Conc melee barb

All other melee Characters have gotten great improvements or changes. The barb has been neglected and compared to other characters in the melee realm its been effected the most negatively they lost a butt ton of defense when defense armor glitching was fixed. and havent really seen any melee skills upgraded greatly. Druids got a ar bump and can dang near use everyweapon possible now at a good speed. Pallys were always op. Just hoping the big defensive battle toad will get some love that it needs


Its the lack of run/walk that annoys me.

However, you get a shield, good shouts and points left over. You are near invinvible, i dont think they are dreadful by comparison

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i made one in the past and Concentrate is just fine. it’s not the fastest at clearing the screen cuz it’s single target but it’s very good as a pit runner/elite sniper.

you can make a cheap Obedience in a thresher and Stone in a wire fleece and you’ll have something like +12k defense with shout. And, due to the enchant cast on kill, you get a lot of AR as well.

And yet druid has the lowest population in the game cause despite the buff, he still has no aoe skills, bad targeting tornado, bad summons, spirts which they die with one random hit, useless vines.

Check the 99s to see how many barbs and druids are there.