Diablo 4 is awful - update this game devs, we need you

See title. D4 is another failure.

You are our only hope for an actually decent game.


Paraphrased: “you crapped the bed, again, the game you made is trash, you’re a failure. So please be nice to me by giving me what I want to be happy. Thanks, you’re the best”


Close. I don’t care if they are nice about it though.

From what I understand the D2R team is on the D4 team and they are all co-workers and most likely friends. Imagine some chump hurling trash at your friends and then turns to you and says “be my friend?”

You gave them your money!?

Honestly, if people would not support a poor product then they might think outside of Diablo 3 style cash grab.


Too bad we can’t do a d2r gofundme for blizz where players can fund an account that blizz can withdraw from based on what the playerbase approves. Unless they keep updating the game to our standards then they can’t continuously withdraw funds. Pipedream I know.

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Who cares, some are terrible at their jobs, and others aren’t. This is business my guy.

D2R team did a better job.

And who’s asking to be anyone’s friend. You saying some weirdo stuff, you okay?


Or you’re just too stupid to get my very clear point.

You insult them then ask them to do something for you. It’s moronic. Under 70 IQ moronic.

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“D4 is bad… Oh hey devs that made D4, I like D2:R, keep changing D2:R.”

Makes zero sense. Sorry.

What do you want them to do? Turn D2:R into a pile of poo as well? They’ve already made their mark on D2:R somewhat. Leave well enough alone.


nvm him , he always insults other that are not agree with him and most of the time he so far out just report him

I mean.
If they have integrity and are professional rather than emotional, they will understand.

If my team at work does something wrong or are forced to do something wrong by management, that won’t make me defend my coworkers from criticism or think less of those that criticize our work – as a self-aware and generally aware individual, I would understand the complaints and think less of our management, not our consumers, for criticism against our products.

I want and would want my intellectual work to be consumed by and loved by intelligent consumers, and I would avoid working for someone that wants to steal money from children or otherwise prey on the weak.


YOU criticize the developers far harsher than the original poster, by assuming all of them are part of a hivemind without independent thoughts, that mindlessly will jump on to defend ‘their own’ against legitimate criticism, however constructive that might be, and assume that you have to manipulate them like 6 year olds to get them to do what you want instead of being honest and treating them like independent adults with minds and opinions of their own.

If it is not obvious what the RPG-segment of the community would think of Diablo 3 and Diablo 4, then Blizzard needs to up their hiring requirements to include a puzzle box with triangle, square and round pegs.

It is obvious that players that love dark and gritty roleplaying games and want another game such as that won’t like action arcade games set to the universe – when they’ve craved more of Diablo 2 style games since 2001.

It’s just as obvious that we’re going to get more frustrated when we’re literally 22 years since Diablo 2, and they’ve still not made another Diablo game based on the Diablo-game ‘ruleset’.

By these standards for a Diablo game, Diablo 3 and 4 are both obvious thrash.

They’re not thrash by other standards, necessarily, but as Diablo games with the expectation of them trying to follow the rules and physical laws of Sanctuary as laid out by Diablo 1 and 2… they are most definitely.


I like classic Blizzard and I bet most do. If they could get that spark they once had then maybe they would have more happy customers willing to pay for a premium product.

Sorry but I called it long before it released!

Compell me to buy Diablo 4, I dare ya!

No, he’s laying down facts and logic. You, on the other hand, can’t refute his argument and are resorting to gaslighting because :clown_face:

I agree that D4 is just a pile of garbage and maybe worse then Early D3 was, But as much as we all would love some love for D2R like a higher difficulty or some new zones (Like Act 4) This game is 20+years old and there will likely never be added content just QOL changes, slight balance changes, bug fixes and server maintenance.

Only hope is Phil Spencer was a huge Diablo 2 fan and with Microsoft buying Blizzard he may very well have a small team work on some D2R stuff. With talk about putting Diablo series on Gamepass it could bring more people to the game and could very well light that fire, however I feel that is a pipe dream and likely will not happen but hey it could.

Keep your unsolicited stupid opinion to yourself, but I need you to listen to me - you also failed to see my obvious point. OP needs something from the devs, yet starts out with an insult. My point is about OP trying to attract flies with dog crap instead of honey.

By the way, the game made more than 2/3s of a billion dollars in 5 days and it’s the fastest selling Blizzard game ever, which changes nothing regarding my opinion of them - I know they are not going fix what I want them to fix.

They are all getting bonuses and having a celebration party.

Their game is a smash hit and highly profitable and will be for the next decade even if only 1% of the initial customers remain loyal to the game. Add to that the financial success of D:I and D2R.

No kidding. Make either D2 or D4 good. Or just make D3 even better than it already is. Its King on the hill alone.
I’d rather play S29 than do anything in D2 or D4 right now.

You are wrong, and you continue to assume Blizzard employees don’t understand they’re being abused into making fast food, instead of the gourmet they problably hoped to make.

I’m taking Blizzard’s talents seriously, and so is the original poster.
You’re suggesting that we try to manipulate people and suggest they won’t be aware of the truth of the matter, assume the devs are without integrity nor reflection.


You attract more flies with honey, because flies are almost mindless.
You can trick masses with flatter, because masses are easily manipulated.

Sane, self-aware and intelectually upright people can be reached with honesty – they’re going to take a shower if you try to smear them with honey, and I’m still speaking figuratively.

Flattery, senseless praise, is the single worst thing I know of, on the same level as senseless criticism.

McDonalds makes billions.
I will buy Baldur’s Gate 3 – not Diablo IV.

I can’t stand the level matching and almost pointless skill system.

My career is in software engineering. Most of us have a “will code for food” mindset. Some call it golden handcuffs. We do what the powers that be want because they put money in our bank accounts. That’s just the way it is. If you try to “fight the good fight” you will eventually end up on the street. It’s not abuse if we’re benefitting from it. Now, let me say this, if YOU want to “fight the good fight”, join the indie game scene and create the game you want. No one is stopping you.

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The only assuming going on is you about me and the Blizzard devs, and good job quoting me out of context. How can you be so stupid and arrogant to think the dev team is not proud of the hard work they have done under whatever pressure and deadline they may have had? I mean seriously, are you that stupid?

It took Blizzard North more than 3 years after release to get D2 to a place where they were happy enough to walk away from the game, yet many were not happy with the results. It took Blizzard 2 years to get D3 in a good place and moving forward after release, yet again, many were not happy with the results. Even though “we don’t have phones”, D:I was a smash hit that no one likes (yeah, Blizzard really cares about your opinion). It took them about 2 years after release to get D2R where they wanted so they could walk away from it, and yet again, lo and behold, a lot of players are still not happy with the game. D4 is still very much in development and will be for the next few years - just like every other pc game in the franchise.

Add to that all the hate Blizzard gets for all their other games.

You’re the one without integrity of thought and certainly without reflection.

Your’s, OP’s, mine and anyone else with a negative opinion regarding D4 is not honesty, it’s opinion. The current mental and emotional state of the average Blizzard gamer is entitlement. The devs do not give a rat’s butt about your opinion. You’re delusional to think otherwise.

“Blizzard Devs, you did a crappy job with D4 and I hate it, give me what I want instead!” Pure delusion and hubris, yet typical of the modern gamer.

You thinking “honey” means flattery indicates that you don’t understand the allegory. No flattery or praise is required to ask them to work on D2R. The fact your brain can’t see that speaks volumes regarding your pretend righteousness. Like OP, can you not form sentences asking Blizzard to continue working on D2R while not hurling insults? If you can, that would be called honey.

By the way, I agree with this statement below, but it’s an insult to the D2R devs. It implies the D2R devs have yet to deliver a good game. They will not take the comment as constructive criticism.

“Devs, D4 is crap, and D2R isn’t good yet, gimme a good game!”