Diablo Clone messages in single player games

Today while playing in my single player game I was seeing the Diablo Clone Server progression messages:

  1. Terror gazes upon Sanctuary.
  2. Terror approaches Sanctuary.
  3. Terror begins to form within Sanctuary.
  4. Terror spreads across Sanctuary.
  5. Terror is about to be unleashed upon Sanctuary.
  6. Diablo has invaded Sanctuary.

After the last message I went to Super-Unique spawn locations but I was not able to find him. Then I saw the thread tracking the spawn progression and I noted the time of his spawn is very close to the same time I saw the message in my single player game.
I was not selling Stone of Jordans rings.
I think I was seeing the messages for the online game in my single player.
Any comments?


I got the same message while playing offline and actually came here looking for answers. The weird thing is, I’m currently playing in nightmare. Maybe the message goes out to all users to prep people to get in an online game?

I’m going to assume that it is a bug, unless they are tying it to non-ladder to give SP players a chance to log into NL and get a shot at Dclone. It would be neat however if they did officially tie this into SP, give sort of a randomness factor similar to the SOJ counter in Plugy.

Diablo Clone definitely does NOT spawn in single player games when you see these messages. I know because I checked every super-unique I could think of after seeing the last message in my single player game. Then I logged in on my online character into Hell difficulty and the message is at the beginning again.

Got my first Anni ever, 16/19/9. Pretty stoked about it. He wasn’t too terribly hard, but then, I have 20 hard points into Static Field because of my build. Cheers!

As I understand it - you have to be online.
You can be the only person in the online game.
It will say “Diablo has invaded Sanctuary” as the phrase when a spawn is possible.
I went to Eldritch off the 2nd Act V waypoint and there he was. He died, Anni dropped.

I think everyone gets the messages so if you are on an Anni hunt you can swap over to a Hell game in time.

If you swap over to an online game when you see these messages offline your character will have missed the spawn and will be at the beginning of the cycle again. You can check by typing /uberdiablo

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I never knew this. Thanks!

I suggest you read the patch notes.

Actually did, but only the parts i was interested about, not the whole thing

Sure if you wait until after the sixth stage, but the point is you can see it progressing then make the hell game before he invades.

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I’ve been killing him on my cold sorc since two days ago and somehow completely forgot that I have static field.

Feeling pretty dumb right now lol


I just left a character I could kill him with in-game and managed to get 2 in 2 days.

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Yeah this is why they may need to change how this works again. Everyone is just going to be afk all day non stop waiting on dclones.

Its weird, sometimes it acts like if you are online even in offline mode. Like I was playing the other day and suddendly i saw chat message about me leaving trade chat :smiley: