Diablo II: Resurrected Ladder Season 10 Now Live

An intern with about 3 hours of time could do AMAZING things in this game. Tweaking already existing Uniques and Sets would be so good for instance. Mixing it up a little bit for once. There are many rare ones which are almost useless because of powercreep runewords. Still most people ask for more RWs…!

Anyhow, just wanted to say that Diablo 2 Res could still be amazing with just a tiny bit of effort by the Devs. Was really hoping for Microsoft here.

Also, bring the game to Steam!


Better if they dont touch this game anymore if we dont want another sh1tty mosaic like item or useless rws.


Awesome! Lets GO :smiley:

Great timing , as it wont interfere with other ARPG Leagues. Win - Win :smiley:

Removing Mosaic would be great. Its pure D3 Cancer in D2R.

Also a Bot Banwave would be dope 1 hour before ladder start, and then again on day 2 of ladder for good measure.


no new content in like 2years now.

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How is that WASD update going? :rofl: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Absoluteky, but it’s a lot easier to not overlap something that we all might have in common – which is liking ARPGs. So not overlapping with other popular ARPG seasons is good practice.

oh and i forgot to add. there are a lot of items that you can upgrade to their hell types of items but i wish blizzard would finish the unique items that dont exist yet like an unique archon plate,unique hydraskull, Heater unique. lots of stuff has been done but if you want to keep the game alive, get us some new things since you already broke the game with nigma andtried… to fix it with Mosaic. at least give us more when a new season comes. even 1-2 new unique items would be great and if people complains about it being too easy after it. just release the Terrorized game mode everywhere on the map…am i the only one playing since 2000 ? every old player i talk to wish there where more because theyve done all the runewords possible or found every unique items… Blizz, you have your answer

I cannot even describe how happy I would be if we just got stacking runes/gems. I don’t need new items or runewords or new zones or anything like that at all. Just stacking currency items. That one simple thing that several mods run by unpaid volunteers have somehow managed to implement without any issue at all, but that blizz somehow can’t seem to commit a single hour or dollar toward. No, they wouldn’t make any money from it directly, but the amount of good will they could generate with this one tiny addition would be immeasurable for the people who still play and care about this game, and would be a huge gesture from a company that has apparently long abandoned any sense or semblance of caring about their players. It feels like these companies actively hate or resent you for playing their games. They must think, “anyone still here playing this crap must already hate themselves so why should we give them anything nice?” Or maybe they enjoy watching us wait literal years for the tiniest crumbs and laugh as we pathetically squabble amongst ourselves while picking them up off the floor.


So…when does the current season end? I feel like that is information that should have been included? Did I miss it?

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same as all seasons have been I would believe. soon as new season starts old season ends. Usually I think its around 15 mins or so before new season goes live.

Aww okay I’m used to the D3 seasons where it ends then there’s like a week before season thx

i took a 15 year break. been back 2 months now

they always come back lol

Season 11 patch notes will fix this.


I want to remind Microsoft that the acquisition of Activision Blizzard was allowed because it was good for gamers. I don’t see any development here.

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D2:R is a 25 year old game, why would they want to further develop a game that makes no money?


Sorry to be this one who has to correct u again, but D2R was released on September 23, 2021.

…and there is a lot of qol, bug fixes and other changes which all makes D2R different game from OG D2LoD 1.14d and earlirt vers and especialy OG D2CL 1.0 from 2000y.


I see that you still won’t accept that D2:R is a remaster of an old game. Keep living in a dream world. Your problem, not mine.

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Sorry again, but D2R is not pure upscaled remaster, there are many many changes

in scale remaster = 1 remake = 5,

D2R is like ~2,5 atm or even 3 after Mosaic release :laughing:

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That’s your opinion, which you are entitled to. It’s not a fact.

The same applies to my views.

But, the one thing I think we can both agree on is the more change that comes to D2:R, the less of a remaster D2:R is.

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