I had hoped they would improve the game, make the characters look good, keep a close eye on it, take care of bots, make seaons fun etc. But apparently the project is done. We have women who look like guys or who have far to much clothing on. Guys who look sickly and should be in wheel chairs and nothing interesting happening. Well I bought the game, my mistake.
Things are still happening. Lobby improvements coming soon. Additional skill balancing is likely, new rune words coming next ladder… Possibility of additional tweaks to existing sets, perhaps uniques, maybe even the addition of new uniques and sets…
They just banhammered a ton of maphackers…
I mean if you were expecting a whole new game, then yeah I can see the disappointment.

Agreed, the complaints about the Amazons looks are getting old. She’s here to slay demons, not to compete in a beauty pageant.
IMO the characters look fine. The only time you get a good detailed look at them is at the main screen.
Using top down lighting to showcase the characters was perhaps a poor choice, as a single indirect light source does more to show the contours of the face. A single bright light source creates well defined sharp shadows which make the face look more grizzled.
The game looks good
They are making updates
Botters and cheaters are being banned
What more do you want?? All ARPGs have rampant botting and cheaters, do you live under a rock?
they kinda made the characters look good when they updated two decade old pixel graphics into realtime 3D graphics LULZ
yeah, and youre not supposed to live after being burned, rather walking through hell.
Shes basically fighting with sticks with a little bit of sharp bits of metals at the end, why are we looking for realism here?

who have far to much clothing on
Wow this is the single dumbest complaint I have seen about D2R. News flash: women are allowed to wear clothes! Furthermore, women in video games should be clothed fully clothed. Even more, female warriors in battle should have armor that actually protects them, which requires that it covers them. The over sexualization of women in video games is unethical, juvenile, and damaging. If you want to scantily clad women on your computer screen there are entire industries devoted to deliver specifically that to you, it doesn’t need to be in video games.
I am the bestest most accurate self righteous white knight there is, nobody can stop my slams of art decomposing. HURRR DURRRR!

I had hoped they would improve the game, make the characters look good, keep a close eye on it, take care of bots, make seaons fun etc. But apparently the project is done. We have women who look like guys or who have far to much clothing on. Guys who look sickly and should be in wheel chairs and nothing interesting happening. Well I bought the game, my mistake.
Sounds like you have 0 clue on how remasters of games work. You do realize they can’t just make the characters look like D3 or the full game too look like that graphics wise right? It is a 20 yr old game and they have to use the same code.
The characters and everything looks AMAZING. Sorry you are clueless on how much the devs can do on a REMASTER since this is NOT a re-make.
I think there was an opportunity here to add more QOL things which should have been in this game to begin with. Gold pickup was a good start but I think adding a loot filter or at least an indication that a unique/set item or rune drop would have been nice. The game had cut content which they could have added back in too.
I was also not happy with the art direction as the template was already there but they decided to be different and go against the wind there. Fans also improved on the design which could have been used but wasn’t.

Guys who look sickly and should be in wheel chairs
This made me laugh lol. Very true.