I believe there is a bug they still haven’t fully addressed yet where the game list doesn’t populate properly in some cases. Typically you have to fully quit and re-launch to fix this.
Other things to try when playing in regions at non-peak times where there are less people on is to switch regions in the Blizzard launcher. I have a good internet connection so my pings to those regions are perfectly playable, so you can see more games during another region’s prime time.
D2R has no Endgame. People has completed the game around 3 weeks upon its release.
There are no GRifts. Hell difficulty is not that hard as you can beat and faceroll the game with low/mid- quality runes.
If you seek for some very rare items with 0.000000001% chance to drop, it might take you a year or more to have it. If you are on this carrot-on-stick mechanics, more power to you.
But the rest of us, we have moved on already playing other games. On me, I am with Age Of Empires 4. I am planning to come back to World of WarCraft at the end patch of Shadowlands.
I have yet to have my games list with nothing or little games. Mine is always full and keeps scrolling with new games bumping out others. So not sure what to tell ya.
False, D2 has plenty of endgame options, pick one that suits your liking and proceed… just because its a 20 year old game and you have done it all potentially, or done what you want, doesnt mean it doesnt have endgame, it just doesnt have what you want and you may have to move along, as alot of players have already.
This is likely a major reason they are introducing new content within the game with patch 2.4.
This aint D3.
Needs to be better scaled, but if you play with a team, it does get harder.
Alot of goals of end game rely on player count and with the current low player base, shotty game list and lobby system, it affects long term of this game.
I live in Southeast Alaska and I also assumed it was some local/regional thing because I barely see any normal or nightmare games, but it really seems like it’s a bug because most of the time it just straight up won’t show any normal/nightmare games at all until I create a game and exit, then I can (sometimes temporarily) see a list of norm and nightmare games that say they’ve been there for hours… But even then it does usually look pretty dead, sometimes only 1-5 games.
Hell games are kind of hit or miss, sometimes only a few games, sometimes a whole list.
I realize that there are going to be less games at certain parts of the day, but I’ve tried at literally all hours of the day and it just seems to either sort of work or not work at all. It’s quite the bummer.
The way games are shown in the lobby is pretty broken. It only seems to show a list at the time and frequently refreshes the list with the same few games.
Yes D2r has been a struggle, there is still hope that with the upcoming PTR 2.4 (not the PTR launched today) and upcoming balance changes it will bring new life to these dead servers and this game. For now there is limited games with nothing but JSP purist neckbeards who are stuck in 2004 be patient hopefully by feb late jan maybe we will have a new patch and a ladder. Hopefully sometime this year we will get the game we all paid top dollar for!
It’ll never be dead but if you plan on playing non-ladder then yeah you bought a game on limited life support.
The only way you’re going to fully enjoy this game from here on out is if you always make a new ladder character every season and join some kind of discord group to maximize your time efficiency. Otherwise about 5 - 6 weeks after a new ladder starts, it’ll taper off again.
Personally, I’m sticking with non-ladder perm, I don’t have the luxury of time to waste…
I have beaten Hell first. Then I got more gear, as I started to faceroll everything. I mean everything… even my rogue merc is solo-killing Tomb Vipers when I afk. Nothing to kill anymore. Killing Hell Baal, Diablo, Nihlathak, Tomb Vipers, Death Lords, Ghosts, Stygian Dolls over and over is not challenging anymore… as it now became boring to me. I dont need high runes as everything is being facerolled with just my mid-quality items. I am done.
I am not gonna kill myself to get those very rare items/runes. It’s like going to casino over and over until getting the jackpot and take home the brand new car grand prize. It ain’t gonna happen to me even if this is just a game. I have tried to get the BiS items of games in WoW and what I learned is that I wont be able to get everything in the game but I would be able to kill its hardest final Boss. And I just did it in D2R… Killing the hardest monsters/Bosses in D2R over and over. I spent 35 weeks on Black WIng Lair in Classic days with my guild and I didnt get that Ashkandi Sword although other guilds disenchanted them… spent 35 weeks on Icecrown Citadel killing Arthas over and over during WoTLK and my DK didnt get her trinket while my hunter won that same BiS trinket 3 times. RNG is really RNG. Sorry I am not gonna play more this game more than 3 weeks as everything is being facerolled by my toon.
Why wont I play an alt? Becoz that alt would just inherit rare stuffs from my main. My main has facerolled the game. My alt would be able to faceroll it too. Facerolling is fun
at first but it gets old.
Yup. D2R is easy. It’s just like GR40 to me. I wish there’s more for me who can handle GR100+.
Last time, I tried. It didnt get harder. I made a Hell game. 7 players went in and went afk in town while I destroyed everything including Baal on Solo. It’s the same boring difficulty.
D2Rs endgame is “fun” however that is defined for any given person. It’s a much better endgame than say D3 because you aren’t forced to do, well, anything. You can just play and enjoy the game and what happens happens. There’s no endless paragon grind, endless rift grind, endless perfecting the same exact piece of gear which drops for you 10 times in 10 runs and might have 3 more dexterity on it, out of 1000. In D2 you get to just play, and have fun, rush people, help people, troll people, grief people, just hang out and shoot the shoot, kill some cows, kill Diablo, kill Baal, use that weird build no one has ever heard of but you made it and it works because it’s Diablo 2, where most anything works (though of course not everything is META or THE BEST). D2 has so much endgame I’ve been playing it for 20+ years, I don’t even want to think about how many hours, several thousand at least, and not once have I felt it has no endgame, because the endgame is whatever you want to make of it, personally, I think it’s great that that is the endgame. And of course, there’s always 99 to shoot for, but as D2 players know, it’s not really a thing you’re ever going to achieve (you can, of course…but a casual is never gonna achieve 99). What’s great about it too is that it’s completely unnecessary, you’re basically just as strong at 85-94 as you’ll ever be, but there’s always that little bit more that can keep you playing and on edge (don’t want to die carelessly and lose that chunk of XP, this is D2 where you will get bent over in the shower, not D3 where you twirl around together singing kumbaya). And then of course there’s the “real endgame”, making the meta builds, and Ubers, and mfing, and trading, and of course lets not forget about PvP, the ultimate end-game (even if it’s PvPing at level 30). Those people you say “completed” the game 3 weeks after release, I don’t think they completed it at all. Sure, maybe they did 5 or 10% of the game and that was enough for them and they don’t care anymore and time to move on. But doing 5 or 10% of the game to me is not even close to “completing” it, just look at all there is to do I’ve talked about in this comment, and there’s even more too. But I won’t bore you all I’ve talked too long already, it just irks me when people say or think D2 is just “make blizz sorc make uber zealot make javazon make trav barb do some trades get endgame gear and ok I did it all now I’m done” That’s hardly scratching the surface of what D2 has to offer.