Could we please get rid of immunes?

players will need to decide which stats they want to sacrifice in favor of other advantages

Umm that what min maxing is my friend. Are you calling your own opinion garbage or mine? Cause you both agreed and disagreed with me in the same sentence.


who said anything about a garbage opinion? why taking offense? finding a balance is also not minmaxing. minmaxing throws all other considerations out to focus solely on one thing, usually player damage.

players can decide whether they want 700 MF and nuke hard on one element or less MF and have flexibility. people wanting to remove immunes clearly just want 10000 MF for free and 100% damage at all times.

sounds boring


Sorry meant to say "nonsense " not garbage there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Brains not working at full tilt today, stayed up until like 6am drinking and playing Solasta with a bud and fell asleep in my chair. Woke up like 5 hours later feeling like I swallowed a skunk.

Honestly I feel blizzard themselves don’t particularly like immunities as they are, they just can’t change it without making a sizable part of the player base angry. They did a lot of druid changes for 2.4, a lot.

if you look hard at the changes they not only tried to make the 3 trees more viable but also added/ tried to make the trees able to break immunities easier. Spirit wolves in summoning tree also do frost damage, Fire elemental gets phyiscal and fire damage done together, Shapeshifting got fire claw redone to do more damage up front.

Its not perfect changes, but it was recieved fairly well even if people complained mainly wanting the damage to scale up higher. Again I don’t think blizzard likes resists as they currently are in game, their hands are just tied.

Yup, immunities weren’t in Diablo 3, nor will they be in Diablo 4. Don’t know if they are in immortal. Kinda doubt it, but I wasn’t in the beta for immortal.

Case closed - OP should play D3 where everything dies brainlessly and stay away from D2


One games I regret buying, and two I never will.

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I have a zeal, smite, hdin setup. zeal for groups, smite for bosses, hammers for phys immunes

I remember those days, they made us VERY good at building our chars RIGHT. you make a single mistake? remake. zero forgiveness. that was alsoa fun line back then in pvp “lol, go remake” when you mopped up a scrub who was nk’ing and being a jerk.

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D3 combat is lame as it gets. D4 is looking like more of the same. D2 does things good, and D1 nailed it pretty much. I have a cold/light sorc for immunes in hell. fire-phys damage combo means you better pack poison or you will run into fire-phys immunes.

As a veteran I can tell you off the top of my head the most common dual immunities:

fire-cold, fire-phys, cold-phys. everything else is not as common.

now, fire and cold have the most immunities to work against, but thats why you have lightning. it’s important to note which key bosses are immune to what as well.
key bosses are the ones from chaos sanc seals, and baal waves. trav, and other bosses arent considered as they dont block the way to an end-act boss.

Pindle, eldrich, shenk, griswold, bloodraven, etc are all only worth noting but not worrying too much about(you can mf elsewhere).

I really dont want to see D3 in D2, the big numbers nonsense is just that: nonsense.

LOL every user in this forum is a casual whiner. Thank god devs aren’t listening to you to people and just laughing at your absurd suggestions.

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make a good pit runner,my auradin can finish the pits in p1-3 is less than a minute(when I find the pit).I actually have found quite a few HRs there and I play this game maybe an hour a day.I actually regularly give vex runes away to random ppl online that need help and even some ppl on here when I find them cause if I actually needed vex runes I would just sell off some jah runes.Vex is the most common mid range hr dropped down in the pits.

“Dbowski” has actually advocated many times for changing immunities. I’d personally love to see a system where fire immunes for example have 99 percent fire resistance instead. So you still have to “target farm” locations for gear while at the same time being rewarded for the grind to make infinity. Once you have obtained infinity, facets, etc… you can then crush those types of monsters. Always thought a meteor sorc in chaos would be cool. I think this approach is a good compromise between keeping the core of d2 but adding more of modern arpg spin. Again others may not agree and that is totally fine. Maybe stop by one of my streams and ask me about my D2 viewpoints instead of making assumptions and claims on forum posts.

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LOL. ‘joined 20 hours ago’. The only post is here.
Can’t wait till twitch streamers and twitch culture are irrelevant and need to find an actual career. Maybe then game companies will stop catering to zoomers and their idyllic twitch gods who should have zero say in game development. It’s not enough that dboobski’s face is plastered all over the launcher, huh?


Twitch / Youtube is actually not my career its a side hobby. Seems like you just hate life though.


I absolutely agree. Sadly, people are stuck in their old ways and think it actually makes the game more “challenging.” lol

Good post. I agree. Are you the real Dbrunski? :stuck_out_tongue:

immunities make sense lol…why should u be able to kill a lightning based mob with lightning…or a fire based mob in a f**ing lava based map with fire…a cold based YETI with blizzard…there are multiple classes/builds start with one u can farm some gear on and make multiple toons and stop being a cry baby about the game being to complex for you. multiple classes have multiple duo spec builds. waaaaaaaaah my amazon cant farm the whole game waaaaaaah…jab the lighting immunes and stu

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I’m not really saying make the game easier. Again if a fire immune monster had 99 fire res instead you literally wouldn’t be able to do any dmg to early on. So it changes absolutely nothing until end game gear is achieved like Infinity, Flickering Flame, Phoenix etc… Still preserving the Mephisto grind, Andariel grind, Torch grind to trade for runes etc… Why can a Javazon crush Chaos / Baal (after infinity) but a Fire Sorc gets stone walled. It would atleast add more end game diversity (again after end game gear is achieved). Opposed to a Fire Sorc being stuck farming Stoney tombs, Pindle, and Mephsito. In the end its simply a suggestion that I doubt would ever be implemented. But if you take the time to actually think about the change I think you’d realise it doesn’t make the game any easier. Instead it allows more end game options.


A surprisingly large, and VERY vocal, minority are opposed to any changes to Diablo 2. It’s like a personal affront to them. It’s very strange for a 20 year old game whos cracks and flaws have become obvious over time. Very strange.