D2honor public baal/chaos bots blizzard

Blizzard please this is insane. Searched baal in the lobby 19 d2honor bot games come up.

small cry thread. all done cya later folks.


I agree, Blizzard should do something about themā€¦

However, I do hope you know that you mentioning their name is basically free advertisement for them on the official forums.

I mean if someone is going to buy items i am sure they know about google search engine and if they play d2r at all i am sure they see the games also.

I said in other threads I was going to make a pk zon this weekend and I did :stuck_out_tongue:

Ironically I used d2honor bot runs to get to level 88 before I started destroying them :stuck_out_tongue:

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No different than classic d2 except they werenā€™t stuck with the same game name. There are still public legit runs and tons of private groups especially when TZ is up for baalā€¦

And how are you going to level up when no bots are on to carry you ? Some random dudes who are doing Baal walks 10x slower ?

Try to think for a second

It is comical how many noob sorcs refuse to teleport their own baal games. All you need is 63% fcrā€¦ if you get the 105% breakpoint you are pretty much immortalā€¦

Its annoying for me becasue these bot games arenā€™t up so I canā€™t split off into arcane or tzs for high exp and dropsā€¦

But I do make games called ā€œd2honorbaala0ā€ and have people join while I just run and its funny af.

Maybe just get gud and play the game?

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That comment just showed how clueless you are.

I follow baal games and solo TZ in P8, so much about ā€˜ā€˜get gud and play the gameā€™ā€™ huh ?

And you do NOT need to be good at the game to do baal runs, what are you talking about ? Anyone can do that just fine.

If you think bots are bad for the leveling experience, you need to get gud at the game.

Thereā€™s no difference between leeching off bots doing 2 mins baal runs and leeching off human games that are 3-4 minutes. Itā€™s longer for absolutely nothing.

So, you are dependent on botsā€¦

Thatā€™s all you needed to say.

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For leveling your character the fastest ? Yep.

We all are. The only way you wouldnā€™t be is if you had 8 accounts and a good PC to run your own full solo TZ games.

Do you take out just the sorc bot or everyone involved? Lol,

If you take out the sorc bot it turns into a regular Baal run, except everyone there is lazy and just leaves if sorkbot dies,:sweat_smile:

Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t really choose who I aim for :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe play this friggin game like it was meant to be? Make a party, donā€™t rush, play the act from beginning to end.

Whatā€™s up with modern gamers?? Rush to hell and do the same runs over and over again is no fun. It is work.

What are you talking about ? Terror Zones were made exactly for that reason, to play the game in all the different zones.

There is absolutely no reason to play solo TZ in P1 if you are high level, you get less xp and less drops. This is just a complete waste of time.

Itā€™s funny how you claim this is ā€˜ā€˜what modern gamersā€™ā€™ want when this is how itā€™s always been since D2 was released over 20 years ago, is this what you consider modern gamers ? What were the systems from your time, Atari and SNES ?

So there you have it folksā€¦. Humans attempting justification of bots because they make a game take less of their precious timeā€¦

Wait, why do we play games again? Oh yeah, to kill time that would otherwise be spent in boredom.


If you put the slightest thought into this, you would realize that following full baal run games to do solo TZ is a lot more fun.

Because you get more XP, better drops and the game is more challenging. I can already solo P8, what the hell am I going to do in a P1 solo game ?

Also if you want to follow baal runs for the XP, have you considered that you would reach your desired level much faster, stopping the boring grind faster ?

You think youā€™re being clever but youā€™re just bad at the game, that much is certain.

Steps up on a soapboxā€¦

Here ye, here ye!

Let it be known from this day forth that Iā€™m bad at the game because I donā€™t follow bots to speed up my gameplay, just because Bee said so!


Yup. Because anyone whoā€™s half decent at the game will know that doing solo P1 games is a colossal waste of time in the end game.

No XP and bad drops.

Also anybody who does PvP wouldnā€™t want to waste time following the occasional humans who run baal runs (which there isnā€™t many at all when the runs are down)

So you donā€™t PvP and you do some low level PvM stuff. This is what I consider a very casual and bad player.

Yes, I am a casual player. Iā€™ve already spent enough time nolifing this game periodically in the past 24 years the game has been released. I got bored of becoming ultra powerful in a very short period of time playing the bot following game and trade game. Itā€™s too easy.

As a change of pace and in defiance of bots ruining the game, I play solo self found. I enjoy it, my progress is mine alone and not helped by botting scum, and that is enough for me to say itā€™s time well spent. I have no desire to compete with the most time nolifing the game following botters around in the game anymore. So what if I donā€™t reach 99ā€¦ 90 is fine the vast majority of the time anyway for me to consider a character ā€œdoneā€.

PVP is a joke in this game. May the one with the biggest wallet and the most knowledge of game bugs/exploits win.

Does Bee the bot follower have any other lines of inspiration to add?