Diablo II: Resurrected Ladder Season 10 Now Live

my ~2,5 was based on official Dev video

3 became as fact when they added pure D3 item :slight_smile:

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Not even a hint at a patch or changes. So its dead for me.

I assume 100% of all ressources were poured into D4.
I had some fun with it, but to be honest, I do not see Diablo 4 ever coming close to what fun I had with Diablo 3 over time, let alone Diabo 2, the ultimate king.


I can’t really do D4 anymore. Everything just seems like a prerequisite hassle. Like… I go get my class ability… I have to level up my pots… I have to go to the dungeons I need to get my codex legendaries – all this fine so far, but after this, I should just be able to rush to endgame. But I now have to go to every single stronghold and unlock it. If I don’t, then I will miss legion events. I have to go to the world boss, and time the 1 week loot drop. I have to go level up my sigils. I’ve got to deal with and level the seasonal borrowed power system. I have to pay attention to my paragon route every time I get points and find where I was at. I have to scan thru all my rares and legendaries for the right affixes cause no loot filter, and must do this until all I need is greater affixes. And when I can finally get done with all this prerequisite crap, I can start farming bosses. But I need to do it in a group otherwise I only get 25% of the potential drops. Grouping is mandatory for this. And it’s a major hassle to get people with about the same number of parts you do, or leechers, etc. Not to mention, you have to farm for the body parts. You can’t “just go kill meph”. Like, c’mon.

The whole thing is just a hassle in every way possible. I just want to farm gg items. Like why is this so difficult.

Here I can just rush to Hell meph in public games on day one, and farm meph over and over again to get some great gear. Then I can start farming trav and chaos, etc. I can start mixing it up with terror zones. I’m already playing endgame and farming ggs. No checklist to do. No hassles. Just go. And I might get a tal’s ammy as early as normal. Maybe a SoJ. Always motivation to farm from the first 10 mins into the game. You’re not just getting prerequisite crap and farming unlocks all week so one day you can gg farm in an annoying 4 man pug coordination clusterf with body part prerequisites.

Not enough dopamine return for the hassles involved. Not even close.

And holy crap I hate having to get off my horse every 25 feet to climb up or down a cliff or a zip line.


May actually play this season. Need something to make sense in this world. D2R is at least… a reliable experience.


Yeah. I cant start a new game like since forever. Guess gaming for me stoped at ~2010. Only 3 good games i every played were D2, Atlantica and Cabal. :yawning_face: S.U.N. and MU were ok too.

I wish D2 had some real endgame not just grinding to be better at grinding. Feels like all this time is wasted at the end. And lvls 95+ are just ego trip.

yes we all could use some new content or revamped uniques that nobody uses cus they make your char worse by equipping them

we could use some bug fixes

we could use some item stacking

we could use more char slots

we could all use more more more

but i would be happy with …anything


Give summon druids minions crushing blow or bleed, then i could die as a happy man.

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Imagine doing quests in D2 right ? And 3 times every season…they should unlock all the WPs and add adventure mode for you so you can skip the campaign.
I swear you and ppl like you are the reason why D4 is in current D3 state. They should just give you full geared char or an option to skip everything since you hate the journey.
“Oh I have to do this and that …and I did it alrdy before why should I ?” Why are you playing that game anyway ? Image classic WOW player complaining about doing everything from scratch …we love that, that is why we playing the game. I swear D4 venilla was a great game and since they starting carring everything from renown, altars, map, WPs, ability to skip campaign and most importantly S4 core game rework, that game is rubbish now…a D3 clone.

Give classic the exceptional uniques. We have to play in 1.10 with the monster life buffs at least give us uniques that qualify here as respectable. Or the up recipie for the cube compatable with classic!

Quarterly request for SSF.

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To each their own. Open beta was the best it was, and that was because of the level 25 cap and pre nerf CD sorc build.

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And here we go for another ladder, flooded with bots and cheats, long live the blizzard, congratulations for another failed ladder in 3 days after the start of it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :partying_face: :partying_face: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :tada: :tada: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

make gems / runes stackable please


I play D2 from beginnig…D2R is what i realy except want from future diablo…I was play D3 adn others…for me is D2R still the best…that atmosphere…music…items…and nature…woow.i love it all my life…what about new episode for D2R?maybe some of island wth shoores,woods,mountains,jungle,caves and necromancer castle or somethink like that…thank you for D2R…is the BEST!!!i was pay full price and it was good investition


well said my friend, 100% agree. I’m surprised that more people don’t point this out.

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Solo self found PLEASEEEEEEEE


My body and soul are prepared to hork travincal again.


I have an 8 man friend group that plays and we just trade amongst ourselves and completely eliminate boters/jsp.

Truly glorious.

I am one of two horkers in the group and we just make it rain high runes in tz chaos/cows.


when in blizzard fizer algo and banir bots!I intend to turn this game with my friends.
good luck, now you go play this ladder, give life to everyone and in 2 days the bots will destroy the price of everything! :love_you_gesture: