Diablo has invaded sanctuary in my game but can't find him?

I made a game and right away screen shook and i got the message. I looked in about 6 different spots to spawn him and so far no luck? What gives?

Blizz owes me an anni. I am still in the game where the message says he invaded sanctuary and shook the screen etc. Yet he is nowhere to be found.

Bumping to keep this up so you can get an answer ( I don’t know what’s the issue though)

Be sure not to leave out any details no matter how insignificant they may seem.
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What spots are you checking? Are you checking areas with super unique monsters? Rakanishu for example.

nvm :arrow_down:

nah its bs, I had gotten forced to leave the game. I was only in act1 on my barb just starting out In Hell mode. I checked all super unique boss locations according to this:

First place I looked was cold plains at Bishibosh since that was as far as I had gotten in Hell A1 on my barb and after that the hunt was just a rat race all the way into jail level 2 where i ran out of teleport charges and got rushed by fantacism extra fast mob and nearly died. Anyways, I saved my barb in HC and thats what counts.

R.I.P anni

Here is the list of super unique locations i checked:

Corpsefire Zombie 4 39 82 Den of Evil A
Bishibosh Fallen Shaman 5 3942 7169 Cold Plains A
Bonebreaker Skeleton 5 40 86 Crypt A
Blood Raven Corrupt Rogue Archer 10 39 83 Burial Grounds Blood Raven
Coldcrow Dark Ranger 7 39 80 Cave Level 1(Cold Plains) A
Rakanishu Carver 8 4042 7169 Stony Field B
Treehead WoodFist Brute 8 4142 7169 Dark Wood B
Griswold Undead 8 4266 7966 Tristram Griswold
The Countess Dark Stalker 11 4545 8266 Tower Cellar Level 5 Countess
The Smith The Smith 13 43 73 Barracks Smith
Pitspawn Fouldog Tainted ← Failed to find this location, but I am pretty sure it wouldnt have mattered

I also have the original screenshot of the message that he spawned in my game. With Screen Shake, I guess my game was bugged.

I was under the impression they he will spawn at the first super unique boss location, apparently that isn’t true. At least in my case.

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I was in A4 when he spawned, I went to hit chaos sanctuary, he spawned instead of the Grand Vizier. :slight_smile:

I got. 20/20 anni so no need to worry about him. Thx for sharing.

Jail 2, there is one more tho, Bone Ash in inner cloister.

Thx Zax I’ll get right on that. What would I do without you!?

Haha dont worry, I didnt see its old topic :slight_smile:

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Just happened to me on non-ladder online. I went though your entire list, and nada. Though it was a game without a password… folks coming in and out I cant preclude the fact that it was pilfered. I was doing straight up Mephisto runs, and retraced those steps also. little bummed out

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I’m sure you guys moved on and figured this out, but I can tell you my experience: I was in a solo Hell game farming Chaos Sanc when the message popped up. I had no idea what it meant, but when I opened the first Seal, instead of the Grand Vizier, Diablo popped out.

Yea it bugged out for me too and didnt get him