D2R : what first offline character should I make?

All in all, alone, in SP, advancing by what you can find, buy at the merchants … no other help to rely on … Summon Necromancer would allow you to plod through unassisted … easy to play, has an army & merc, utilize all 3 skill trees … your survival rate will be much higher and you’ll run across far less obstacles that most other classes could not overcome … and can be fun too

Ever hear of Superdave & his Zon anna_goanna?
HC P8 Passive only, 100% clear, no weapons etc.
Fun read.
(this goes back to 2007 when IM was still in the game too)

Valk is very strong and Decoy is, for my money, the strongest CC in the game.

Will do some research. :smiley:
Thanks for the hint.

The saga was originally posted on the Amazon Basin - it’s now on PureDiablo in full.
If you like an old throwback from the days before streaming and everything being recorded, you’ll enjoy this forum tale blast from the past :slight_smile:

Read up on it - really impressive.
But one sidenote: His ama wasn’t naked.

Yea. Effectively naked considering cracked items only and no weapon, but not 100%
Jewelry was allowed, true.
I’m not aware if charms were allowed. Obv no anni or HT nor was any ‘farming’/repeating areas allowed.
Also it was a 100% clear requirement.
I know I’d never have the patience for it. Players 8 Passives only? Hell no haha.

just make any very good MF character such as a summoner or a javazon… or just stack MF with any class you like !

Read what the original poster said. They are starting out with their first offline character. Barb is probably the slowest choice of all, because of item dependency. in IK barb is perfectly fine, AFTER you have found the IK pieces.

Blizzard sorc gauranteed

Melee is fine for a solo playthrough once you have acquired good items. Doing it completely self found without the benefit of having gotten those items with a more efficient character is brutal. I think he was referring to having someone else to carry you or give you items, which isn’t possible in offline.

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Trap assassin or hammerdin are the easiest non-sorc characters to play through with any speed, and convert to magic finding and farming terror zones. A summon necro also is viable, though it will be a bit slower overall.

If it was self found id get to nightmare countess with a blizz sorc get dual spirits and smoke runword armor then farm places with no cold res in hell. I always farm countess first. Im sure there is a more meta way but its always smooth sailing for me

You bet! And you can stack a pretty good amount of magic find with this guy too, rocking a Gull dagger or Ali Baba sword and a shako alone can give you upward of 150-225MF depending on socket choices.

Is Assassin the Best Starting Class for D2R? | Diablo 2 Resurrected (youtube.com)

edit: this is NOT a mosiac guide

Never said it was the fastest, YOU should read again. There are those who claim it is impossible to complete hell without rush or donated items as a barb. It sure is possible, if you can’t complete hell on a barb without IK pieces then barb is NOT the problem.