Create Game bug

Now we have had the create game bug for over a week, probably even more… It can’t be that hard to fix it, if you actually still care about the game. Which it seems like you dont anymore.
Everyone that ive talked to during streams and everything is agreeing that this is a very big issue for d2r. It just sucks the joy out of the game, and people actually stop playing the game because of this issue… And i bet that if this happened in wow or Diablo 4 it would be fixed in no time. It’s just like you dont care about d2r anymore, because it’s not the biggest money maker you guys have anymore…


to be fair, you don’t know that. There’s no way for a layman of knowing what is the underlying issue.

But I would like at least an acknlowledgement from Blizzard “yes, we know, sorry, we’ll fix it some time in the near future”

That is true. I don’t know what the underlying issue is other than it’s a game creating issue. BUT i do know for a fact that blizzard would have fixed it by now in any of the games i refered to earlier. If this was one of either wow or D4, this issue would be fixed in a few days if not within 24h even. Thats kinda the whole point im making here. I would like some kind of acknowledgement from blizzard stating that they are aware of the issue here, which i am 100% sure they are aware of. And i would like a public statement that ensures their customers (people that actually payed money to blizzard for their game and service) that they are on it, that they are trying to fix the issue we’re having. I’m just not sure if they care enough about the game anymore to even bother fixing the issue