Desperately Needed Fixes

Honestly, I have always been an HC player and have always loved the Necromancer, and most of this game is fantastic. I rarely ever have server problems and hearing people talk about there being no point playing anything but a cold sorc just makes me sigh.

I play this game for the challenge and the fun and it still offers that, much more most of what is out there in my opinion.

Alright, all that said, two issues with Necromancers have driven me nuts for years and continue to do so.

First, that my summons block each other. It is ridiculous to be unable to enter a space because my entire army is stuck behind one useless Skeletal Mage firing miles away from the mobs. This SINGLE STUPID thing, means fully half of the maps in the game are a nightmare for Summoners.

Now, I’m sure people are waving the teleport flag, either through Enigma or an offhand staff and certainly that’s a potential solution, but it is also a potential death - since I play HC I rarely use Teleport in battle for this very reason. Right after you teleport as a summoner, very often your entire army will remain, glued to one spot for several seconds, leaving you completely alone effectively. Which means you would be insane to teleport into an unknown area, as an HC player.

Fixing this bug would be the corollary to fixing summons blocking each other, but honestly, if only one of them could be fixed, the mutual blocking IS IT! That alone causes more frustration than anything else in the game for a necro (ex. Arcane Sanctuary, Maggot Layer, Jail to a lesser degree, any place with narrow hallways, doorways, etc).

The second bug, which is minor in comparison, but still annoying, is the unsummon bug. Ever tried to unsummon a mage you didn’t want to replace him? Ever notice how frequently you get back exactly what you unsummoned? I have tested this repeatedly and there is simply no way, statistically speaking, that the random engine is not being messed up by the unsummon. You kill a cold mage, for example, then summon … another one, then another one, rinse and repeat until you are literally out of bodies. Frustrating, yes.

Two bugs, just these two being fixed, or just the first one if nothing else, would go miles and miles to improving my enjoyment of the Necro. I’ll bet if Mr. LlamaSC enjoyed summoners more it would have been already dealt with, streamers like that draw lots of excellent attention, but here I go again. I’ve been posting this request on and off for years.

Please, Blizz, stop summons from blocking each other. Simple fix.

Thanks for listening.


Skelly Blocking well it’s been there forever and I don’t think they will fix it, perhaps for D4. Here’s how I deal with it:

Cast a fire golem in the room: Fire golem draws agro, drawing monster away from the doorway, if you cast him far enough into the room, allowing the skellies to enter.

Unsummon: well you mentioned it as your second point, unsummon is perfect for getting rid of the guy blocking your merc, or just getting rid of all your skellies when you go into the maggot layer.

Telly: I know you said you aren’t comfortable using telly, but you can use it defensively. Don’t telly into the room, telly back away from the door bringing all your skellys back to you. Let the monsters clump up at the door and on the other side of the door making them perfectly positioned to CE!!

I do fully agree, when you unsummon a mage it should not give you that same mage on your next summon.

Great points maybe it would be hard to resolve the issue with minions taking the same space but it works when you teleport strange why it only happens this way…. But why don’t they also make it so that summoned skeletons and mages are taken to the new game just like a golem it would save so much time farming just to get army back again…