PvP Bug:
After some testing I noticed the “alt key” fix and how this simulates you pressing alt the entire time to make it work (something a 12 yr old script kiddie would’ve came up with 20 years ago) affects whirlwind for the barb (and assa) to avoid namelocking - you can now interact with objects while holding alt.
- Original: you hold alt for item label interaction, no object.
- D2R: alt constantly being pressed for item label, no object interaction since it’s forced, causing PvM issues (like clicking a portal).
- D2R fix: you can now interact with objects while alt is being constantly pressed for you (this works on either method of toggled or manual press in options menu).
Has anyone else tested this/know of this bug?
Yes this is unfortunate. To clarify, in original d2, if you hold alt while WWing it prevents you from namelocking someone, therefore avoiding the dreaded ww lock. The idea is to ww through someone instead, because when you ww lock you are basically defenseless and stuck in ww animation until you hit your target or they go far enough away that the lock is broken.
This change basically breaks barbs/wwsins for pvp if you intend on playing on a high level. Wwlock is one of the easiest ways to get killed in pvp and it was avoidable by holding alt. Sadly this is no longer the case with d2r, and it will probably go unnoticed because most players didnt even know about alt ww to begin with.
WW Lock is actually something useful used in certain situations. Yes it can be your death if done wrong, but done right can help you do “off-screen” kills.
I would very much like this one to be addressed also the one where namelocking a player wouldn’t sent you to the same place as the original.
Think this was mentioned in a Cooley video but can’t be sure.
Thankfully this is definitely not the case. It came naturally to a whole lot of players. I think it’ll get fixed, it just isn’t fixed in this client.