D2:R needs a trading post

Diablo 2 Resurrected’s expansion needs a trading post!

Blizzard, please make it happen. Thank you kindly.

Blizzard should just try to ban anyone caught using JSP. It is literally cheating if you use FG.

Adding an AH, I mean Trading Post, would only make trading even easier.
Also, change the gameplay? :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty sure Blizzard got burned on any and all ideas on facilitating trading. I hope.

Currently, players make a game called “Trade” or “LF Shako”, etc.

Having a premade “Trade” town that isn’t limited to 8 players, has no mobs, and several locations to access your vaults, for people to go into and trade with others would be quite easy to make.

I think that’s a minority view given that any game that has only in person trading has dramatically less trade participation than games with a better trading system/UI.

In-person only trading does make trade less accessible, but it most certainly isn’t fun for most people. I think most people who try to defend it are really just afraid of additional competition, but both supply and demand go up when trade becomes more accessible.

New World is a game that has that sort of harder survivalist world theme to it, yet it has a really great modern trade UI. The settlements in the game all have separate trading posts, so you’d have to travel around to different settlements to see what’s for trade at what prices and what not, but it still has a really good trade UI with buy and sell orders. Having a darker/harder world theme doesn’t mean you have to have a crappy trade system.

The PvP section of JSP is THE best place for scheduled events. LLD, MLD, Duels, 2v2’s, 3v3’s. I can see that becoming a great place for the PvP community to grow. JSP helps build trustworthy friendships in-game, learn and follow the market pricing, and you can bid on an item you may not have found in the walls of scrolling text that is the trade channel.

You can win FG playing Poker and Sports Betting. You aren’t required to buy any. I have NEVER bought any FG. It all started with a Ber rune I found and my buddy said “Hey man there’s a forum you can sell that at and get more than its worth in the trade channel”.

I don’t see how it hurts anyone. If anything it opens you up to be more social.

Only meant using it for trading with FG of course. Nothing wrong with the forum, and the community stuff. Not even anything wrong with facilitating trading on there. Again, only the FG.

I’ll be using FG until someone comes up with something better.

If you can do that - Great! I’ll be there.

Could Diablo 2 resurrected have a mail box beside the stash just like in WoW?

everything you said is true, I tired JSP once and it is exactly as you say, but it’s still a 3rd party site that uses FG, I think we would all agree that it will be better if they made an in game hub for trading weather or not what you say is true.

I saw it more then once I assure you, there was no such thing, feel free to link the exact spot where they said it.

only for u alone. so u could mail ur self back to wow

Isn’t the shared stash the mailbox?


Yes, but D2Jsp still exists and still WILL exist. So this is going to happen anyways.

The RMAH only failed because it was rushed and poorly implemented. It was only removed due to breaking several Government laws which include Anti-gambling and Money laundering laws.

My main MMO I play is a Real Cash Economy and I love it, however there are many laws you have to abide by for it to be legal and not break any gaming real money laws which D3 did.

I’d love to see more Real money cash games because well, players love finding something cool in a game and selling it for money. It’s a great feeling. Making money from gaming is living the dream. I understand not everyone is into this but… dam it adds another element of excitement. Which is again why the last almost 6 years I have been in a Real cash economy game.

A trading post would be good for any game that is based on loot hunting and trading. That is why D2jsp has stood the test of time and arguably even helped D2 stand the test of time with a community and economy.

Trading is needed in this type of game because you can do 10,000’s of MF runs and never find the item you NEED for your build. While at the same time finding items you don’t need you could just trade for that item, making your gaming experience fun. If you can’t complete a build or get the items you need you are just waiting for the fun to start.

The excitement in Diablo or loot hunting games is finding these super rare items to trade and create in game wealth to fully deck out cool builds.

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I wouldn’t have a problem with D2JSP trading if the currency acquired from past ladders wasn’t able to be used for future ladders. While that unfair advantage will continue to be exploited even if Blizzard introduced an in-game centralized trading platform, D2JSP wouldn’t be funneling in as many new users seeking a better way to trade.

The thing about that is you can acquire currency from other games, or playing their game, or just donations, or just daily lotteries, or someone likes a guide you made and gives you some. It’s really become a genius of a trading site and see why the owner Paul decided to not sell D2jsp to Blizzard and keep it for himself to grow. If you made exceptions for ONLY ladder currency it would destroy the site and give Blizz and angle to legally fight against. As it is D2jsp is brilliantly set up as a multiplatform game that doesn’t break any rules.

As for ladder, I don’t see the issue. People talk about it ruins competition but what competition? In games people are always going to be funneled loot to achieve their goals faster. There are always going to be carries. It’s the nature of gaming that will never change. It’s not like Ladder is a competitive environment so I don’t see how someone being funneled gear through friends or trading ruins ladder? Irregardless with or without D2jsp people will always find a way because they have too. They want the shiny loot and they want it now so they can have fun.

If you are like me, the game starts when you complete a build and are in near BiS gear. That is when the fun begins. So why delay the fun? This thought process won’t ever die with or without trading post. It’s better just to add a trading post then :slight_smile:

7 days is too long if is the only option
Along with 7days, 24h and 48h should be options when posting

This is bad bc it opens room for rmt deals
The seller should be bound to the highest value bid in runes

jsp copium, all of them buy fg dont make up lies and make it sound like its not toxic for the game

No. Not every user on JSP purchases FG, its very easy to see who has.

Correct, not every user on jsp buys fg, but it isn’t easy to tell who has or hasn’t. People who “donate” and buy forum gold, get donor star access and different stars based on how much the “donate”. However, they can just as easily turn off the star as if they never donated.

Also, as a twist. Someone can donate on behalf of another person to get them access to the donor forum (a special forum that only donors can access).

Someone could have a donor star on their account, but never spent a dime on the site.