Diablo 2 Resurrected is better than D3 change my mind

would be a near insurmountable task given the prevalence of cognitive dissonance in society and on these forums.

LoL comes down to who has best gear, build and level as well haha. Get lucky with last pick counter the champ and face stop lane get rich and snowball. But both D2 and D3 do have flaws but I still find D2 more fun just because I am i fan of the PvP which I understand many are not.

^ I found that one guy that shows up to parties uninvited.

For you, yes. for me, maybe. For some guys who would spend 2-4 hours per week in gaming diablo 3 is good, fact.

Incorrect. Sorry to break it to you. It’s not a good game. Nothing you say or type changes that. Boohoo. Next.

I dont think anyone want that :joy:

Correct. Why? Because there a some guys who playing D3. Stable fact. You dont need to answer, because you cant win.

Diablo 3 is horrible. Fact. Next.

You dont need to answer, because you cant win.

D2 has always been my favorite.

Once upon a time, Diablo 3 was a fun (and extremely hard) game to play. Then Loot 2.0/Reaper of Souls came out. Now it’s a pretty button smashing fest with a monsoon raindown of legendary/set items. D3 has become an example of how excessive powercreep can ruin a game.

That’s great. It’s a terrible game and that is a fact. Anything else?

Can you proof it? Well… no :slight_smile:

Diablo 3 is actually pretty fun to run through once, but it’s not the type of game I’d throw thousands of hours at.

I beat it maybe 3 times and enjoyed it everytime, although the story sucks balls. Probably won’t touch it again however.

But yeah it’s definitely the worst out of the three by far

There is a huge difference between grinding 10000 hours to be get gear, and 40 mins in a match.

sry but what is NOT better than D3 ?.. there is not much…

Don’t need to it’s a known fact. Not hard to understand. Anything else?

You sound like a anti vaccine person.

Jep. Without anything of a proof your comments are trolling trash, facts :slight_smile: You cant proof anything kid.

That’s really cool. Anyways - Diablo 3 is a horrible game. Next.

proof it or it didnt happen :slight_smile: Maybe D3 is the best game for you? known facts?