Comprehensive Wishlist for Future Patch

Spirit keeper is to OP. I think they shouldnt add it in game.

The idea of Spirit Keeper is sound, just need the stats tweaked to make it balanced, which was mentioned as a disclaimer. Having a new shadow plate armor that is competitive vs. Enigma is a good thing, just need to ensure the item is exceptionally rare.

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CURRENCY TAB is a pass from me. I like the physical act of moving stuff around and arranging it. Never liked Currency tabs.

The cut content stuff seems mostly cut for a reason. The Butcher was probably just a stand in for The Smith during development. Annoying blowy up enemies are kinda of just a waste of time. Dog eneies of pretty generic as were probably cut for that reason. The Quill Bear thing is “okay” I guess. Mosquito Nests were probably cut because they’d be impossible for Physical characters on hell to deal with in a normal playthrough in hell… ect ect

Those items look like developer mock ups for runewords that didn’t make it, not actually items.

No thanks on Concentrate on barb. Smite is busted already and should be nerfed if anything, smite on a barb would be next level busted.

Sorc needs zero buffs, and a number of nerfs.

Act 5 merc needs to stick to swords. We don’t need Act 5 Mercs running around with Last Wish + Beast.

Changing Tyrael’s Might is like changing the color of a Unicorn. You’ll never see one so it doesn’t matter.

We don’t need to be buffing items in general, we need to lower the outliers. Games already too easy.

Poison on Andy is kind of irrelevant. Poison can’t kill you, is easily removed with an antidote, or opening a TP, and takes too long to be lethal.

The Duriel change makes sense… but prob isn’t worth dev time as he’s a kill once and ignore boss.

Mephisto moating is just such a “classic” thing that frankly I’d rather it just be left in.

Diablo lighting doesn’t really change anything other than just making him annoying. I’d rather see his melee actually do something.

Baal just being more annoying doesn’t do much other than him being more annoying.

I don’t think buffing the prime evils is the way to go as there is such a gap in power between a playthrough character and a GG character that if you buffed every single thing about them 5x… they’d still be easy as crap to a geared character. They’d be about impossible for a normal gameplay playthrough though. There is no middle ground there.

Currency tab is fine. If you don’t want to use it, you don’t use it. Simple.


Simple rebuttal, if you don’t want to use a currency tab then don’t use it. Meanwhile the vast majority of the community would welcome a currency tab to improve inventory management across the board.


Ya, the play button on the character select screen is convenient but it did lead to the lobby being less of a focal point. Pretty subjective if you think the play button is an upgrade cause it basically just allowed players to skip the lobby and the games list is no longer the first thing that everybody sees.

I’m pretty reluctant on a currency tab. Sure, it might be nice for the short term but I have some doubts as to if it would be a good change overall. Maybe, it’s not such a great idea to let people stack 87 p topazes and 432 rals, these items are often valuable partly because there is a cost to holding them so people use them when they pile up or stop picking them up.

As for balance changes, I am also skeptical that a fan posting on the forum has written out optimal balance changes; not every weak skill needs to be as strong as the best skills. Let 2.4 soak in for at least 6-8 months before we start jacking with more balance changes.

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Exactly this. I was severely disappointed they kept the original “sell Stones of Jordan” system they initially put in place, which was only to get rid of duped Stones of Jordan…but then just encouraged those people to do it more, thus having the opposite effect.

Change it to be a rare Hell-only drop (roughly the equivalent of a mid tier rune or so), where selling/consuming that drop spawns a personal Uber Diablo.

And while we’re on the topic of Ubers, let’s finally give a use for the Standard of Heroes, that level 90 “charm” that provides no benefit. Let it be used in a cube recipe that rerolls an item, or perhaps add a random modifier or enhance a random modifier, one use per item.


or just remove the clone and make anni a chance drop from all the ubers. including lilith, uber izual and uber duriel.

I’d like to see Druid pets stay closer and get better at acquiring targets. Right now they’re trash without a teleport charge. Can get 2 full screens away before they auto tele to you. The animals also rub off on the merc, can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen merc and bear just watching and doing absolutely nothing.

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Or change it to all ‘unique rings sold to merchants’. Can’t even get SoJ’s to wear without selling your first born in a trade.


Today the small patch actually already fixed the Valkyrie sound bug. :slight_smile:

But another small change I’d like to see: When playing with controller and in menu, bind the “Play” button to a controller button. Strangely, delete character and convert character are bound to some key for quick access, which I don’t do that frequently. But for starting a game I have to navigate using the joystick or arrow keys to the “Play” button.

I can officially say, my opinion has changed. I would love to see something specific for currency. Just to store… I mean dang.

I would love to see some item improvements like you have mentioned. Nothing outrageous, but just making things like The Grandfather really feel like an alternative endgame weapon.


I’m impressed that I don’t generally disagree with anything in here. 100% think they will do lobby’s and currency tab in the next two big patches. Probably get both by season 2, just my speculation.

Edit: They enhanced the game list since I posted this. I still think they need to do more work on the lobby/channel portion though they did enhance the list significantly.


Ehh frankly I’d rather not have something I’d prefer not to use taking up space on my UI either. I’d much rather just have more character slots.

I imagine it would be another tab in your stash, so it would not take up extra space from the UI.

I surprisingly agree with alot of your propositions, except for the merc changes, I think most of these are a bad idea

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Agreed, I would love to see The Grandfather be a competitive end-game weapon.


Don’t forget Flamespike the Crawler. Bring it back


Wow, never knew about Flamespike the Crawler. I guess the monster was removed because it was too close to the waypoint in Inner Cloister. I’m sure they could add this super unique back and simply adjust the spawn location.


I hope you are right on this and also think this will come with Season 2.