Dbrunski's thoughts on 2.4, HIT the gas

Agree with pretty much everything he says. Hit the gas pedal blizz!


dbrunski hits the hammer right on the head again!! Don’t worry about the pursists lets go!!!

I had so much fun with Bear pally fire/light , hydra sorc, aura sorc, zeal sorc, bear sorc fire

all gone now :frowning:

luckily martial arts is absolutely amazing :smiley: quite an improvement is a understatement !!! other than that i agree everything he said almost.

POD added a small % of weapon damage to leap itself was amazing


Dbrunski is so fine too bad he’s married.

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I agreed with some stuff he said, and disagreed with other stuff he said. Luckily, he is just one person/opinion, same as the rest of us.


Hahaha, good to see one of the more prominent content creators agreeing mostly with everything I said about the patch notes. Where I differ? Let the summoning druid free, and have all their minions out at the same time. 5 spirit wolves, 3 dire wolves, 1 bear, 1 oak sage, 1 heart of wolverine, and 1 spirit of barbs. Seriously, it won’t be OP. Just do it.

Blizzard has so many opportunities to hit the gas on builds that would make the early and mid game so much more fun.


Hitting the gas pedal just means don’t be scared to buff more. It doesn’t mean turn d2r into d3 and just go for it.
I get what he is saying, but for the first changes in 11 years I don’t think being a little cautious is silly


I feel his disappointment.

Dev seems to be too afraid of a few loud minority that fear monger any meaningful buff.

Why does every builds be worse than hammer blizzard, javazon. These has been around for 20 years!

So what if it’s a bit OP. “Power creep! We do Billion damage in. I time”

The fearmongers win.
everyone lose.


Stop the turn to D3 nonsense.

Also D3 is more popular than D2R dispite the remaster.

The continuous bashing D3 is getting old.

D3 has far more viable builds to play for a start.


They aren’t just being cautious, they’re basically doing nothing at all.

Handful of useless items + maybe one build that’s now viable = same old bologna.

No it isn’t, lol. D3 has like 7k people at the start of a ladder. It’s a ghost town.

D3 is hot garbage and that’s a fact. The entire team was absolved months after released, and they fired the lead dev, who hasn’t worked in the industry since.

Insiders have stated multiple times that Blizzard viewed D3 as a huge screw-up and just wanted to move past it.


agree with most of it but not everything.

I saw his video of P8 Hydra and he was melting things. Maybe still buff it but just not as much.

Also not sure about the part of allowing Druids summoning more since they need to feel distinct from Necro. Plenty of other ways to buff a build.

The conservative nature of Blizzard is plaguing every single title at this point, they are so afraid to make bold moves with their games, it’s so frustrating.

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The sad truth is that D2 and D3 are equaly dead, most players who like ARPGS just play PoE because there the devs are actually passionate and not afraid of innovating and experimenting with the game.


If you weren’t right before, you will be after 2.4. It’s quite clear they aren’t interested in making any meaningful changes to the game. No one is going to play once they realize that.

Yeah, I’ve seen that with the initial 2.4 patch notes and the fact that they went and nerfed things that finally felt decent. I’ll probably skip the ladder now. There’s 3 or so games I’m interested in for this month anyways.


Which games are you interested in?

Gonna check out Lost Ark and Elden Ring. PoE’s new changes look interesting as well, but the zoom zoom aspect will probably annoy me like usual later on haha.

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Super psyched for Elden Ring!

With these patch notes, I’m sure this is my last foray into D2. Just no point any more.


I am so much more interested in skill-mechanic buffs and skill revamp/replacements.

Numeric buffs is often just a bandaid, it won’t fix a badly designed skill. Each class being limited to a total of 30 Skills each, means there isn’t room for wasted space if we want a diverse pool of fun builds.

To name some skills that are currently worthless/poorly designed.

  • Jab (Animation is slow and long compared to merc/spear demon’s jab, you get stuck hitting air)
  • Critical Strike (Weak compared to Weapon Masteries, devalues crit from gear)


  • Blade Skills (Too restricted in what properties can apply)
  • Claw Mastery, Claw weapons and MA tree in general. (Extremely limiting in gear options, some properties don’t apply to skills, low phys claw base dmg)
  • Shadow Warrior (has no boots, so kick dmg is worthless)


  • Too many similar passives
  • Battle Commands
  • Find Potion


  • Ravens
  • Pet Type restrictions on wolfs&grizzly
  • Spirit of Barbs
  • Mana regen Worm (mana pots from shop)
  • Lycanthropy (waste of space, give power to shape forms instead)
  • Fire Claw (why is this not a phys to fire conversion attack??)
  • Hunger (Leech is already common, undeads, bugged and often misses attacks)
  • Shockwave (Only aoe Werebear has is a spell, no weapon scaling, low dmg scaling, dumb stun duration for ez mode playstyle, useless vs stun immune packs rip)
  • Armageddon (targeting is too unreliable)
  • Arctic Blast (self channeling makes for bad gameplay)


  • Sacrifice (Self damage is dumb and can’t be negated by leech, many properties don’t apply)
  • Conversion (delete and replace pls)
  • Charge (should pierce enemies and dmg all it hits, add small cd)
  • FoH/HB (undead only too limiting, make it damage everything at 50-75% value and 100% vs undead, to promote pvm)
  • Many of the Defensive auras (can’t compete with offensive, not worth the point investment)

I very much agree with most of his positions here. That said there is a big plus side here. The fact that the devs are so hesitant to make big changes means they are unlikely to nuke the game we love with bad decisions, power creep (or power sprint) etc.

I wish they could go harder on the boosts and do small nerfs to the current top builds to hold back the creep. But that would cause tears the likes of which no one wants to endure.

I miss the old days when feedback to games was only reflected in sales, and the die hards so dedicated that would write letters. Developers could just develop good games then (or metaphorically die trying) and not have to deal with forum tears.


Aren’t you married?
Or did you divorce Josh? Which would be totally justifiable, I mean.