Ladder Season 10 begins on March 7! Muster the might to liberate Sanctuary’s denizens from sinister influences as you race to Level 99.
Botter season 10 soon…
RMT shops, get your bot rings ready! Wallet warriors, get your prepaid VISAs ready! JSP users, get ready to muscle your way up the ladder with your massive piles of fools gold!
The link to the full article is a 404 error.
Give Raymond the Janitor a break, he’s pulling triple shifts.
Great, another season without teleport for Shape Shifters.
this game is dead 0 new content
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do some changes… increase strafe on zone by 2% per lvl… increase synergies to Tesladin… Increase druid (all specs) … Increase summon necro… poison necro… bone necro… anything so p8 isnt a FREAKING DRAG for them… PLEASE do something dont just give us a fresh restart where mosaics can 1 shot the world.
Looks like WASD movement is on indefinite hold, can’t spare an intern or the janitor a couple days to fix the issues apparently.
Lmao just perfect that the link leads to a 404 error, pretty much sums up Blizzard’s stance on anything Diablo 2
I’m a happy man, new season and enough time before heading back to work.
The link Blizz posted doesn’t work, but I copied the info down for people.
Sanctuary’s denizens will be happy to set their sights on you again, traveler.
Countless demons have met their timely demise at the end of your weapon, yet their onslaught doesn’t relent. Sanctuary needs a savior! Return on March 7 to wreak havoc among the Burning Hells’ ranks in Ladder Season 10!
Ladder Season 10
Our previous Ladder Seasons for Diablo II: Resurrected have showed just how adept adventurers were at saving Sanctuary, racing to be the first to cement their names on the Leaderboard, while striking fear into the tormented hearts of their demonic adversaries in the process.
Ladder Season 10 will usher in a new opportunity for brave adventurers to race to Level 99 and amass powerful loot along the way. We cannot wait to see which determined souls carve their name into the Leaderboard this time.
Ladder Season 10 Launch Timing:
North America | March 7, 5 p.m. PST |
Europe | March 8, 2 a.m. CET |
Asia | March 8, 10 a.m. KST |
As with previous seasons, Ladder Season 10 will feature different modes:
Pre-Expansion Ladder | The standard version of Ladder play that encompasses only the original four acts. |
Pre-Expansion Hardcore Ladder | The hardcore (only one life) version of Ladder play that encompasses only the original four acts. |
Ladder | The standard version of Ladder play that encompasses five acts, as it includes the “Lord of Destruction” expansion content. |
Hardcore Ladder | The hardcore (only one life) version of Ladder play that encompasses five acts, as it includes the “Lord of Destruction” expansion content. |
For those new to Ladder Seasons, you might be wondering what happens to your Shared Stash loot once the current season ends.
Once Ladder Season 9 ends, all Ladder characters will be transferred to their respective non-ladder group. All items in that character group’s Shared Stash go into a new Withdraw Only set of Shared Stash tabs, denoted by a check marked Past box. Any items from Ladder Season 8 stored in the Withdraw Only tabs will be lost at this time. You will have all of Ladder Season 10 to withdraw any items you would like to keep from Season 9. When Ladder Season 10 ends, this withdraw only set of Stash Tabs will be overridden with any items in the Ladder Season 9 Shared Stash. Be sure to get any items out before then or they will be forever lost!
May your Ladder race be filled with fiends to eviscerate and bountiful loot.
-The Diablo II: Resurrected Team
Poison Necros are pretty good I think. I’m finishing off mine to 99 just before the reset. Agree on everything else, though.
i wish like you we could teleport when in druid form but i wish even more to be able to place some skills i want on my left click and there are some you can and some you cant and until you have put point in the skill, you dont know !I WISH TO SEE ITEMS ON GROUND IF THEY ARE ETH OR NOT
i wish we could teleport when in druid form but i wish even more to be able to place some skills i want on my left click and there are some you can and some you cant and until you have put point in the skill, you dont know !why cant i place my skill where i want to ?I WISH TO SEE ITEMS ON GROUND IF THEY ARE ETH OR NOT, im tired of checking EVERY GREY ITEMS
This game is also low price, one time purchase. At this point i dont know who pais for the servers power.
Great timing. Thanks for not overlapping it with other popular ARPG seasons.
Someone will always be inconvenienced. Game, job, future significant other, it doesn’t matter. It happens.
Hooray, life-supporting mode version 10 is coming. I cannot wait to play it, good job, Blizzard.
Hilarious the link is a 404, and the forum’s own neighborhood dark Jedi had to save the day with a workaround to the details intended to be shared to us by Blizz.
Here is a proper link:
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