Diablo II: Resurrected Ladder Season 8 Coming Soon

Blizzard simply does not give it priorities because they have no clue wtf they are doing, look at mosaic lol, its a complete mess.

D4 tried to come in somewhere between D2 and D3. It was never going to make a splash amongst the D2 Goat D3 bad crowd, and it lacked a lot of the refinement and qol of D3. However, neither D2 nor D3 were perfect out the gate either, and didn’t get much of the refinement that would define them until their expansion. Hell, even before expansion D3 was massively updated over the course of it’s first year. Where D2 stands today in the eyes of it’s playerbase (outside of D2R), didn’t even come until 2 years after the expansion, with an additional year for more of the iconic things like Uber Trist.

ARPGs in the modern day are primarily seasonal, with more games on the market than back in the day of D2. People don’t have to live, breath, and die on a one game hill anymore.
As for Streamers dropping the game, most were primarily D2 people, or those that started with D2R and got lost in the algorithms (at least for Youtube side of things) or were driven out by toxic fanbase that were only interested in D2 (like in Dbrunski’s case). Some went more variety, but still do stream D4 pretty heavily, like Raxx. I was actually surprised to find out that Cooley still plays D4, Iceman plays, even Sweet Phil has a channel for D4. Macrobioboi is big with D4, despite being a big D2 fanboy. GGMentor still plays and covers D4.

Very doubtful. Complete tunnel vision fanboy nonsense. Players play seasons of multiple games, not every gamer is completely tribalistic to one game, one franchise. The reason D2R has nothing new, is because it’s team was cannibalized by D4 crunch getting the game to launch, then putting out fires. It also lost it’s lead dev. The fact S8 has actual bug fixes, the application on Blizzard’s website for a lead engineer for Diablo Legacy titles is proof that D2R has not been completely shelved. Once they get their feet back, I’ll happily throw D2R back into rotation during seasons.

This is a retrospective view. At the launch of Diablo 2 we did not know of the bugs or imbalances, they were fixed over time. And the difficulty for some classes was decreased to make the game more playable (like being able to buy mana pots, more gold drops, and a slightly more generous loot table for some items, then immunities added to counter these changes). Never the less, the core game play and itemization mechanics remained untouched.

The majority of content creators are highly attuned to a select handful of games. People like investing into a single game.

If this was true, the player count would be identical across every single ARPGs. People do choose one over the other.

The job has been taken down now. I found a copy of it.

It is a maintenance role. Anyone picking this up thinking they will be able to change the game will be in for a disappointing time.

Anyway, I’m not getting into a back and forward about this. Words, words, empty words… Action! That’s really what we want to see.


Everyone got their bots ready?


PS5 D2R is still saying it’s Ladder Season 7…

I make it 2 hours and 8 mins from now

Anyonebready to reveal their ladder start char? I’m 50/50 necro or barb right now. Hcl xbox

Season 7, I went druid summons, that was kind of meh, found enough stuff to start another char.

I guess they either forgot to update and pin this post that the season has started, or they just don’t care.

I honestly think a bit of both.

Did they even start the ladder? I haven’t checked, as I don’t really care either, considering it’s largely just a bunch of robots playing the game that Blizzard continues to ignore.

Let me guess ladder is dead already

Layer 8 problem …

It’s funny to see people here complaining about those asking for more updates to the game and saying things like ‘no, because it’s a Remaster’… There have already been many updates in this remaster itself, like sunder charms, some new runewords, etc. These so-called ‘old school’ players preach nothing but stagnation. We can use the same kind of idiotic comment on them: if they don’t want changes, even though they happen anyway, ‘There’s the original game with everything you like, go play that.’

I think you guys don’t take a minute to think about what has been done in D2R and the possibility of always adding something fresh and new within a ‘ladder,’ which doesn’t necessarily have to be added to the ‘eternal realm.’ To make things easier, there’s also a very active community that creates mods and interesting functionalities. With a bit more effort from the marketing side, they could sell more copies of the game every ladder (if you’re looking for a financial argument).

But we understand the lack of interesting updates since it’s not a paid live service, and Blizzard today is all about maximizing profit with the least amount of effort on the released product."

Yeah well unfortunately for the rest of the world that doesn’t have infinite time to waste trolling forums and coordinating with some niche internet cult community like yourself, some of us would appreciate being able to login and set the player count without buying 8 accounts and downloading tertiary software just to play a 25 year old game. I’m sorry to hear that you are too mentally deranged to understand this simple concept.

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You can set the player count to 8…. It’s a setting available to those that play local single player mode.

Can you buff immolation arrow up the damage x3 per second thanks