Content Creators Win Again

Only if your USA resident.
Anyone else gets a few days of twitter hyping and then the message that your below their notice.

wait what happened now? some twttier give away? Gonna take more than 25 bucks to sign up for that :poop: hole of a site.

Well for those that missed it, the give away is done.

free stuff? there is no such thing as free stuff. someone always has to pay.

The toilet video is amazing. ty.

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Of course, but I’m talking about free to the individual. If someone buys me a candy bar, the candy bar itself wasn’t free, but when they give it to me, it was certainly free to me.

The fact I have to explain that is hilarious.

and you have obtained a lot of candy bars in this manner? in the instance someone does give you a free candy bar it depends on who gave it to you. did the government steal the candy bar from its rightful owner and give it to you or did the rightful owner give it to you out of generosity? you can go out and get all the free stuff you want by becoming a thief. and if you can ignore the possibility you might end up suffering far more for it that way than if you had worked for it then for someone with your mentality it is truly free. if on the other hand you got a free candy bar it is because the beneficiary found you to be cute and loveable. in which case i must conclude that you did something to make yourself appear this way in his eyes. so you exerted effort to make yourself loveable and were given a gift. now as a practical matter how many candy bars have you obtained in this way? christmas where you give to them and they give to you? still quid pro quo. your argument is mostly a lot of theoretical pie in the sky horse manure. doesnt exist in reality.

Heh. So I was away from my computer due to appointments on the 17th and that promo was only open for what, six hours? That to me was the lame part, but I guess it’s water under the bridge now. :frowning: