D2R Expansion - What would you like to see?

I don’t want to see an Expansion whatsoever. They clearly have no freaking idea what they’re doing(see: Diablo 3 + 4) and the recent runewords(notably Mosaic) are prime examples as to why they shouldn’t. Not to mention it’d cost too much $$$ to do so on a 25 year old game this “remaster” is based on.

If they were to do any meaningful changes, then this: Charles’ massive balance/overhaul thread is what they should take a very long and hard look at. I don’t agree with everything there but its a good place to start. I’ll also hype my own thread I made awhile ago: Class Set Overhaul where I basically update the seven Class Sets. Immortal King in particular is rather radical but I think it fits the definition of “Immortal King”.

As for Mosaic, you have to bring back the notion of charges being consumed when using Finishing moves. This infinite use crap Mosaic brings to the table has to go. To quote myself…

Thing is I played MA Assassin before 2.4 and I felt it was just fine. I mean sure having to charge up repeatedly was a pain given that Charge-Up Attack Rating was inferior to Finishing Moves(notably Dragon Claw) but that’s how she was set-up to be years ago. 2.4 did improve one area I thought that was needed in improving Charge-Skill Attack Rating but aside from that, they didn’t need to have Finishing Moves consume 1 charge(much less auto-hit). Finishing Moves were basically single target nukes with the explosion dependent on how many charges you had. Now you can set off 3+ nukes in succession, each one being different than the previous. Mosaic, turned that mechanic on its head and basically made it nuke 24/7 at the same intensity for as long as you could maintain it.

Assuming we keep the 2.4 mechanics, what do you propose we do to Mosaic? Aside from outright removing it from the game(which I don’t see happening), the only alternative I can see is to simply remove the +50% chance for finishing moves to not consume charges attribute. It can retain the refresh charge mechanic for Finishing Moves but I feel that ought to be universal in that if you use a Finishing move, it refreshes the duration on the remaining charges so that if you kill an enemy, it gives you time to seek out another one. Namely it shouldn’t be exclusive to a runeword as that devalues other Claws immensely.

As to what I’d put in its place, I’m not entirely sure. Maybe it could double the amount of Traps you can lay from 5 to 10. That alone would be quite strong and it could work both as a Trapper Claw and as Melee Claw given the %Elemental perks.

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