Diablo 2 lvl 99 used to be a once in a lifetime achievement grind

Now people will get it by accident after a few months of casual TZ farming lul. If TZ were a thing at launch I would already be 99 for sure XD. Good stuff.

I’m all for new farming zone, but did you have to make max level as meaningless as WoW max level? Classic WoW lvl 60 was probably harder than what D2R lvl 99 did just became.


LOD still exist.

aren’t we too old for this whining about a remaster to an old “donkey” game

most of us in our 30’s and 40’s now that grew up on diablo I mean don’t we get tired of crying over and over and over and over about something that doesn’t even matter.

ok people are going to get to lv 99 sooner how does that affect any of us?

be happy they brought a little life to the game once M$ takes over acti and blizzard who knows what they will do with diablo franchise.


I don’t know, I like to whine about the game … the same way your post history is you whining 100 times about other people whining. I care about what the game used to be, you care about what people post on this dead forum. We have our hobbies.


That game still exist.
just old graphics


Lots of people didn’t have a chance to get just one character to level 99 and now they do.

If the goalpost has been moved then why not just move with it? You’ve got 20 character slots, let’s see you get 20x level 99 characters.


maybe you should stop playing video games then, manlet

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Which is a great thing. Ladders are 4 months and drop rates/ exp should be adjusted accordingly. Old D2 ceased support so they never adjusted it but it was easier to Level 99 - this is the true authentic Diablo II experience as we know and love, preserved!

D2: LoD still exists. Loving the replies here. Healthy adults have a life (and even other hobbies too) so no one wants to grind forever.


LoD with updated graphics is the answer.

There is simply no going back on this debacle.


Once in a life time to hit 99 is too long.

Extremely fast I also an issue though

Not needing to kill the same three bosses as the only Source of Xp is an amazing change

The speed is the problem


Since when was reaching 99 meaningful beyond superficial bragging rights? Even more so in softcore? Most builds are pretty much done when you reach 80-90, the rest is just loot grind anyway.

Artificially extending the game when it lacks any true endgame is not good design.


Oh and I forgot just a reminder: Ladder 1 had its first level 99 in 8 days only. Once in a lifetime and this patch destroyed the game for sure!!! :roll_eyes:

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Unfortunately, blizzard only knows how to make a certain type of game. Stat sticks and everyone at level caps so things can be gated. They have no clue how to develop D2 in any other way.


Yeah, but nowadays everybody needs to be a winner.
Next ladder achievements will be added to the game I guess.
The first will be “Kill you first monster.” because of course that’s quite an achievement.
Somehow people it seems people want to be rewarded for doing even the most basic actions without the need to spend time on them.


By the way, check out project 1999. Everuqest classic has been around for 2 and a half decades and the populations are astounding. IT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT GAME EVER!

Daybreak made regen servers but they arent as popular, because they made it so easy.

This D2R business is shortlived nonsense. 10p arcade 1 button foolishness.

Thats why there are no chats, console lobbies or keyboard mouse access to consoles. You arent supposed to type. You are supposed to click the stick in 1 direction and press your one and only attack skill endlessly.

Why terrorzones werent in anyway harder than other zones, but gave the best possible exp and loot is crazy.

If sundercharms are so amazing - just make that the only change to terrorzones. Want a sundercharm? farm terror. Want something else? Go somewhere else.

First Ladder was finished in 8 days. EIGHT DAYS!!!
Yeah man, patch totally destroyed D2! :roll_eyes:

Go play LoD. Stop whining.


Yeah streamers using slaves as XP farm isnt the real problem!


Heres the thing, i and many others would. If those graphics get ported over, i bet more would play there than here.


Then isn’t it way smarter to ask for “LoD” mode, then to complain about changes and be so negative?

I mean I would support your case.


Can i have LoD mode then please? :slight_smile: