Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Hi, basicially agree with you here. Problem is, that even a perfect one would not as good as a simple Insight I guess. So if you find it at lvl 44 even if perfect it would not be really good. To be an remote option it should be usable right away if you find it. For sure you would not put it in your stash to be used on a different char. Since IAS is the centerpiece I would limit the roll on IAS to range only for two break points. With a Bec-De-Corbin (base speed 0) you need 75% IAS for the second BP (A2 merc). So we should ensure that it will hit at least the 48 IAS third BP (usable even with a low ED roll I think, rep life doesn´t matter too much). So let´s make it 60-80 (third or second BP if rolled high or a cheap Shael if you want to waste your Lazurk Quest.

So now the big part!!!

Ok, now let´s talk about a few set items again (big topic, I know). And yes we agreed not to go wild and initially don´t wanted to change set items itself and rather propose buffs for partial and full set bonuses to make the life of the devs easy. But since they are not listening on short notice, we could talk about a few changes for a long term improvement.


  • Not intended to create new meta items, but make existing ones more usable. Standalone and within the set.
  • Consider all proposals made so far for the set itself and rivalling uniques for that spot to be implemented (important!!!)
  • Enable build variety and not just another variant for the same purpose (as a goal, as far as this is possible).
  • Not changing already viable items. Yes, that means we keep Tal Rashas untouched, since it is already viable and most items have it´s uses. Difficult will be how to coop with mediocre ones (like Aldurs parts…… but let´s see).

Two types of items:

  • A) Items I would like to buff to make it usable as part of a mixed gear setup (like Trangs belt and gloves, G-Face, LoH etc.).
  • B) Items who will not be usable standalone but needs some love to improve the set (e.g Natalya’s Mark, several items of the Heaven’s Brethren Set)

Furthermore I will not waste time on lower sets since it is most probably unlikely that you find those in a SSF situation and the set bonuses were good for low level in most cases imho. And most LLVL items are good enough to progress through the game.

Starting with A)


Credendum (Set Mithril Coil - The Disciple Set)
Defense: 108-115 (varies)
(Base Defense: 58-65)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 106
Durability: 16
16 boxes
+50 Defense
All Resistances +15
+10 To Dexterity
+10 To Strength


  • Change Defense from +50 to +350
  • Change All Resistances +15 to +25
  • Add Replenished life +25 (> 2.44 life per second)
  • Add Faster Run Walk +10 or even +20

With our discussions about sets already a year ago we haven´t talked about The Disciple Set and I guess it would be hard to make it really viable. LoH is obviously already great. Full set offers only +2 skills, 50@res and some mana and little strength as set bonuses, including all items will add+1 from the ammy and res from several items. The set will stay mediocre.

But what would you think about changing the belt with more res, way more def (maybe relevant if pushed this hard) and high rep life (Trangs has only +5, no other belts offers it and RepLife is imho generally rare and always kind of low) or low FRW? And it is lvl 65 no power creep in an early game and good for melee chars.

Wilhelm’s Pride (Set Battle Belt - Orphan’s Call Set)
Defense: 75 (Base Defense: 37-42)
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 88
Durability: 18
16 boxes
+75% Enhanced Defense
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Cold Resistance +10%

Add +8 Attack Rating per lvl

Probably the belt I regret the most that it has a little to offer. We added +1 skill and some +25% FRW to the set. G-Face is great obviously. Wistans Guard has as a shield its uses again. But the gloves and the belt could use some spice.

With dual leech the belt could opens up a ring slot, what would be the center piece of my thoughts. Lvl req. is with 42 okay. What do you think of only adding a big chunk of AR to the belt? That way it could be an alternative to the Angelics combo and benefit struggling melee chars (obviously not using string of ears then)? What do you think, would it be enough? Fixed value or per lvl? I would propose +8 per lvl as a starting point (Angelic has +12, with +8 this will translate into +336 AR at lvl 42 and +792 at lvl 99). I think dual leech and AR could be enough. If we spice it up even more then we could talk about adding a low lvl CtC when struck (not sure what is not utilized and fitting here, but also not sure if needed at all).

Gloves (only two changes would be needed):

Magnus’ Skin (Set Sharkskin Gloves - Orphan’s Call Set)
Defense: 60 (Base Defense: 33-39)
Required Level: 37
Required Strength: 20
Durability: 14
+50% Enhanced Defense
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+100 To Attack Rating
+3 To Light Radius
Fire Resistance +15%


  • Change Attack Rating from +100 to +300-400
  • Add 5% CtC lvl 20 Charged Bolt when struck (22 bolts with only 13-15 dmg per bolt, but looks cool)
  • Or Add lvl 15 Heart of the Wolverine (20 Charges) (612 life and AR +123% and Dmg +118)
  • Or Add 25% Damage Taken Goes To Mana

Same set. I´m always very disappointed after finding a pair of those. The IAS is nice but not enough to consider it. Of the IAS gloves LoH is clearly, Sanders is slightly better and a bit earlier available. Considering buffing Wilhelm’s Pride as above we need to consider the 2p set bonus (base: +35 life, and proposed on top +25% FRW). What would you say if we also buff AR (so the combo would be nice, IAS, AR Dual Leech and FRW – I would consider that for sure). Cleglaws 10 per lvl as a 2p set bonus is not viable since sword and shield are only for very early games enough. We could also add some charges here? Or CtC Shiver Armor when struck or Charged Bolt? I also could imagine damage taken goes to mana could be handy? What do you think if considered proposes set changes and the above belt changes?

Boots (only one imho in need of change):

Rite of Passage (Set Demonhide Boots - The Disciple Set)
Defense: 53-60 (varies)(Base Defense: 28-35)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 20
Durability: 12
Assassin Kick Damage: 26-46
+25 Defense
30% Faster Run Walk
+15-25 Maximum Stamina (varies)
Half Freeze Duration


  • Lower lvl req. by 5 to 24
  • Change Faster Walk from +30% to +50%
  • Or Add 15% Chance to Cast lvl 5 Inner Sight when struck (no need for an Act 1 Merc as an option)

Underwhelmed overall in the current state. FRW and (now stackable) HFD is nice, but at lvl 29 even Sanders is more useful at a lower level. I could see two options. Lower lvl req. by 5 lvl. and increase FRW to 50%. We discussed increasing magic boots to 50% FRW but finally voted against it. This would be only an early game improvement imho. Is there something what would fit the them as well? Maybe lvl 5 Inner Sight when struck (-140 Enemy Defense for 24 seconds)? Both changes would help to make the boots and maybe the set almost useable at least in SSF! (@ Charles: I choose inner sight before you even mentioned it at your helm RW, but here your go! J).

Type B)


Ondal’s Almighty (Set Spired Helm - Heaven’s Brethren Set)
Defense: 164-209 (varies)(Base Defense: 114-159)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 116
Durability: 40
10% Chance To Cast Level 3 Weaken On Striking
24% Faster Hit Recovery
Requirements -40%
+50 Defense
+15 To Dexterity
+10 To Strength


  • Change lvl 3 Weakon On Strinking to lvl 8
  • Add +5 Light Radius
  • Add +15-20 Minimum Damage (roll)
  • Add 1-2 OS
  • Lower lvl req. from 69 to 59 (min for spired helm as the base)

Our trouble child set :slight_smile:

I really like the unique look of this bad boy. But with the current state it is probably not viable standalone even if we buff it. Our proposal for the set was +6 Holy Shield (O-skill), 10% CB, 10% LL all for the 2P set bonus. This will be exclusively the helmet and the armor (shield and weapon are mediocre at best even with the shiploads of buffs we already added). The set is designed to be a phys fighter gear setup (as we discussed extensively before).

So. Weaken on striking is nice but only lvl 3 (would buff that to at least.). Lvl 3 means -35% enemy dmg and 7.3. yards. Lvl 8 would provide -40% dmg and much better 10.6 yards. 24% FHR is good enough for the first 3 BP for the most chars already (so would keep that untouched). How about adding some + mind dmg? Duskdeep (has +8 to max dmg)? And a high light radius? And maybe 1-2 OS as well? Last I would lower lvl req to be more competitive (Armor starts at 44 but the shield at 81, need to address this as well). Little strange but interesting combo afterwards? And even a merc option if rolled with 2 OS (at least as a temp). What do you think gents?


Haemosu’s Adamant (Set Cuirass - Heaven’s Brethren Set)
Defense: 688-702 (varies)(Base Defense: 188-202)
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 52
Durability: 50
+500 Defense
+40 Defense Vs. Melee
+35 Defense Vs. Missile
Requirements -20%
+75 To Life


  • Add +500 to Attack Rating
  • Change Defense Vs. Melee from +40 to +150
  • Change Defense Vs. Missile from +35 to +150
  • Change +75 to Life to +150 to Life
  • Add 1-2 OS

Big one jus for aesthetics. Same here. Focus on a viable 2p set when combined with the crown. There is no AR on the entire set but we changed it with a fighter theme in mind. So I would add a big portion of AR. And increase life and the Defense vs. M&M by approx. a 100. That would result in a high AR if combined with the Orphan’s Call 2p Set pieces above? Optional 1-2 OS as a roll (make it worth even looking what dropped)?

Shields (besides only changing Sigons with -15% req):

Taebaek’s Glory (Set Ward - Heaven’s Brethren Set)
Defense: 203-220 (varies)(Base Defense: 153-170)
Required Level: 81
Required Strength: 185
Chance to Block: Pal: 79% Ama/Asn/Bar: 74% Dru/Nec/Sor: 69%
Paladin Smite Damage: 11 to 35
+50 Defense
+25% Increased Chance Of Blocking
Lightning Resistance +30%
30% Faster Block Rate
+100 To Mana
Attacker Takes Damage of 30


  • Remove +100 to Mana
  • Add -30% Requirements
  • Add Replenished life +40 (> 3,9 life per second)
  • Lower lvl req. from 81 to 63+ (min for ward shield as the base)

We already agreed and put on the OP on Changeing +100 To Mana with -30% Requirements (new 130 strength req.). What about adding super strong Rep life? Gerkes has +15, Trangs +15 as a 4p set bonus on the shield and Exile offers +7. How about going beyond that with +40 (+4 life per second), as the only teaser? Without the shield remains irrelevant. But all the changes of the individual pieced combined with the mediocre set bonus we proposed, could work imho.

Weapons (that might more then only 1 or 2):

Dangoon’s Teaching (Set Reinforced Mace - Heaven’s Brethren Set)
Damage: 41 To (50-197)
Required Level: 68
Required Strength: 145
Required Dexterity: 46
Durability: 60
Base Weapon Speed: [0]

  • (1.5 Per Character Level) +1-148 To Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
    +50% Damage To Undead
    +40% Increased Attack Speed
    10% Chance To Cast Level 3 Frost Nova On Striking
    Adds 20-30 Fire Damage


  • Lower lvl req. from 68 to 47+ (min for a Reinforced Mace)
  • Change IAS from +40 to +60
  • Change 10% Chance To Cast Level 3 Frost Nova On Striking to lvl 12-18 (at least one roll make worth looking)
  • Change Adds 20-30 Fire Damage to 100-200 (or even more?)

The biggest issue of the current state of the set besides the high req. of the shield. To make it more competitive I would bring it down from the absolute end game spot with the high lvl. req. 68 is endgame territory (Death, eBotD etc.). The base has a min lvl. req. of 47 that would suit it better. With our proposed set changes a 2p set bonus will be 20% CB and !0% LL (good!). 3p with +150% DtD. We could go two ways here. High dmg or high speed with a lot of procs. We have several high dmg options in the game and making this one as well, would need to reinvent it completely. So I would not even try. I would increase IAS further and increase the lvl of the CtC Frost Nova. Without synergies and facets even lvl 15 would not be crazy in terms of cold dmg. And Increase fire dmg as it is already on the item. Not a super stand alone choice but would make the set viable maybe (not sure it a wolf or bear druid would like that)?

TBC after we discussed those items on those sets (complex since you have to consider existing set bonuses and proposed as well as the change we made to the rivalling uniques).

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Thread is fixed and back in business. Updated OP based on previous discussion. Added new section “New Runewords” and anyone is welcome to present new RW ideas and open up discussion to the community. :slight_smile:


Husoldal Evo
2H Damage: (53-59) To (253-287)
Req Level: 44
Req Strength: 133
Req Dexterity: 91
+160-200% Enhanced Damage
Adds 20-32 Damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
+200-250 To Attack Rating
Prevent Monster Heal
Replenish Life +20

  • Buffs:
    • Change IAS to +60-80%
    • Change Replenish Life to +20-40
    • Change E. Damage to +200-240%

New Runewords

Lum Tir Thul
Staves, Clubs
Required Level: 37
33% CtC Lvl 10 Frost Nova When Struck
+3 To Cold Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+50 To Mana
+5-10% To Cold Skill Damage
+10 To Energy (Lum)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill (Tir)
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage for 3 seconds (Thul)

Sur Um Ber Um Ohm Eth
Two-Handed Axes, Hammers
Required Level: 63
5% CtC Lvl 8 Corpse Explosion When You Kill An Enemy
+60% Increased Attack Speed
+400-450% Enhanced Damage (Ohm)
20% Chance of Crushing Blow (Ber)
50% Chance of Open Wounds (Um + Um)
Physical Damage Reduced by 10-15%
Add Strength +0-74 (0.75 Per Clvl)
-25% Target Defense (Eth)
All Resistances +15
Slows Target by 30%
Hit Blinds Target (Sur)

Vex Ohm Lo
Required Level: 59
Level 9-12 Prayer Aura When Equipped
+200% Enhanced Defense
+1-3 To Fire Mastery
+1-3 To Cold Mastery
+1-3 To Lightning Mastery
+35-45% Faster Cast Rate
+5 To Max Fire Resist (Vex)
+5 to Max Cold Resist (Ohm)
+5 to Max Lightning Resist (Lo)
-100 to Mana

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Figure I’d repost my new Elite Glove unique for more feedback/polish.

Boreas’ Touch: Elite Bramble Mitts ← New Unique
126 Defense
50 Strength Requirement
Required Level: 67
+100% Enhanced Defense
Adds 147-262 Cold Damage
Can Not Be Frozen
Slow Target 20%
+10-15% Cold Skill Damage
-20% Enemy Cold Resistance

Thought of some gloves that yield unique Slow while granting solid Cold Skill perks, including rare -Enemy Resistance for Frostmaidens. It does lack IAS for them but I think they’d take that over what the Gloves yield. Similarly Cold Sorcs would consider using this, although it does lack FCR(which is a trade-off).


They either need to delete enigma totally or remove the “+1 to teleport”

Hammerdins and such are not Sorceress’, and as such do not deserve her skills. Stop trying to make bots stronger.


First, name is fitting as Boreas is the Greek god of the cold north wind and winter. I like the idea, instead of maybe CBF how about add Freezes Target +3? I think Freezes Target pairs nicely with Cold Damage and seems more thematic with the name “Touch.”

If people are interested, we could create new section for “New Uniques” in OP. Boreas’ Touch could be the first one on the list. Could be fun for creative individuals.

For reference, below is list of base items with no unique versions, courtesy of TrangOul…

Base Items w/ No Unique Versions

Instead of removing +1 to Teleport to Enigma, what about the nerfs below instead? Instead of changing its identity of mobility, I think nerfing STR, MF and removing LAEK might be better as they seem superfluous…

Jah Ith Ber
+2 To All Skills
+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+750-775 Defense
+0-74 To Strength (0.75 Per Clvl)
Increase Maximum Life 5% (Jah)
Damage Reduced By 8% (Ber)
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana (Ith)
1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

  • Proposed Nerfs:
    • Remove +14 Life After Each Kill
    • Change Strength to 0-24 (0.25 Per Clvl)
    • Change Magic Find to 0-49% (0.5% Per Clvl)

Need more time to review haha! :crazy_face:

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Even if there was another armor that offered +20 all skills, and Enigma had only Teleport oskill, everyone would still wear Enigma. Teleport is too good to ignore it.

Said that, I’d still appreciate such a nerf, especially the strength nerf. Enigma is the reason why there are not just “most vita” builds, but actually “all vita” - most of the str needed, such as for Monarch, is covered by Enigma.


Thinking more about Enigma, we could replace +1 Teleport with L1 Teleport charges and 1 charge replenishes every 10 seconds. This would still offer teleport, but eliminates spamming this ability. This is in addition to nerfing STR, MF and removing LAEK…

Jah Ith Ber
+2 To All Skills
+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+750-775 Defense
+0-74 To Strength (0.75 Per Clvl)
Increase Maximum Life 5% (Jah)
Damage Reduced By 8% (Ber)
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana (Ith)
1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

  • Proposed Nerfs:
    • Add Level 1 Teleport (5 Charges), Replenish 1 Charge in 10 Seconds
    • Remove +1 To Teleport
    • Remove +14 Life After Each Kill
    • Change Strength to 0-24 (0.25 Per Clvl)
    • Change Magic Find to 0-49% (0.5% Per Clvl)
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I don’t want to keep beating a dead horse that has no bones left … I will agree to disagree.

Enigma needs to go in my opinion or at least lose the tele skill.

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I like CBF because it currently does not roll on any Gloves, including Sets, and would save people a ring slot(since people usually roll Ravenfrost just for that attribute alone). Furthermore, Chill effects(including Freezing target) are not as effective as Slowing them happens to be(hence the “touch” effect).

I’d also like to propose some runeword base changes, as well as a suggestion for Shields. Firstly, I’d like to see Doom expanded to include Scepters and Shields. Currently it rolls in Axes, Hammers and Polearms but the reason I’d like to see Scepters is because of the desire to bolsters the use of Holy Freeze from an Auradin perspective. Currently we have Holy Fire and Holy Shock variants but Holy Freeze is sadly left in the dust because it only fits in the Weapon slot. My desire is to expand it and make Holy Freeze a viable 3rd option by first making this available in a Paladin Weapon base(whereupon +3 Conviction Caduceus would be quite valuable).

Yet why Shields considering that brings up the obvious problem of Shields not going beyond 4 Sockets? The solution is to expand certain bases to as much as 5 or 6 Sockets. Specifically, I’d like to see Tower/Pavise/Aegis and Gothic/Ancient/Ward Shields expanded to 5 and 6 Sockets respectively. 1-H Weapon bases go as high as 6 Sockets so why not Shields? For Paladin Shields, Heraldic/Protector/Kurast and Aerin/Gilded/Zakurum could be expanded to 5 or 6 Sockets to accommodate this change.

Now if Doom was expanded to Shields, a Paladin can double up on it and obtain a level 24 Holy Freeze Aura. This yields 255-260 Cold Damage(hardly much), 51-104 pulse damage(minimal) and 55% Slow(that’s 5% above level 12). With maxed synergies, Cold Damage hits 1377 - 1404 and 275-561 respectively. Compared to level 12’s 459-486 and 102-216, that’s a much needed increase.

Furthermore, Doom on Shields would have following effects:

5% Chance To Cast Level 18 Volcano On Striking
Level 12 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped
+2 To All Skills
+45% Increased Attack Speed
+280-320% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-(40-60)% To Enemy Cold Resistance (varies)
+5 Maximum Lightning Resistance
+5 Maximum Cold Resistance
+21 All Resistance
Prevent Monster Heal
Can Not Be Frozen
Requirements -15%

Changes are bolded. Ohm swaps from 50% Enhanced Damage to +5 max Cold Res. Deadly Strike swaps to +5 max Light Res. Freezes Target swaps to CBF. Requirements drops from 20% to 15% and Open Wounds moves to +21 All Resistance(making 45 All Resist Pally bases… <3 ).


I tend to agree with you, but wonder what other people think about this? :man_shrugging:

That makes sense, and CBF would be pretty solid on gloves as you mentioned as they do not roll on any. Do you think it we should have new section for “New Uniques” in OP? Boreas’ Touch could be the first one on the list.

Currently, we proposed to expand Doom into Maces. Would you rather replace Maces with Scepters, or have both of them? As for Shields, that seems like a nice idea and curious what other people think.

Below is what we currently have for expanding max sockets in shields. Maybe we need to second look at this again with what you are proposing above.

Shields - Max Sockets Current Improved
Defender 1 2
Barbed Shield 2 3
Luna 2 3
Pavise 3 4
Hyperion 3 4

If you want to add a new section for New Uniques, go right ahead. I’ll probably come up with something new eventually. I could even add my Jewelry set centered around the Ancients and Elemental Damage specifically. It’s catered to Vengeance Paladins but really, really helps Sorceress too(ditto Javazons).

As for Maces, considering Scepters are effectively a sub-class of Maces(albeit tailored for Paladins), I don’t see why we can’t do both. As for Shields, my proposal for Shields is directly tied to expanding Doom into it. It would also potentially open up paths for other runeword base expansion(like Beast, Call to Arms, Eternity, Death, Destruction, Last Wish and Obedience are just some that come to mind) given that a lot of runewords are limited just to Weapons due to them being the only bases that roll with 5-6 sockets.

Also I got an idea for Lava Gout. Currently you’d like to add -3-5% Enemy Fire Resist and bumping the chance to cast Enchant but I was thinking of removing Half Freeze Duration for a really, really unique attribute: Can Not Be Slowed. Currently this attribute does not exist anywhere in the game because its effectively a brand new attribute that basically makes the item holder immune to Slow effects. This means Holy Freeze, Impale, and even Decrepify will not affect them. It does not prevent Decrepify’s -50% Physical Resistance but with respect to movement and attack speed, you’ll be unaffected. For Melee classes, this would be invaluable to have and probably would make Lava Gout one of the best Unique gloves for melee builds.

Edit Btw, here’s the Jewelry Set idea I had awhile back:

Name of Set: TBD

Amulet: Name TBD but I thought of Taranis’ Fury
Required Level: 70
+1 to All Skills
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Add 80-320 Lightning Damage To Attack
-20% Enemy Lightning Resistance(2 Items)
+20% Lightning Skill Damage(Full Set)

Ring#1: Name TBD but I was thinking Prometheus’ Defiance
Required Level: 70
+3-297 to Attack Rating(Based on Character level)
Adds 185-350 Fire Damage To Attack
+20% Faster Cast Rate
-20% Enemy Fire Resistance(2 Items)
+20% Fire Skill Damage(Complete Set)

Ring#2: Name TBD, initially was Boreas’ Touch but obviously that cant be with the new gloves now can it?
Required Level: 70
Adds 100-250 Cold Damage To Attack
Can Not Be Frozen
Slow Target By 30%
-20% Enemy Cold Resistance(2 Items)
+20% Cold Skill Damage(3 Items)

Partial Set Bonus:
+10 to Strength(2 Items)

Complete Set Bonus:
+2 To All Skills
+10 to Strength
+30% Faster Run/Walk
All Resistance +20

All told the set yields +3 to All Skills, which is pretty competitive to Maras + 2 x SOJ/BK setup. Grants +20 to Strength with full Set(nice stat boost to any class), 20% IAS(comparable to Highlords), 20% Faster Cast Rate(2/20 Ammy + 10 FCR rings = 40 so extremely competitive), 30% Faster Run/Walk(really nice for any class), All Resistance +20(low end of Maras), CBF(which is a Ravenfrost alternative), +Attack Rating(Angelic alternative, albeit not as strong), -20% to Enemy Resistance(-40% if you dual wield one of the rings with the Amulet. Fire/Frost Maidens and Fire builds would love this) and +20% to Elemental Damage(which is approaching Griffons Territory but this is an Elite Jewelry set focused on Elemental Damage).


Here you go. To build upon your idea for Lava Gout to replace HFD with Cannot Be Slowed, I would also like to double Fire Damage with the already proposed buff to Enchant Cast. These changes would make this a really nice glove for melee characters…

Lava Gout
Defense: 120-144
Req Level: 42
Req Strength: 88
+150-200% Enhanced Defense
2% CtC Lvl 10 Enchant On Striking
Half Freeze Duration
Adds 13-46 Fire Damage
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Fire Resist +24%

  • Buffs:
    • Add Cannot Be Slowed
    • Remove Half Freeze Duration
    • Change Fire Damage to 26-92
    • Change Enchant Cast to 10%

We already added -5-10% To Enemy Fire Resist to Rising Sun Amulet, so its not needed here.

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:ok_hand: for Lava Gout. Don’t really need -Fire Resistance, especially if my Jewelry Set proposal sees the light of day. Oh and I got new Unique Rings for ya but I haven’t quite nailed down the attributes for them yet. A little teaser for them is that they each have a Barbarian O-Skill(not hard to figure out which ones either…).


Here’s a fun runeword idea, it’s for 2os daggers and the name “Lust” is taken from the unfinished runewords list. The theme is centered around proccing Attract On Striking. Note Attract can be utilized with other curses. This RW will also have other mods, such as LL, DS, MF and -Monster Defense Per Hit. This would be great off-hand weapon to take the heat off you during battle.

Lo Ist
Required Level: 59
15% CtC Lvl 15 Attract On Striking
+150-200% Enhanced Damage
+30% Increased Attack Speed
-50 To Monster Defense Per Hit
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Chance Of Deadly Strike (Lo)
30% Better Chance Of Magic Items (Ist)

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yehaa :slight_smile:

Like that one as already said, but my comment from last october is still valid for me :slight_smile:

Also an option. Would support this even more. +3 Freeze Target, but no CBF and please not -20% cold res (if we leave that, -5% would be strong already - a frost maiden is not that bad if geared okayish).

I guess the posts about Enigma must be in the hundreds within this discussion alone. Half of the people hate that TP is available on every class, half like it. I personaly think that it adds to the game. If I like to play on a slower pace (what I often do) I just don´t use it. But I like to be able to grant TP to every char. The problem with enigma is for me, that it is on top ot TP too strong to prevent other options to shine. So we added TP to selected Items and nerfed enigma. What is still the best way to make everyone happy. :man_shrugging:

Thats why we add TP charges on Wizzy to provide a usefull alterntive on swap (better than Naijs). I personally would accept one or max two more swap options with TP. But TP on Wizzy and Enigma nerfed would open up aaaalot of options imho?! With the uniques buffed and CoH buffes slightly I guess this would change the meta a lot imho.

This is a plain restriction and just adding on “poor” QoL. Really sure most people would hate you for that. Better to add more choices. But as said. If everything is implemented meta will change. 100% sure about that!

Scepters absolutely sold, but shields? Good luck finding that 5 OS pally shield (but I would not increase OS for shields, since that bringt a ton of other problems along!) :slight_smile:
How about only adding the aura to the spirit ward? High req (185 str, medium heavy) elite lvl 68 shield. Lvl 12 aura is maybe too much, since it is far less expencsive (even if kind a rare) than the runes for Doom. Happy to discuss your first proposal for that :slight_smile:

Gents, please keep in mind that this all would probably lower the value our buffed proposals for uniques! I´m sure we all will come up easily with several new RW ideas each. But lets try to restrict ourselfs to only stuff what fills gaps and enables new builds. I you can build any RW in any base with suitable OS then there is no point in searching for uniques further…

Really really interesting! I like that alot. But lets be realistic. Adding values in txt files to add existing affixes and change certain ranges is something we might see. But new mechanics?

Do you really have the feeling that Javazons an Nova sorcs are not strong enough already? Why further buff it? -20% ligt resist would be enough even alone to make this a good ammy? :man_shrugging: I think it is interesting as a set. An the minus res as a partial set bonus makes it not super OP. But still. That might be too good especially for allready strong chars. Druids would like the dual rings I guess. Set name could be Titans of the Elements (like Heaven’s Brethren kind of). How about limiting dmg and -res to 10% each? What rarety should it have? Which tclass?

Could see that, would think that it is an interesting idea (even if not needed). Not OP, expensive enough and would probably not discplace any buffed dagger options we discussed. Would even increase LL to 5-8%.

Thake your time. Took me 3-4h to put that together with considering all buffs to uniques, partial set bonues and changes to the RW. And I would welcome if your would comment on my reasoning later as well if you make different proposal :slight_smile:

The Jewelry Set was something I came up with awhile back with Vengeance Paladins in mind. It’s indeed quite strong but its meant to be end-game quality gear with a level 70 requirement. That requirement could be raised if need be but I’d prefer not to go much higher(85 at most given Metalgrid is level 81 and Wisp Projector is level 76). Its Treasure Class would have to be 87, hence level 85 zones and anything Terrorized would be able to drop it. The initial attributes of each piece are as follows:

Amulet: +1 Skills/20 IAS/+Lightning Damage to Attack
Ring1: Attack Rating/+Fire Damage to Attack/20 FCR
Ring2: Cold Damage to Attack/CBF/30% Slow

When 2 items of the set are equipped, you gain -20% Enemy Resistance for the respective Element. Amulet yields Lightning while the rings yield Fire and Cold respectively. Doubling up on the rings permits Fire and Cold builds to get -40%, which for a Fire Sorceress or Fire Druid is massive while a Cold build can grab 60% Slow(imagine a Holy Freeze build with that!!). Wearing the entire set grants 20% Elemental Damage for each respective Element.

Javazons, Fire/Frost Maidens, Fire Sorcs, Blizz Sorcs, Lightning + Nova Sorcs, Auradins, Avengers, Fire Druids and even Mosaic(Phoenix/Fist of Fire/Claws of Thunder/Blades of Ice) Assassins benefit from the set. Plus when something is S-tier, having another -20% Enemy Resistance isn’t going to change things. What it does is give a little bump to builds that could use it. Besides… most Set Jewelry is quite frankly crap if you think about it… Iratha, Angelic and Tal Rasha are pretty much it. Cathan’s, Vidala and Disciple need a massive overhaul but Cathan’s and Vidala are Classic Sets so should think twice when it comes to balance changes.

Edit: Figure I’d edit this in as opposed to double-posting but I have a question for Charles. You posted the list of bases with no Unique component. Would you classify Sets as “Unique” given they roll with fixed attributes(albeit some of which vary like Natalya Boots and its Cold/Light Resistance for example). IF they happen to qualify, then the following item bases have a representative and could be removed from that list:

Avenger Guard(Immortal King)
Bramble Mitts(Laying of Hands/Disciple)
Cantor Trophy(Trang-Oul)
Hellforge Plate(Naj)
Lacquered Plate(Tal Rasha)
Loricated Mail(Natalya)
Mythical Sword(Bul-Kathos)
Scissors Suwayyah(Natalya)
Troll Belt(Trang-Oul)
Vortex Shield(Griswold)

Obviously, my Boreas’ Touch gives Bramble Mitt some Unique representation but I think Set Items should count as semi-unique no? They have the same attributes when they drop and can gain more attributes(that don’t change) depending on how much of the Set you have equipped. Still leaves a ton of item bases with no Set or Unique representation. Going to be a massive task to come up with something to make them worthwhile lol

Also you can remove Ancient Shield(Radament’s Sphere is its Unique counterpart).

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I guess it is not adding much to the game to make sure that there is a „something“ unique or set available for every base item (especially if mediocre). So we should not try to change that at any cost. If we have new items then why not choose one of the list, but that’s it.

Let’s try to focus on fixing existing items first. Then we should check if there are interesting „gaps“ to fill.

That being said. What do you thing about my set item proposals? Any comments? Do I made mistakes in my analysis?

Looking at Disciple set, I like the idea of giving it Replenish Life, but should be broken up into 3 partial set bonuses as shown below. I also think set should have DtD for full set bonus and not just on LoH. To improve individual pieces, I like your idea of buffing all resist on belt. For boots, I would suggest changing HFD to CBF, and poison damage on armor should be buffed by 10X to make it viable…

The Disciple

  • Add Replenish Life +5 (2 Items)
  • Add Replenish Life +10 (3 Items)
  • Add Replenish Life +15 (4 Items)
  • Add +150% Damage to Demons (Full Set)
  • Change All Resistances +25 (Credendum)
  • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen (Rite of Passage)
  • Change Poison Damage to 240-340 Over 2 Seconds (Dark Adherent)
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Hi, did your read my proposal why I suggested the changes I made, have sometimes the feeling that youd don´t? Would really welcome if your could reflect on this.

My overall priority was to focus on idividual items as we already had discussed most of the the sets in terms of set bonuses (The Disciple Set we didn´t, that would be an obvious next step then).

Add rep life to the set bonuses is an idea we could discusse further tbh. But the set will most probably not used very often since it´s kind a strange collection of affixes for mid-game and overall not good enough for end-game (what is ok for a nightmare set). The set somehow is more appealing for physical melee build imho.

But your proposal is not that well balanced tbh. :man_shrugging:

Changing @res from 15-25 still leaves a non usable item behind. So making the individual items viable > not achieved.
25% @res together with 10 str/dex is nothing and only slightly (!) better than on the current Nightsmoke. And Nightsmoke is not used at all, even with a low lvl 20 req. How in the world would 25%@res be appealing for an end-game lvl 65 item then?

Adding big (+350) def is certainly debatable, but thats something no belt offers currently and would help melee a bit. Adding rep life and as a second unique twist FRW (now only on Mavinas belt, but this one is also shy and not usable standalone) would not make a great belt, but could end up in certain niche builds (SSF for sure I guess). and it would not rivial with any other belt I guess.

In contrast to the mitril coil the demonhide boots are available as early as act 2 NM I guess. The affixes are random. Nothing appealing. I would not change that too much. I thought if we add the highest FRW on a pair of boots, that would be interesting. Sanders is with +40% FRW also available very early but offers much better other affixes. Lowering lvl req. is debateable as well (Sanders is lvl 20 for comparison).

I didn´t thouch HFD since the item is so early available and because I really like the idea to make HFD stackable. But to keep that relevant we need interesting items with HFD to make you want to stack 2-3 items at least.

Adding CBF is a big no no here for me!

Firstly, it´s just a so strong affix that we really need to be coutious where to add that here. It seems that some people would like to use that really inflationary here in this thread. Currently you need to select your gear wisely to cover all aspects. That´s why a Ravenfrost is really important for several builds. If we erase that need, then several items loose wheight and probably too much. Said Ravenfrost for e.g. - if we add to every gear position 2-3 items with the important affixes, then you just can put stuff together - Ravenfrost would be irrelevant. No one would use it only for the 250 AR and the Dex (since without CBF there are several better options available).

But most important. CBF at lvl 29? Really? Or at lvl 24 if lowerd as I propose?

Adding DtD on the full set bonus is nice, as well as rep life! But would add a bigger rep life share to the 2p set. With the propsals I made I specificly tried to incentive the use of the 2p or even 3p sets (belt, glove and ammy combos). I think the 4p maybe but the 5p set is barely used.

We should discuss buffing current 2p-4p set bonuses as well.

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I was trying to suggest we make buffs to specific items and some as partial and full set bonuses. I like your idea of buffing defense on belt and buffing FRW on boots. I also suggest we buff ATD on amulet and Poison Damage on armor. As you suggested, how about we add Replenish Life as 2p bonus, add FHR as 3p bonus and finally add DtD as 4p bonus?..

The Disciple

  • Add Replenish Life +25 (2 Items)
  • Add +35% Faster Hit Recovery (3 Items)
  • Add +150% Damage to Demons (4 Items)
  • Change Defense to +350 (Credendum)
  • Change FRW to +50% (Rite of Passage)
  • Change ATD to 24-30 (Telling of Beads)
  • Change Poison Damage to 240-340 Over 2 Seconds (Dark Adherent)