Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.4 Balance PTR

Swings so fast and uses crushing blow. Misses are inevitable but not a big deal.

Adding Rune Words is the easiest and safest way to add new items without affecting loot tables tables / drop tables. :smiley:

Itā€™s a PvP skill, so it should have cast delay.

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There are no pvp skills and the game doesnā€™t get balanced around it.


I meant it as ā€œFist of Heavens has more uses in PvP than PvMā€.

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Ye I know. But since the game isnā€™t balanced for pvp itā€™s disappointing that the change doesnā€™t make FoH any more useful in the main part of the game.

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Iā€™d like to see the holybolts from FoH damage all types of monsters. I donā€™t get why they didnā€™t make that change already. Right now, I donā€™t see anyone playing a PvM FoHdin over a hdin.

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Thing is I understand delays from aoe skills like frozen orb or blizzard and even on those skills it sucks but FoH is a single target skill, how are they thinking we gonna clear an area with a ST spell that isnā€™t even doing massive dmg. Lightning does 3-4x the dmg of FOH and is a straight line aoe, chain lightning does 2x the dmg and clears whole packs all without delay

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I donā€™t see anything that changes the current meta.
removal of delays are great, but thats it basically.

runewords are all garbage

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happy to have warcry and druid fire changes.

Also stoked on nova/orb again

Thks! It looks great. Iā€™ve always loved fringe builds and I really like the fact you boosted some of them or opened possibilities to create more. Plz keep the idea of the new runewords becoming doable in non ladder after season ends.

A few suggestions (sorry for my English):

Itā€™s great you putted sinergie to increase dmg of blade sentinel, blade fury and shield blade but I think blade shield is a separate game play (you put it on melee character). Blade fury and blade sentinel are played from range. They use the dmg of the weapon but donā€™t degrade them so you like to use eth weapon. Blade shield degrade the weapon and has no use from range. You want to pair it with other skills.

Druid: thks for all the love :smiley:
Armageddon: Removing all the skill path through artic blast, cyclone armor, twister, tornado, hurricaneā€¦ Itā€™s 5 skill points spent in skills with no use or sinergie with armageddon. Not everybody goes for lvl 99 (I got 3 kids). Sparing those points would open easier hibrid builds (werewolf frenzy/armageddon, armageddon /saumonsā€¦) plz.

Barb: WW need some love at least on the early stage. It would also be very nice if WW would proc effects like rift and so onā€¦ Maybe only half of the time or the quarter of the timeā€¦

Paladin: Iā€™m not a PVP player but I think the FOH cooldown change wonā€™t change anything for PVM and might break PVP. Attacking ā€œonlyā€ twice a second with a single target attack will be really boring really fast. (Iā€™ve tried the FOH PVM back in the day). Making the skill an aoe skill would be great. Or in the lack of better solution maibe not touching itā€¦ After all the skill see play in the game with the PVP.

Fringe ideas:

Putting more attack rating everywhere or changing a bit in general the calcution to hit with melee or range attacks. In normal with double angelic rings and the act 2 merc its still a painā€¦ At least missing hit 25% of the time. Imagine with selfound gear or other merc.

Doubling the space of the character inventory with only half (the existing space) could be used with ā€œactiveā€ charms. Rest of space (new) would be used just to pick up and be real quality of life.

Rename online character option.

More space in stash.

Necro: Just a reflection: Poison nova already works (with gg gear) but (especially on player 8) the necro rely heavily on corps explosion. It might be cool to really kill with it instead of corps explosion same for bones skills.

Thank you for your work! I love this game!

This may have already been covered but does anyone know when the patch is going to be released for the main game? I need to respec but think I should perhaps hold out. Anyone know if itā€™s likely to be days/weeks/months that itā€™ll be released?

positive: good improvements for some useless skills

Negative: Private channels are still broken. How can you just ignore that?
Lobby is a disaster and even game-breaking for Pre-expansion. How can you not care to improve?
The patch does not handle pre-expansion differently. Itā€™s a different game that needs different changes. Bone nec could be overpowered in pre-expansion pvp now.

I hope the opposite. Infy should not be a ticket for godlike damage.

I miss that act 5 barbarians cannot wear axes or dual wield as barbarians do. Would be very cool to give him beast as an alternative to Act 1 merc.


Then they need to fix monsterā€™s lightning resistance to be fair.

Armaggedon will be doing a lot of physical dmg also.

Armageddon will rarely hit enemies. It isnā€™t reliable damage. They should have reworked the skill to be honest.

The only hope is that molten boulder does okay damage along with your merc to handle immunities.

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Im afraid noone has any tears to cry for sorcs that cannot break every single immunity that they want. The Barb gets 0.4 sec extra Frenzy time if they invest in a worthless skill when skill points are already at a premium - oh and the tooltip has been upgraded (?).

Forget the sorcs, give your local Barb a hug.

You do know there are other elemental characters besides sorceresses right? I agree that barbs and melee in general need some love though.

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