D2:R needs a trading post

The reason this is a fallacy is because all fg on jsp has been purchase for real money. Those who don’t buy fg are 100% dependent on those who do.

The lobby screen will allow you to search for games with key words so everything’s good

I’ll never use a 3rd party site or trade tool, so I’d love a better system built into the game, or perhaps via a Blizzard controlled website.

I also don’t have the patience to deal with trade forums/chats. If we don’t get a better trade tool I’ll just be hoping I find crap on my own or that a friend finds something. I won’t end up trading much at all besides with friends if we don’t get a better trading tool.

It’s not as though we can argue D2 drop rates are too high to function with a decent trading system. Most people will never get what they want without trading or botting (which won’t be as popular as it was with a cd-key system and the lack of anti-cheating tools Blizzard had 20 years ago). An items to items trading post also isn’t an auction house, so I don’t think any comparisons to D3’s AH would be useful arguments against it.

I don’t think a Blizzard website that facilitates trade is really a major change from original D2. There were trading sites back then, they just weren’t controlled by Blizzard. The ability for the items to be held/automatically moved would also mean we wouldn’t have to deal with trade scam nonsense of people putting the wrong item into the window and what not.

Blizzard should do this and sell its own fg. Put jsp out of business

That would be cool but I don’t think they’re going to do that, personally. I think there’s enough work to be done in finishing the game and this would likely require a lot of work.

Trading in Diablo 2 isn’t broken. Why fix something that works. No one had a probl with the trade system.

Do not make any trade restrictions. It sucks!

Yes, the current way works, but it is slow and inefficient. Trading is a tool, sometimes tools need upgrades.

Would you rather use marks/pebbles or an abacus? An abacus or a slide rule? A slide rule or a calculator? A calculator or a computer? (To play Diablo 2 resurrected on. :smile: )

Lots of people have a problem with d2 trading as is.

some people love the forum to trade on, some do not love RMT.

Personally, I want it to be much easier to advertise items on Bnet 2.0, so players are less likely to go to other sites for trades.

Now wouldnt that be the most hypocritical but brilliant thing they could do… lol I was waiting for someone to say that.

“The reason this is a fallacy is because all fg on jsp has been purchase for real money. Those who don’t buy fg are 100% dependent on those who do.”

False. Do not spread misinformation because of your bias.
Not all JSP fg was purchased and that is an easy check as you can see on someones profile if they purchased or not.
The traditional and more frequent way is just selling your gear for fg, then using that fg to purchase gear you need.

I dont agree with that either then, people should be allowed to make as many transactions as they wish, at any time of day. If a TOD or having more currency or items means you get an advantage over your peers, then so be it, should motivate those to do better, not whine to bring everyone down to their lowest common level.

Sort of true but not really a JSP forum user can set their account for others to see if they "Donated " to get FG or not . But you are right in one aspect not all FG was bought. In the early days of JSP all one had to do to get FG was post. You got FG for each post. That is part of the reason you see a lot of the original or early on members with millions of FG they all just sat around and posted for hours on end earning FG by the truck load.

Ahh good to know, thanks for the history lesson, I always wondered how the first fg was distributed.
Blizz would need something similar, maybe 40 per player who purchased D2R to start out or something.

I actually think with less duping Pgems and low runes become a more viable currency.

It won’t eliminate real money trading but having stacked runes and gems, or a gem/rune bag that can store unlimited, would go a long way to create a needed currency.

Without all the duped charms and crafted ammies, people will need gems and low runes more than ever.

I would appreciate a change in the trading a bit or rather a steamlining. For me trading was always a very important bit of Diablo 2, it is just great to see you getting some items you want for a fair trade with other people. Or even making some profit on your own view. I find it very exciting. However the way it works in Diablo 2 is very limited. I believe the base system could stay the same… have 8 players in a game offering what they want. But I would appreciate if the following is auto setup and easy to find through search or drop-down:

  1. You have dedicated trade channels
  2. Dedicated trade games with major trade names such as “Gems vs items” “items vs items” “runes vs items” etc. Add number 1, 2, 3 or whatsoever to these and have a number of these hosted at a time.
  3. Change the fact that you have to manually enter a text that you then have to copy and re-post all the time… rather… open a textbox, click on your item and have a link to it appear so ppl can actually look at it before trading. And have the message not disappear after a few seconds.
    This would keep the old system in place but makes it a little more comfortable both in finding the right games and trading in these games. You will still have to hunt the right people down for the perfect trade :smiley:

I might be a little blunt on this though… I assume that these days players… especially new players… might need something much grander such as a website where they can just post stuff. But that I fear would require maintenance of blizzard and that might just go the way of D3 auction house and that again is something nobody ever wants to see again.

I think with improved search on open games, especially on global servers, trading games will flourish and will be easier to find. I guess the games O this N that can still work out, although I agree it is cumbersome to join and mostly overpriced or already done. Maybe there will be a way that such games can be closed by host once the deal is done.

Yeah I’m sure things will be easier with an update to the game lobby interface and better searching options. Its still hard to get a good estimate of the value on items though, which a trading post would help to establish and maintain based upon supply/demand.

Trading post would be great cause like currently sitting in a game titled
“Brng Ribcracker” in normal, afk…is soooo much fun.

It is definitely no fun as it is today. But usually communities quickly define new standards.

But with shared stash and open to filter game by norm/nm/hell, I guess this nonesense of opening games in norm or mule switching will be next to gone.

How about 10characters no.