Diablo 2 Resurrected not launching?

I have tired everything i can think of to reinstalling - updating drivers. I can’t get Diablo 2 resurrected to launch. When i press play it then says “playing” then i just stops and it goes back to play? I would really like more help with this problem.


Same. I can´t get Diablo 2 resurrected to launch.

I’ve been having the same issue for months. I’ve posted before and no one from Blizzard has been addressing the issue.

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yo juego en el sistema operativo linux mint 21.3, segun los requisitos minimos parece que no puedo jugar, tengo 8gb de ram y una nvidia 920m de 2 gb

It would be great if we received a response from staff.

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I just bought the game with the current sale and im in the Same boat, Play > Launching > Now Playing > Back to PLAY, never does anything.


My game also will not launch. Great to see no help.

I have same problem already 2 days
I just bought ps5 version of the game but still can’t join Battle.net servers
I changed my Internet provider solely because of Diablo IV, cuz I had a high ping and the game often crashed
Now I’ve bought Diablo 2 and I can’t even log in

Blizzard, are you seriously?
Do you have no respect for your fans at all?

They clearly don’t. This is happening with me as well.

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Good to see nothing has changed with the stability of this game.

Still having problems launching. Press play on PC and then … nothing.

same problem, wrote a ticket, waited hours and got only a AI standart answer with try updates, drivers and such stuff everybody does at first before writing this problem.

i want to play diablo, i play the button play and then the launcher close, i get crash window from d2r with alway another ID Code but whats the problem is or anything. nope. after the crash the launcher comes up again like nothing happend and the play button shines again… thats it.

Blizzard/Activision will not receive another cent from me in any game until they fix D2R. They must be doing this on purpose so we play other games that will cost us money.

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