Dear dev team, why…

It is logical but you can’t call it a buff.

4fpa 2 hander can no longer get to 4fpa and are capped at 5fpa before any of these effects are applied. You now have to use dw 1 hander and they got nerfed too.

I think we can agree that WW wasn’t great in pvm and was only ok in pvp

So why hard nerf it and call it a buff? Because the devs don’t understand their own game and refuse to test with the community before releasing such changes


I think weapons masteries require change add splash dmg for polearms , ias to two handed swords…

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Patches that no one asked for are being updated. All melee class attack speed nerf, The assassin nerf, the Barbarian nerf, who’s next? smite paladin?


Nothing RIP about 2H WW barb. It’s worse in some places but better in others. Now we have opportunity to use weapons without IAS at all. Did you ever have a 2H WW barb with Death or Obedience before? Well now you can. All those unique elite axes and spears and polearms without or with low IAS are viable too

Funny, my friend was doing a WW barb with Death Decapitator before the update. He ripd on him but I recovered his gear. He’s making a new barb now… he’ll be surprised that his new barb will be suddenly stronger than the old one.

Basically they told us that it should be an overall buff and it’s not and Death 2 hand WW isn’t gonna change that.

I very much doubt it will be stronger. The skills damage is about the same. Old WW could hit about 4 times per second with short whirls. Now it will be able to hit about 4 times per second with normal whirls.

I’ve played slow WW many times, and I never chose to use a 6 frame weapon. It’s not fun. If I didn’t have a 4 frame weapon, the slowest heaviest weapon was always the next best option.

If your friend played Decapitator WW before, then he knows what he’s doing. Which means he was able to hit 4 hits per second. He’d have to stack 60 IAS just to match that now.

EDIT: I picked up my WW barb and that bug where WW doesn’t seem to hit anything? That’s still in the game as far as I can tell.

Unfortunately, in the case of dual-wielding weapons, you must meet the attack speed requirement based on the attack speed of the slower of the two weapons. Only then will ww up to 4 frames and the maximum number of consecutive strikes.

It became difficult to exceed 5 frames even when attacking speed in armor and accessories.

It looks like a buff on the surface, but it’s actually a nerf.
Barbarian blades are now blunted by enemy curses ( Decrepify) or Holy Freeze Aura, Cold DMG etc…

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This is a strong deterrent (nerf) against barbarians using two-handed colosuss blade Grief weapons.

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which weapons do you have in mind though? The breakpoints are really low for 1-handers and 2H swords.

Berserker’s Axe (40IAS,+400 DMG Grief+ Beast or Breath of the Dying) is now seen as the solution.

Barbarian’s Weapon Base and W-W frame table

Those need 41 effective IAS. So if you use beast (29 effective IAS) you only need to get 12 effective IAS from items, which is 14 raw item IAS (i.e. any jewel or 15-20 IAS item).

Without beast you need 63, which can be a nosferatus+jewel on top of 38+ griefs

Barbarian’s Colosuss Blade Grief Two-Handed and W-w

Weapon base attack speed [10] 4frame, 89 attack speed required.

Weapon additional attack speed 40
+ 49 attack speed required (armor, accessories, fanactism aura, etc.)

See the table of contents in the link above

In the case of the dual hands sword Baba, the base attack speed of the two weapons should be adjusted based on the weapon with the slowest base attack speed.

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now slow, and chill should slow cast speed. WW never was an ias driven skill, that was the beauty of it. adding ias meant more attacks, but ww had BASE APS. now ww has no base aps. so any ww barb using 2h will have to change to 1h or be left behind

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The best thing is to use the frenzy skill appropriately and use the ww skill after buffing the attack speed.

Indeed. Max stamina as well and you have nice 14 second ias buff.

Lol :sweat_smile::laughing: wtf stamina, you’re kidding me right :+1: :joy:

IK is nerfed, that is true.

But I wouldn’t call it “RIP”. I play my IK barb at 6 FPA still and it doesn’t feel too bad. Feels OK tbh. Now I’ll just unsocket those Shaels from the mauls and insert something else. IDK what yet. Probably some random 30+% ED jewels i have laying around.

Works nicely on throw barb. Rather trade off few points in shout to have long ias and speed boost for throwing. You do know that after 2.4 it increases frenzy duration for 0.4second each point?

i`m not agree on this one , i play 2 hand barb for 20 year and i just respec my character , and remove ww for 2 hand , is just bad and not fun at all , this is a epic failure this crap change , the game just become more limited with less choice and option , half of the barbarian die for me , because two hand is half of the barb mastery that simple

these devloper have any clue what they doing

This… seems like how it should be?

it does make sense for consistency. Overall the change is great for the game, because before WW was a weirdo skill where IAS only worked from the weapon, slow effects didn’t apply, etc. How as a new player would you know all that stuff.

All that is needed is a minor IK set buff to compensate. Make it so that you could get 5 frame attack with less commitment, not +60.

Maybe just change the Ogre Maul to be 0 speed, then you just need +24 IAS for 5 FPA. Kind of a middle ground between old 4 FPA but with mandatory +30 from the weapon, now you could get 5 FPA from 2 IAS pieces of any kind (e.g. highlords + jewel, 2xJewel, Shael+Highlords etc). A slight DPS decrease but IMO that wouldn’t be a nerf because it opens up lots of flexibility.

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