Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder reset date

Ha. People posting … and saying it’s the 16th like I didn’t read that hours ago already. Don’t get why people can’t just see the simple question I’m asking.

Season 3 does not mean a ladder reset.

Yes, it generally does, and when the post actually says the words, ladder reset, why cant you take that as the answer?
You are being intentionally ignorant.

Generally, it does. Yes. But it doesn’t say reset. You get that yet? It should read season 3 and ladder resetting Feb 16th, but it doesn’t. This has nothing to do with ignorance?

Season is D3 terminology. There’s LADDER RESET and new THEME.
In legacy D2x Blizzard will just reset ladder time to time for fresh start.
D2R team is trying to follow D3 concept. We have Seasons with Ladder Reset AND new things that will be available IF you make ladder character for NEW SEASON.

I understand how ladder works, thanks for that. I’m going to lol pretty hard if it doesn’t reset that day. And yes I have already scheduled work off for it because I’m extremely vested into it.

Wow, you are really being a d1ck because of some terminology? Go away… This is 100% saying, Ladder is resetting with the term, “ending”

They are referring to “ladders” as “seasons” now… Hopefully that clears up any confusion.

Go away? No one is forcing you to reply here. My question wasn’t answered and it can’t by you so why are you even talking? Seriously.

It was answered, many times.

This is fun watching you spin lol.

I hope you’re right. This is one of the best things to happen each year and I look forward to it quite a bit.

Its the 16th, lock it in, get the snacks, plan the day off.

Ha it’s fun to reply too. I don’t mind. As I said before, I’m sure it will reset that day too but the verbiage isn’t the best, per usual as Blizzard’s PR.

Next ladder is a bore. Skip.

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Or the best one yet now that we have had a full season of Sunders, TZ, ect… Hopefully more stuff is released and certain things fixed as well.

It should be the best with those additional things put into the game. I’m all for new content and items. I’m glad they are continually improving it and making the game better.

Wish we had things like set jewels and being able to buy gems from vendors.

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you are the most obtuse individual I have ever seen. Multiple people linked you the post. They are using the same terminology regardless if it fits into your little box of requirements. The ladder is resetting on the 16th.

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People like him are the reason the devs don’t chat with us on the forums

They tell you the date of the new season and he starts crying that they didn’t write it in a 1000 words essay so it can satisfy his stupidity


Dude, what are you even talking about lol. You play 22 years? Ladder reset and new season is the same damn thing. Season 3= ladder reset.

Yes, it absolutly does, when new season starts its the ladder reset.

Seriously what is wrong with you :joy:?

Jesus yall get Jebaited so easily. This thread is Redonkulous

Indeed. It was a simple question. D3 has seasons. Funny seeing everyone so triggered over nothing.

I’m also the most obtuse you’ve ever seen? Wow. You should get out more. Also, nice Shawshank reference.