Diablo 2: Refunded

I’m throwing in the towel. Constant crashing in game after bug reports and attempts to fix it.

Have to say I’m thoroughly disappointed by the release. I didn’t buy this game to be a beta tester.

I was expecting a graphics upgrade, QoL changes and reduced latency problems.

Instead we got:

  • ugly, manly Amazon. Barbarian on life support
  • constant crashing, server downs and rollbacks.
  • minimal QoL. Instead of just ripping all of the PD2 QoL improvements we only got a few. No fast ID, no consistent quick drop / quick move of items. No loot filtering whatsoever. Ideally there would be one allowing maximum customization like PD2 for progressive filtering, name shortening, and just hiding trash (ie hand axes, bolts, arrows). A filter for searching game titles and duration.
  • theres still a huge delay to fetch game info from while in the lobby (ie how long game is up, how many players are in it).

And there’s easily more fixes they could make before possibly delving into any of controversial changes like buffing the drop rates to be default p5/p7/whatever, rebalancing the classes so that you can actually start melee, end game mapping, actually difficult dclone / Ubers, non trash a1/a3/a5 mercs etc.

Worst of all is that modding and private realms aren’t allowed (and actively being prevented) so blizzard can’t even rely on free labor to improve the game.

This game is a conservative 6-12 months from being release ready. Probably more than that.

Appealed for refund. Here goes.


Umm… Remasters are never, and should never, be about changing the core game. If you play WoW classic, you don’t sit their and cry about not getting all the QoL from the latest version of WoW. You play it for that classic feel, the challenge, and the fun of it.

Being salty because the game offers exactly that is pretty sad to be honest… So go on, get your refund, and move along, one less person who doesn’t understand anything about game development clogging up the forums crying about servers being down.


Yep that’s a correct assessment of what I asked for, core game changes.


Honestly, I love d2, but you aren’t wrong.

The quality of this game is honestly worse than a f2p steam game. crashes, constant server issues, chat bugs, general bugs from 20 years ago. Lastly…the remaster isn’t even than good, the PC’s have some nice skins, but they cut corners on the zones and monster models.

but, whatever. game will always be fun (when you can play it).


You are right. It offers all the old bugs, wait times, long game entry, long wait for details of a game in lobby, random crashes and rollbacks, yes indeed, it does feel like I am playing on a 56K modem again. VERY AUTHENTIC.


I asked for a refund too but got a no and a very rude answer. Hope your goes well, and maybe if enough people ask for it they will make a mass one.


I would also like to put in for a refund. I am tired of owning a copy of a game I cannot play. I’m not sure how to file a refund request. Can you please let me know the steps.


I WANT THAT, sooo tired of act 2 Merc


Take your mod promotion elsewhere.

I agree, game is in garbage condition, but game does NOT need PD2 in it. Go play Pd2. Problem solved.


you had me at hello.


I Would settle for a functioning Server at this point. Seems pretty basic to me.


your asking for core game changes. That will never be realistic reality when remastering a games GRAPHICS. if you don’t like what you see you can leave but we got exactly what was excepted on that aspect. as for server stability there is no justification on there end.


Can I haz your stuff?


Welp, I am sorry you didn’t enjoy your time here.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy the experience we have versus complain about the experience we wont get.

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money back .please.

got enough…

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Hope the ~next game~ is more enjoyable for you.

Nah, I don’t agree that anything I put before stating controversial changes would be core game changes.

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I refunded my pre-order before the game came out because any name that starts with “Se” is considered offensive (still not fixed) as well as some other issues that I ran into before even starting gameplay in closed beta (having to either have an ugly white bar on the top of your screen or hit windows key to reach other monitors, and the subtitles being ugly and on by default on the videos). They were able to refund me, but that was before the game released. They said “usually” they do not refund, but said something about the Primeval bundle or something I got and how I already had purchased D3 or something they would allow it and gave me my money back.

I eventually got bored enough to buy the game again though. Everything was great until this past weekend and today. Servers down (just in the mornings) Saturday, Sunday, Monday… then fixed for the rest of the day til the next morning. It really sucks - I lost an Oculus on Saturday and haven’t gotten a single good drop since then despite playing many, many hours farming NM and through many crashes each day. I’ve considered asking for a second refund, but I’m going to hold off though since the game has been incredible outside of the technical issues. I really hope they figure it out and soon.


Spoilers: None of you are getting refunds. Your only option is a bank chargeback but you can likely kiss the whole Blizz account the game is on goodbye for ‘fraud’. May actually be a bonus if you are as done with Blizz’s BS as some people clearly are and want to fully divest of any remaining ties to them.


Not true based on Warcraft 3 refunded.