@ Devs Question about ik Set Helm Bonus and whole set buffs for group play

So, you know ik set is not the best, but i like it.
But you can do what you want it isnt really good.

So, this Set needs a Buff. There is no other option.
AND, you know every IK Set part gets a Bonus for more parts you wear.
Belt,boots,Armor etc. But why the Helm gets nothing ?

That would be a nice start to make the set a bit better.

Btw i like i said i have some ideas to improve the whole set including helm , so we can play in groupts not only for caster support…

Here from my other thread :

I really like the ik set. And dont have so much stuff for trades for High-End runewords. Not many have that option. Ik is the cheapest but also worst…

@devs @ filthierich
Ik set completly needs a buff and the Helm should also get a bonus for every ik set part you are wearing.

Weapon : add a third socket and double ele dmg
We dont have use for Sunder Charm…

Armor: also adds 20 percent dmg reduktion…we only have 20 atm.

Max Set : increased skill lvl from 3 to 5 to all skills
AR from full set doubled to 900 because we actually need to hit the enemys first before we can do dmg.
Another 10 percent dmg reduction so we reach the dmg red cap to 50. Because we must be very close to the enemeys because weapon range.

Remove mf from set, because its soo low to farm with it really. Remove Mf from boots replace it with another 10 percent CB so we can get 50 CB.

Remove helm mf and gold chance because wothless completly.

Replace mf with life on on lvl based so we can push a bit more into str for dmg.
Remove goldfind for max dmg based on char lvl.

And ofc. The helm needs also bonus for eatch part of ik set you wear.

2parts: min dmg +100
3 parts max dmg +100
4 parts +5 percent to max resis so we can reach 80 all resi.
Full set +50 to all stats

I think in this way its acutally playable even with groups. Not overpowered. HR stuff Runeword barb is still better.
And not to forget we must be incredible close to our enemys because range of weapon. We are middle in the mobs . Other weapon ww barb has range and can ww arroumd the croud. Much mire safty and dual swords are still much better.

I think its a good but not overpowered set this way. We also dont have sunder charm to help us…
With this changes we can group play without shame…

I agree IK set (and pretty much every other class set, except maybe Tal’s) needs a buff. I think your suggestions are a pretty reasonable starting point, at least for first round of PTR testing.

IK Set was/is still pretty viable P1 all through Hell, and can even take out DClone, but ofc still falls behind high end rune words.

That said, don’t hold your breath for a dev response in this thread, or even a buff.

Hopefully melee, set and uniques all get a few rounds of tuning in future patches!

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Well, most caster sets are fine, sunder charm and done.
Hammerdin is cheap and good.
All can do mf runs very fast and easy and get their lategame stuff soon.
Melee chars not. not even close.

Grisworld and ik set needs big buffs. i tried my best to make IK Sett better for groupplay but not not overpowered and Runewords barbs are still far ahead

MF and GF on this set are woerthless…no one makes mf runs with this set…

I agree melee needs big buffs. I think Tals is pretty easily the most useful of the class sets as well, but I think all of the rest are pretty lack luster.