Tried (3) times to get the Diablo clone. Each time I’ve tried I go into the game and right to Tristam avoiding killing anything along the way (No Merc). Once there I clear it out and leave. Once The game says Diablo has invaded I go back and there is nothing there. Blizzard sucks for console gaming.
Since you never mentioned it I have to ask. Are you in Hell mode? Why not sit in town until he walks?
Dclone walk timer is 10 minutes of the hour. Try using Frigid Highland for quick access to Dclone once walked. There are other close areas but I find this very convenient.
Next time check a different area if he didnt spawn there.
That’s not how it works. Just wait in a game until it says Diablo has invaded sanctuary, then go to any super unique (Eldritch, rakanishu, fire eye) and Diablo clone will replace them.
He doesn’t appear in Tristram. I think you are confusing Diablo clone with the Ubers.
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