Currency Value List

Dear Community,Content Creator.

I would be very happy if someone would take the time and effort to create a consideration list for items and runes, who really knows about the game.
It would prevent the scamming of players and give a guideline for everyone else.

The problem with any pricing list is that the value of items change over time, so there is no golden standard for any one item. Typically items are higher priced right at the beginning of the ladder and get cheaper as time rolls on. It all boils down to supply vs. demand.

Prices for non-ladder will of course stabilize to a point where most non consumable items will be dirt cheap versus consumables like runes and gems. A select few uniques, runewords and rare items with high rolls or extremely sought after mods will always be expensive.


There is no price guides. You just need to keep an eye on what people offer/ask for everything.

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I am working on it actualy., not direct prices as they move all the time but general value of items.

Not true, I have my own and i know about one more.

In general the next rune up is 1.5x the previous rune, there are a few exceptions such as Cham not being worth nearly as much as Jah, Jah being worth roughly the same as Ber, Sur being worth roughly the same as Lo, but for the most part, if you want an Um, it’s going to cost Pul + Lem (2xPul will simply create an Um, but for trading diversity of currency is valuable in itself, so it’s only 1.5x the previous rune). Mal will be Um+Pul, again instead of 2xUm, since 2xUm gives you a Mal anyway it would be pointless to trade that way. Mal+Um probably goes for Ist, though Ist is so commonly used as the “base” currency for HRs that I imagine at a certain point you could probably just trade Mal for Ist straight up as Mal is a useful rune to have for many powerful runewords. While again this “1.5x the previous” doesn’t apply for some cases, it’s what I use personally for a general idea. Then again, different people are different, and sometimes it pays to be patient and wait for “desperation” like I just got 2xIst runes for 2xplain Necro Summon GCs, which classically/historically I’m pretty sure would only go for Um or Pul. But I guess that person really just wanted some necro summon GCs quick, even plain ones, and didn’t have a problem overpaying for them. So even if something is worth something, always be on the lookout for making trades where you come out on top or make profit, over time it will add up.

“Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it”

-Publilius Syrus


I did not mean there are no “guides” but I meant there is no fixed guide as the prices change over time. Especially at the start of a ladder prices change even hourly during first day or two.


If all items are getting cheaper wouldn’t they mostly retain their value relative to each other? I don’t think he’s talking forum-gold here.

I suppose sorc gear might vary some since a lot of people like to run them as their first character. But otherwise you would think it would be stable relatively speaking.

But I would still find it cool if the prices would not fluctuate so much.or has a stopping point.

For example, you could say that the base sockeling quest in Act 5 is worth 1 high runes.

and that you can find out the rune value was already explained.2x Sur is a Ber, but now it may be that no one gives a 2x sur for a Ber or rather less.

Would be cool to have ingame marketplace where you could trade items and the currency would be runes.

Not sure on the accuracy

No because all items are not getting cheaper. Runes are constantly getting more expensive because set and uniques and others types are going down with price.

Yes and no. Runes are akin to money, items are akin to “things”. Money is always king over things, since money can buy anything, whereas things can only be traded for other things, or yes they can be sold/traded for money, but never as much as you’d like or think it’s worth

To a point yes, but certain items saturate over time. F.e. there will be a time when a < 120ed arachnid won’t be worth much anymore because there are simply so many in circulation that most people have several perfect ones whereas f.e. runes, people who have a surplus in runes will start to reroll their gear in the hope for a higher roll so there’s always a drain for that, that, and runes are a better currency in trading overall.

You can already see this happening, Look at Shako for example. Wasn’t long ago any was worth an Ist and perfect ones like Vex+ … now? If it’s not 130+ def its pretty much a free giveaway, and even if 130-140 def it’s not going to catch you over a Mal and only the 141 def one stayed at about Vex but this will also change soon.

what does “F.E.” stand for? Usually that means Fire-Enchant for diablo 2, but I don’t think that’s what you mean.

For example.

There are 20 characters in the quote above

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so, d2jsp has the most updated price. u can check the fg of high runes and compare them with the fg of other items. Many players trade there. U may not use d2jsp to trade but it still gives u lots of ideas about the currency