Could you PLEASE FIX the chat?

The chat has been bugged since RELEASE of D2R …
How long will it take for it to be fixed?

It constantly bugs out so you can’t see the game chat, it places you in random lobby chats, if someone whisper it removes the game chat and enters the whisper chat instead of showing both…

I mean come on… the old classic D2 UI, chat and lobby system was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the one in D2R …
New bnet is a downgrade compared to the old days…


PLEASE please please fix the chat! If you leave a game and come back then you lose all in-game chat functions.

If I die, then leave and come back to get my body, I essentially can’t hang out with anyone in the game anymore.

I too prefer the old system.

  1. I liked when it said Player Dropped Due To Timeout so that I know they had a connection issue and didn’t bail.
  2. I liked getting notifications when my friends logged on so I could say hello. It felt much more social.
  3. I liked the previous whisper system where private messages just show up with the regular messages so you don’t have to tab through other chats.
  4. I liked that you could chat while in the trade window.
  5. I like having only one chat in the game, to ease confusion.
  6. I dislike having previous chats from old games transferred from game to game with no obvious break between them. Maybe you could say “You joined game xx” and have it written in red.

The only perk to the new system is that you can reach out to people you played with but aren’t friends with easily but honestly I’d rather have all the other functions more.


did a google search to see if it was just me, and saw your post. Its Jan 22, 2025 and chat is still bugged. Also, would be nice to see when people leave a game, like the old d2, instead of constantly scanning top left avatars. Its actually impressive this is a thing and they’re a publicly traded company.

This is a thing because they are a publicly traded company. The priority is stuffing the pockets of their investors with money, not fixing a video game with a small user base.