light cold poison fire physical and magical could be changed per monster type : for better surprises.

we need ladder, who cares terror zones…


vengeance paladin cant hit them and its painfully slow. Always been a problem with vengeance.
Following changes maybe small but i have put a lot of thought in to them. Nothing overpowered.

Please give vengeance 1-2% IAS / hard point.
And boost attack rating through synergies.

When it do be dropping yo

Why is there no further communication?

Yea PTR has been over a week, any updates on what’s next?

Whatever update they have, it must be big enough to render them speechless…

DAD JOKE Muahahahalol :stuck_out_tongue:


Check back next week. Tuesday at the earliest. Labor day weekend; judging by the lack of anything on Blizzard News for today, it is probably a 4 day weekend.

Truth to be told!

Bring us back our game, please

so much entitlement in this thread. im happy about the terror zones, leveling is super slow after lvl 94 even when soloing p8 baal/chaos. This is a substantial addition to the game and some of you actually dismissing it to whine about currency tab/stacking instead.


Corrupted Areas, AKA Terror Zones, are a good addition to the game.

Those would be maps, refer to how Path of Diablo/Project Diablo 2 added maps.

Yes a currency tab would be nice. Again, check out how Path of Diablo/Project Diablo 2 implemented a currency tab.

Check back next week to learn that the PTR is extended and new news will be coming soon. Either that week or if not, the following one.

TLDR; no season 2, just wait season 3 to launch around Christmas time.