Diablo II: Resurrected Ladder Season 6 Has Concluded



i’m confused, why did they tell us twice. we already knew.

So EU gets a 12hr head start or are Blizzard employees just so bad with numbers?


Not a single update again. Why does the literal worst gaming company in existence have to have my favorite IP. These people really suck.


No bug fixes. Decoys remain broken.

Sorry but what team? We got nothing new after ±3 months, no changes, no fixes what is that team doing seriously? Where the hell is that team?

You are too harsh, they only had full team to do that as they said.

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I guess you don’t know Funcom

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You guys are feeling ignored? Welcome to the last 20 years of classic (pre-expansion) experience.

Even no extra char. Slots :confused:

you’re currently playing 20 characters?

do you play one each day? or like play one for a few hours each day? one a week? surely there’s one you haven’t used in ages or has a bunch of gear you’re never going to use… riiight.

Ye it is so hard to spend 5 minutes on changing a few numbers in a sheet list for at least some balance changes.

what happens to your low gaming standards ? you ask for more now? .no worry just joking

i`m happy you wake up and are aware of the issue . better late vs never :+1:

sad because this game have way more potencial compare d4
blizzard activion are just very toxic too remove the 25 year old tcp ip from the game

poor ik barb :roll_eyes: at least he have poe :+1:

and Last epoch soon!

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yea your right this look good , i will need to give it a try later

i really enjoy grimdawn right now


I still have my cd for that… But no cd drive anymore. Kinda want to play out again now though haha.

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Only way is to download it somewhere. Last time I tried it on Windows 10 worked fine with resolution mod.

Most wanted is on steam for sale atm, 3 bux

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Looking forward to clashing with other warriors

I guess I’ll be sitting this ladder out. Might idly play some NL, but I guess I’ll be mostly doing another one or two themed passes on BG3.

Maybe I’ll try a solo run and/or an “Oops! All Bards!” party. :smiley:

Translated: We got your money.