Crash After Killing Shenk

I very frequently crash after killing Shenk. At least 5-10x per day.

Someone tells me that this happens if you kill Shenk before killing his minions and one of his explodey guys explodes as the fire and explosions play out after Shenk dies.

This has been reported very often since D2R came out.

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Many ppl post this. I believe it is happening due to out of memory error. From options, lower the graphic settings affecting that Shenk fireworks and you should be fine. There is that VRAM USAGE bar that shows when you are over burdening your graphics card memory.

VRAM usage is <50% as I’m playing the game as normal.

I’ll watch VRAM usage next time.

Easily caused a crash, didn’t see VRAM move an inch from around 40% during the crash using the D2R graphics menu.

Monitored using task manager how much VRAM was being used. Saw no significant spike (barely a spike at all) during the Shenk animation.

The above 2 statements are true, but, there’s more to this story.

In-game VRAM usage graph showed “40%” this is just a flat number that seems to be an estimate based on settings. This never changes. This is also VERY wrong. Doing the math, D2R was taking closer to 85% of my VRAM, not 40%. A small spike was actually enough to cause it to go over my max.

I have lowered texture quality to lowest and that freed up 2.5gb+ of VRAM. I’ll continue testing to see if I crash with this extra headway cleared.

I’ve done 5 Shenk runs without crashing. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that the VRAM usage graph in D2R is not to be trusted, it was VERY wrong.

Edit 5:
I believe this is fixed by ignoring the in-game VRAM usage graph and doing the math yourself.

Use CPU-Z to see your GPU memory for your card (you might just know it).

In task manager right click the bar with the column names and click “Select columns”

Scroll down and make sure “Dedicated GPU Memory” is checked.

Now sort by max Dedicated GPU Memory as you play D2R. The actual % of VRAM used is going to be that number divided by your total available. It’s likely much higher than what the game reports.

Lower settings until this number has enough headway for things like Shenk’s death explosion. Lowering texture quality is one very quick way to massively drop VRAM usage.

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This is happening to me too. I have had this issue since I had started playing again 4 months ago. Blizzard needs to fix this immediately. This is such bs. I’m so tired of it. The bloody foothills and frigid highlands terror zone is nice bc I can farm the 2 super uniques by the way point over and over but it just makes it so risky of my game crashing. So outside of the terror zone, I almost never farm Shenk.

A 12gb vram buffer should not be filled by a nbunch of crap on the ground. These effects are causing problems period and should be fixed.

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I have this Problem too, does Blizzard do anything about this known issue or do we have to deal with this crap?

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Had this happen when playing with my friend. Still crashing as of 5/2023. We both crashed at the same time. He’s running a 3090 ti (24GB VRAM) and I’m running a 3050. Don’t think it’s because of VRAM limitation.

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Still not fixed as of today. 2080 Ti.

Vram is not the issue, it crashes on 3090 with 24Gb of Vram. Bug was successfully converted from LoD as we all can see. People used to say that it happens whenever shenk is multishot which causes the death animation to be tripled. Would be easy to check.


Guess this bug was never fixed. Running a 4070 and crashing all night on my runs.

try to set VFX Lighting quality from ultra to low

Mine does not crash but my frames often drop to single digits and the game slows for a few secs etc.

Ryzen 7, 6700xt, 64GB RAM