Diablo 2 LOD - Merge Realms

As D2R hit the market it took away a lot of the players from Lord of Destruction

There is still a decent sized community collectively amongst the realms and a lot of time and effort has been put into the accounts that we all have today.
Let alone alot of these items will never exist on D2R ( 08 Windforce, Viperbludgeon, Zbugged Jala/Arreats/Shako) The list can go on…

Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction is one the the greatest games to be ever created

In the past they were able to put the Asia Realms together which leads me to my question… Can Uswest/Useast/Europe all be put into one realm and what would it take for this to happen?
Or do you only have access to the realm sort of like D2R?

There is a lot of talk amongst the communities for the hope that one day this can happen to keep the nostalgia alive and so that we can all play the game together as it is on D2R

I think it would have a positive impact in the D2 Community

Thanks for your time

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The primary reason the original game has different realms is so the majority of players around the globe have access to at least an adequate server to play on connection wise. (barring any other connection limitations/problems outside of Blizzards connection to the world in that region.)

Merging all of the realms together into one realm would mean simply removing two of the three realms, and expanding the remaining ones capacity to handle the increased workload. This would also mean that a larger part of the globe would be forced to play online with high ping times and greater chances for both lag spikes and packet loss due to having to route halfway (or farther) around the globe.

The client/server netcode that the original game was built on doesn’t play well with ping spikes or packet loss, and eventually results in being dropped from the game. “Your connection has been interrupted.”

D2:R was able to get around this via the D2:R graphics “shell”, which in addition to the enhanced graphics, has updated netcode functionality which enables the game to communicate with the modern Battle.net server platform. The original game is still working with the original Battle.net servers which don’t have multi-regional multi-access capabilities.

Now, as technology evolves, specifically our internet infrastructure, this may become more plausible. Starlink is a promising step towards the reality of a low latency and reliable global internet infrastructure, but it’s not quite there yet.

This is sort of why i threw in there the idea that we can at the least enter the other realms instead of combining them like d2r.

A lot of the community is Melee driven… don’t need the best ping for this.

Also would pretty cool for the trading aspect

appreciate the response

No, thanks. We have no interest to be on the same server as americans.
Feel free to merge the US server all you like, but leave Europe out of it.


Are you the president of Europe?

Your vote may be considered

You want them to further ruin LOD as well… I would rethink that a bit if you still play on the legacy realms.

Asia’s access to other regions has multiplied the botting/cheating/rmt several fold on D2R. Though public botting has already been rampant for decades on LOD, it’s a factor to consider; recall that C/I loops, Realm Down, Connection Restricted, etc were all ham-fisted anti-botting measures which only hurt legitimate users and extended the advantage botters and cheaters had over them - do you want to see more of that?

Another issue to consider is that character names are unique on legacy and there is no renaming mechanism in place. Considering all the scam/loopholes that existed with unregistered / reregistered accounts, and bugs/issues with name bots … do you really trust the current team (if one even exists) to handle this sort of name migration/merging? Expect to lose characters.

Realms point you to D2GS with better ping for your region. Think of the Lobby/Interface on D2R; this UI was completely rebuilt for a new project - the D2 remaster. They managed to make it worse in almost every conceivable way than it’s decades old predecessor with unleavable spam channels that often follow you into games and a list sporting more RMT advertisements than actual game lobbies. Do you imagine that these people, now without a monetary incentive and presumably “lost source code”, will give you the option to join/create games on ping that is favorable to you - or even not wretched cross-world ping? Think again.

Ultimately there is zero incentive for them to ever consider doing this, negative incentive even. But if some miracle occurred and they decided to you can bet your life savings that you’ll regret what they have done when the dust settles. Legacy players should count themselves lucky that they wont, and console themselves from their fear that they might by revisiting the abandoned and pre-alpha product that is D2R.

They actually did add a /rename command back in 2016 or so when they expanded the character per account limit to 18 from 8, just FYI.

Did they? I completely missed that one then, thanks for the heads up. I’d probably use it if all my characters weren’t expired and probably taken by now. Still though, there will be the issue of who is forced off which name, or the work required to make names non-unique and the player’s identity loss which would come from that decision.