Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Agreed. How about adding 2p bonus for significant bump in defense vs melee/missile, bump holy shield to +10 o-skill, and increase 3p bonus of damage vs. demons…

Heaven’s Brethren

  • Add +10 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add 10% Life Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
  • Add +250 Defense vs. Melee (2 Items)
  • Add +250 Defense vs. Missile (2 Items)
  • Add 200% Damage To Demons (3 Items)
  • Add 200% AR Against Demons (3 Items)
  • Add 25% Crushing Blow (Full Set)
  • Change All Skills from +2 to +3 (Full Set)
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So, then you end up at this below. Would that make you exited to use it in late game?

Would you choose that over any given NM or hell unique helm in combination with any of the class specific mediocre +2 skills RW armors (myth, peace, rain etc.)? I wouldn´t.

That would be only for the 2 pieces at level 69:

  • Add +10 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add 10% Life Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
  • Add +250 Defense vs. Melee (2 Items)
  • Add +250 Defense vs. Missile (2 Items)
    +75 To Life
    +40 Defense Vs. Melee
    +35 Defense Vs. Missile
    +15 To Dexterity
    +10 To Strength
    10% Chance To Cast Level 3 Weaken On Striking
    24% Faster Hit Recovery
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Let’s try this again. :stuck_out_tongue:

For 2p bonus, add +10 o-skill to holy shield and damage to demons. As Taebaek’s Glory has 30% Light Resist, how about we add 30% Cold Resist as 2p bonus and 30% Fire Resist as 3p bonus. In addition, 3p bonus will also have CB and chance to chance battle cry when struck (similar theme of frost nova/weaken on striking). Lastly, will have prayer aura and double plus to skills as full set bonus. For Taebaek’s Glory, replace mana w/ -30% requirements as shield desperately needs this to make it viable…

Heaven’s Brethren

  • Add +10 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add +30% To Cold Resistance (2 Items)
  • Add 150% Damage To Demons (2 Items)
  • Add 25% Crushing Blow (3 Items)
  • Add +30% To Fire Resistance (3 Items)
  • Add 10% Chance To Cast Level 6 Battle Cry When Struck (3 Items)
  • Add Level 15 Prayer Aura (Full Set)
  • Change All Skills from +2 to +4 (Full Set)
  • Change +100 To Mana on Taebaek’s Glory (shield) with -30% Requirements

To expand Griswold’s Legacy beyond zealots, we could add FCR as 3p bonus so set can be used by casters. As Griswold’s Valor has Cold Absorb, how about we add Fire Absorb as 2p bonus and Lightning Absorb as 3p bonus. In addition, 2p bonus will have additional FHR as you pointed out and 3p bonus will have additional damage vs. undead. Lastly, the defensive auras on set is buffed…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items)
  • Add +20% Faster Hit Recovery (2 Items)
  • Add +35% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items)
  • Add +150% Damage to Undead (3 Items)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (3 Items)
  • Change +2 Defensive Auras on Griswald’s Heart (armor) to +2-4 Defensive Auras

If I may revisit Death’s Disguise, I think the weapon should have minus requirements…

Death’s Disguise

  • Add +10 To Strength (2 Items)
  • Add +15 To Dexterity (2 Items)
  • Add +1-99 To Maximum Damage (+1.00 Per Character Level) (Full Set)
  • Add -30% Requirements (Death’s Touch)
    • Death’s Disguise could benefit from bonuses to strength and dexterity along with minus req’s on Death’s Touch to help equip sword at lower levels along with bonus to max. damage to offset poor damage
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I would love to see something like this implemented .
It’s a tragedy to have such beautiful artwork for these uniques, but the vast majority are just unusable, or outclassed by generic looking runewords.


Mang Songs’ Lesson is one of those items in the game that should have been a guaranteed end game GG, but it just didn’t get there because there were no devs left on the team :joy:

Tyrael’s Might is a given.


Updated post above and would like to hear your thoughts on Heaven’s Brethren, Griswold’s Legacy and revisited Death’s Disguise.

Yes, Yes, a million times Yes!

Agreed, I’ve always liked the asian themed Mang Songs’ Lesson. :man_mage:


Wall of text, calm down. Make conviction more accessible, bring barb and druid builds to S tier. Fix sets. That is my small list.

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Hola, heres my feedback on those.

Great, as already mentioned!


As said, super good and even viable as a 2p seet (G-Face and wistans e.g.). The +1 all skills is not crazy great, but the individual pieces are already okay and used individually to fill gaps in several set ups. With those addition the set itself would be good for a melee chars or a throw char or even a pally!

As mentioned before. I think we should not put CBF on here rather leave HFD on it. If proposed changes of stacking HFD is going to happen (2p = 1/4 freeze duration) that would be enough for me on a lvl 12 set. CBF is mighty and we should not put it on too many pieces.

The full set would be okayisch with those addition. The set without the set bonuses is not great besides the boots and the gloves. So I would really like to see the FRC bonus on the 2p set bonus (gloves and boots) for some partial uses. This would opens up a ton of niche applications without beeing too strong!?

We didn´t finish on this one. To make it viable as an act 2 merc budget alternative were talking about the 3p set here. In addition to the already 100+200 defese on the current set up, we would add 100+200 AR suits the set well, but then we have no life regen on the 3p set (but your merc would need that). The good +20 LL on the full set can not be utilized by your merc.

So I would like to add as a 3p bonus +7-10 life after each kill and maybe some life (50-100?) as well? What are you thoughts on this take?

That´s a great and aaaa lot. Okayisch in the current state, a lot of OS and with strong additions. FHR would be good to reach next BP (only one more is enough).

35 FCR and +150% DtoU would make it super strong! I´m not sure if that might not be to much (the set is not super rare). Would you really put that as well? I would at least limit FCR to 20% to “only” reach the 2nd BP not the 3rd (Pala 9 / 18 / 30 / 48 / 75 / 125).

Then I could see myself to swap the 2p bonus FHR with the 3p bonus Light Absorb. That would opens a lot of ne possibilites for new builds with a defensive direction.

What do you think?

Now our big problem child…

Still my focus would be making the 2p set viable. The full set packed with usefull additions is nice, but I still can´t see a lot of utility.

The 2p set will be the helm and the armor.

The 3p set = + the weapon. Adding CB with the already displayed 40% IAS would turn this into a low dmg boss killing weapon. Bring the dudes down to 50% an finish it off with some caster spells - like that idea kind of! Fire Res and Battle Cry is interesting (does it work on bosses and for your party as well - not a big barb expert?).

The 4p = + the shield. The -30% req brings down strength req from 185 to 129 (good!). The +4 skills is more appealing for the full set, but still not enough (I´d rather run dual spirit or lidless and hoto or 100 other items). But better then only +2. The Prayer aura is an interesting addition (might make it a party support set up with CB and prayer). Removing +100 mana is fine for me as well.

I´m still not happy with the 2p set. Your proposal only makes the full set a bit more viable. But I really would like see some use cases for the helmet and the armor (even with a lvl req of 69 on the helmet).

Adding holy shield to the 2p set transfering it not beeing used by any two handed weapon char (no bowa, now ww barb, no 2h sorc - what is absolutely ok!).

So some options:

  • A) Adding 10% LL and 100, 150 or even 200 life and changing +150% DtoD to +100 general ED (poor mans Fortitude).
  • B) Swaping 3p bonus CB with 2p bonus DtoD or CR (tons of builds possible now)
  • C) Adding massiv AR (+300-500) and Defense (+500). Serving chars with AR issues without using Angelics.
  • D) Adding lvl 1 Attract as an O-skill and +30 FRW (but that might not be enough)
  • E) Adding lvl 8 Cloak of Shadows as an O-Skill and +10 mana after each kill
  • F) Adding 5% chance to cast lvl 20 Armageddon on striking and +5-8 life after each kill (low, due to having already Prayer)
  • G) …add some ideas here :slight_smile:

To keep some structure, I´d like your feedback in the following order :slight_smile:

Angelic Raiment
Sander’s Folly
Hwanin’s Majesty
Griswold’s Legacy


Heaven’s Brethren


They could improve the already existing crafting with one very simple change. The crafted item has a moderate chance to retain the affixes of the magic item used.


Using a;
Chromatic Amulet of Luck
21-30% Resist All
26-35% Better Chance of getting Magic Item

to craft a Caster Amulet would result in a moderate chance of having Resist All and/or Better Chance of getting Magic Items.


Hey, I see your point. Very interesting idea!
But tbh I have one issue with that. Craftet amulets can roll already very good. So not really the need to improve that. If they would do so, they would further make the uniques even more irrelevant (if the chances of retainment are not super low). What is really the other direction we´re trying to go for in this thread :slight_smile:

In your example that could result in an 2/20 with 50%@res and 20 strength and 40% MF and more (up to 6 affixes -3pre/3su and new, two more). That would make not only the other jewelery irrelevant, that would only work imho if the amulett would then not be able roll with 6 affixes (and then crafting would be dead). Even if the chances of retaining the stats an roll a goodly selection of affixes are very low, that would be kind a broken?

To make that work we would need a new receipt imho. Then affixes would be limited to lets say 3 and a 25% chance of retain existing affixes (5 in total, but a higher change of beeing good). The market for all res magic amuletts with mf and gf would be crazy :crazy_face:

So not sure, how that would need to be implemented to enrich the game withour bringing new imbalances?

End-game jewelry is already Rare or Crafted items, except Ravenfrost/SOJ on some builds…

I come from a time when rares were the ultimate endgame items, but extremely rare to find the godly ones, which was the only reason to keep playing…lol

Agreed, here you go…

Angelic Raiment

  • Add +25% Faster Hit Recovery (Full Set)
  • Add +125% Damage To Undead (Full Set)
  • Change Regenerate Mana 8% to 5% Mana Stolen Per Hit (Full Set)

How about we have FCR as 2p, 3p, and full set bonuses as shown below…

Sander’s Folly

  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (2 Items)
  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items)
  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set)
  • Add +20 To Ice Bolt (2 Items)
  • Add +15 To Ice Blast (3 Items)
  • Add +10 To Glacial Spike (Full Set)
  • Add 20% Chance To Cast Level 5 Blizzard On Striking (Full Set)
    • Sander’s Folly could add cold o-skills as set bonuses (similar to fire o-skills on Trang-Oul’s Avatar). In addition, added FCR and chance to cast blizzard on striking as full set bonus would add more value to the set

Sounds good, added life as both 2p and 3p bonuses in addition to life per kill…

Hwanin’s Majesty

  • Add +50 To Life (2 Items)
  • Add +100 To Life (3 Items)
  • Add +100 To Attack Rating (2 Items)
  • Add +200 To Attack Rating (3 Items)
  • Add +7-10 Life After Each Kill (3 Items)
  • Add 1-250 Lightning Damage (Full Set)
  • Add +25% To Lightning Resist (Full Set)
    • Hwanin’s Majesty set is not popular as the damage is subpar and could use a boost in lightning damage. Also, set would benefit from lightning resistance, additional AR, and added life and life per kill for improved merc viability

Agreed on swapping 2p bonus FHR with 3p bonus Light Absorb. Removed FCR and lowered DtoU…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items)
  • Add +20% Faster Hit Recovery (3 Items)
  • Add +100% Damage to Undead (3 Items)
  • Change +2 Defensive Auras on Griswald’s Heart (armor) to +2-4 Defensive Auras

How about add LL and move CB to 2p bonus, move DtoD to 3p bonus along w/ chance to cast armageddon, and move fire/cold resist as shown below…

Heaven’s Brethren

  • Add +10 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add +10% Life Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
  • Add 20% Crushing Blow (2 Items)
  • Add +30% To Cold Resistance (3 Items)
  • Add 150% Damage To Demons (3 Items)
  • Add 5% Chance To Cast Level 20 Armageddon On Striking (3 Items)
  • Add Level 15 Prayer Aura (Full Set)
  • Add +30% To Fire Resistance (Full Set)
  • Change All Skills from +2 to +4 (Full Set)
  • Change +100 To Mana on Taebaek’s Glory (shield) with -30% Requirements
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Hello, to round up the weekend. My comments on this :slight_smile:

Very good. We could argue, that 30 FCR on such a low level set might be to much. But on the other hand the shi*ty rest of the set is blocking the slot and you would need something. Im absolutely okay with that! Done!

Great, from nothing to something! Like it!

Great, now. Would like to see, what people creating with that in a ptr!

That might work. With LL it would be an alternative to our “new” “Skin of the Flayed One”. In combination with holy shield and CB that could bring up some niche boss or even budget uber-chars? Our new Leviathon would be still better (with up to 29% CB and 75-100 ED). But style points would be with Heaven´s :slight_smile:
Not sure if the full set is really usefull. But I´d be happy to ptr test that extensively. Anyhow, from a set which is neeeever ever used - not even a single piece - that would be an interesting new direction imho!

So, sets are done for me. Would only tweak some individual items now!

Great job over the past 24d!!! :+1:

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As a crafting improvement, what if developers added slim chance (approx. 5%, same chance for an item to roll ethereal) to retain an affix on the magic item used as part of recipe? To retain an affix on the magic item, it would first roll to keep prefix, then roll to keep suffix, and so forth. As an exception, if the exact/similar modifier already exists on crafted item, it will skip roll entirely. This could add more value to magic items for crafting opportunities, while mitigating power creep as affix retainment % is very low.

Updated sets in OP based on previous discussions…

Angelic Raiment

  • Add +25% Faster Hit Recovery (Full Set)
  • Add +100% Damage To Undead (Full Set)
  • Change Regenerate Mana 8% to 5% Mana Stolen Per Hit (Full Set)
    • Angelic Raiment is focused on melee w/ emphasis on AR. The 8% mana regen bonus is useless and should be changed to mana leech. Lastly, adding FHR and boosting damage vs. undead as full set bonuses fits theme well

Sander’s Folly

  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (2 Items)
  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items)
  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set)
  • Add +20 To Ice Bolt (2 Items)
  • Add +15 To Ice Blast (3 Items)
  • Add +10 To Glacial Spike (Full Set)
  • Add 20% Chance To Cast Level 5 Blizzard On Striking (Full Set)
    • Sander’s Folly could add cold o-skills as set bonuses (similar to fire o-skills on Trang-Oul’s Avatar). Also, add FCR and chance to cast blizzard on striking to add more value to set

Hwanin’s Majesty

  • Add +50 To Life (2 Items)
  • Add +100 To Life (3 Items)
  • Add +100 To Attack Rating (2 Items)
  • Add +200 To Attack Rating (3 Items)
  • Add +10 Life After Each Kill (3 Items)
  • Add 1-250 Lightning Damage (Full Set)
  • Add +25% To Lightning Resist (Full Set)
    • Hwanin’s Majesty set is not popular as damage is subpar and could use boost in lightning damage. Also, set would benefit from lightning resistance, additional AR, and added life and life per kill for merc viability

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (2 Items)
  • Add +25% Faster Hit Recovery (3 Items)
  • Add +150% Damage to Undead (3 Items)
  • Change +2 Defensive Auras on Griswald’s Heart (armor) to +2-4 Defensive Auras
    • Griswold’s Legacy is budget set for Paladin. To improve set, strengthen defensive auras, add fire and lightning absorb to match cold absorb, add FHR and boost damage vs. undead

Heaven’s Brethren

  • Add +10 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add 10% Life Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
  • Add 20% Crushing Blow (2 Items)
  • Add +30% To Fire Resistance (3 Items)
  • Add 200% Damage To Demons (3 Items)
  • Add 10% Chance To Cast Level 20 Armageddon On Striking (Full Set)
  • Change +100 To Mana on Taebaek’s Glory (shield) with -30% Requirements
    • Heaven’s Brethren is designed for a melee fighter, athough damage is low, and Clvl req. of shield is high. Add +10 o-skill to holy shield, damage to demons, and chance for armageddon on striking to fit theme. To boost set bonuses, also add life leech, CB, and fire resistance. For Taebaek’s Glory, replace mana w/ -30% req. as shield needs this to make it viable

Note: Adding Prayer Aura was too much in my opinion and we already added to Heavenly Garb. I increased chance to cast armageddon on striking from 5% to 10% to match chance to cast frost nova and weaken already on set.

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Agreed! Looks good now.

Can it be, that those two items didn´t make it in the op after we discussed it? Just playing a lightsorc at lvl 28 and will try a Razorswitch after a Leaf in a midium good base.

Bonehew as well right?

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Added Razorswitch and Bonehew. Thanks, not sure what happened… we have a pretty big list. :stuck_out_tongue:

The maul isn’t the problem, it’s your poor whirlwind technique and lack of available support skills. Your hacked Basher is better than my legit perfect eBoTD TM in every way except attack speed, yet my clvl 93 barb on /p8 kills 10x faster than your clvl 99 barb on /p1. My clvl 88 IK barb with 310 max damage on the maul kills faster.

Btw, the strength buff on your maul is practically useless. Mauls get an extra 10% damage buff from each 100 hard strength points. Your barb should have a solid 400 hard points on strength for an extra 440% ed, and the rest in vita.

That said, I really really like what you did with Nord’s! Why that wasn’t implemented in the first place is beyond me.


Can you hook me up with a copy of your maul and a nord’s in game? I would like to test them out and see what I can make of them! Can single player characters play together in D2R? I’ll make a video showing how insanely powerful your weapons really are.

I should be able to. Do I just send you the character file? One sec I’ll make sure I still have it.

You can do that! Email is …