Dear Blizzard please fix this old vanilla bug

Hi… I found out that due to a bug some items can’t spawn…

the affix +to fire skills has various values but only valueof “1” ever gets used, that’s because other values are bonuses to other elements
Value = element
0= none
1=fire skills
2=lightning skills
3=pure magic skills
4= cold skills
5= poison skills

those are all valid values, yet descriptions invarious languages exists only for value “1” same as properties.txt entry only exists for value=1 however the engine supports the others just fine…

well then i wonder how my Hydralisk’s +3 fire skill amulet came to be

can’t you read with comprehension?!

only fire skills are able to spawn…
yet the engine has code to spawn ligtning, cold, fire, magic, and poison…

and i’m talking of the affix that spawns on like magefist not sorceress tab skill

Oh, you are talking about that class-less affix.

Well that one is limited to uniques and does not spawn on any other items.

that modifier has description only for fire skills, yet by simple changing one value the game engine is prepared to utilize bonuses for all elements except physical skills, yet no use has been made… Imagine Magefists droping for all elements… this would be more suitable for given builds, and more magefist diversity meaning it’d be harder to get the proper one, which means a bump in value

Agreed, that’ll make Magefists more interesting but also screw up Cathan’s Rule, Hellclap, Hellplague, The Salamander, The Rising Sun, Hexfire, Flamebellow, Leaf, Flickering Flame

While several of those items are rarely used it stll would be a bad trade-off. It would be more interesting to add such a +(non-physical) skill as another class-less skill-tab affix that can spawn on any item that can have +skill-tab affixes.

Now a little note about the “thing” that just happend here…

After posting the above with an already self-redacted curse-word either some extra sensitive reader or an automatic checker flagged my post as “inappropriate”. The interesting part however is that a real staff member had to read the flagged post and approve the removal.

Now what’s so interesting about this? While players have been reporting a ton af unfixed bugs here very few of them got actually adressed. Several critical bugs that got introduced by patches over the years are still not fixed which makes it seem that Blizzard is not even reading what we tell them to fix. But with this find we now have a way to MAKE them read our stuff. Just add in a little profanity into it. Maybe that will get them to work.

To quench your thirst on knowledge.

1.The post flagging is automatic, it just required that enaugh ppl flags them the threshold is 3 or 4 i think. Learned this the hard way in another thread… seemes this forum is full of “fragile souls”
That get their ferlings hurt on a little bit cursing.

  1. If you haven’t already figured this out it wasn’t me to rat you out to blizz…

  2. Concerning ad1. I highly doubt any staff member actually visited here nor actually read the thread…

  3. Fixing the fire skill description by adding the remaining elements and creating new rows in properties.txt to utilize the other element functions is one thing… making them work on existing unique and set items is another…
    You’d actually need to edit uniqe and set responsible files in order to benefit of the non utilized elements functions… i actually suggested the change for magefist, as it’s a meh for immortal or blizzorb sorc, even hurricane druid could benefit, bone and poison necro as well, there’s pelthora of sin builds that could benefit this

Also as for flickering flame, i hadn’t had in mind ingerating in it but rather it would unlock the creation of NefPulOhm and NefPulLo a.k.a cold and lightning equivalents of flickering flame with equivalent resist auras and equivalent negative element enemy res, and unlocked cokd and lighting elemental skill bonuses…

If you’re interested in seeing how this could turn out, chceck my hero edited save file for an a3 merc build in general disscussion, one of the posts has link to google drive with the save file.