Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Agreed, lets hold off on Heaven’s Brethren until we can determine a good path forward on this set. With previous discussions, here are the rest of the set updates to the OP…

Sander’s Folly

  • Add +15 To Ice Bolt (2 Items)
  • Add +15 To Ice Blast (3 Items)
  • Add +10 To Glacial Spike (Full Set)
  • Add +15% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set)
  • Add 20% Chance To Cast Level 5 Blizzard On Striking (Full Set)
    • Sander’s Folly could add cold o-skills as set bonuses (similar to fire o-skills on Trang-Oul’s Avatar). In addition, added FCR and chance to cast blizzard on striking as full set bonus would add more value to the set

Cow King’s Leathers

  • Add +5 Life After Each Kill (2 Items)
  • Add Hell Bovine Appearance (Full Set)
  • Change Level 5 Static Field from When Struck to On Striking (Full Set)
    • Cow King’s Leathers could benefit from LL being melee focused and changing static field to on striking would be more useful. In addition, add the hell bovine appearance for full set bonus (e.g. similar to Trang-Oul’s Avatar)

Death’s Disguise

  • Add +10 To Strength (2 Items)
  • Add +15 To Dexterity (2 Items)
  • Add +1-99 To Maximum Damage (+1.00 Per Character Level) (Full Set)
    • Death’s Disguise could benefit from bonuses to both strength and dexterity to help equip sword at lower levels along with bonus to max. damage per level to offset poor damage

Sazabi’s Grand Tribute

  • Add +20% Increased Attack Speed (2 Items)
  • Add +150% Damage To Demons (Full Set)
    • Sazabi’s Grand Tribute could benefit from a bonus to increased attack speed along with a bonus to damage vs. demons to strengthen the theme of Sazabi’s Cobalt Redeemer

Orphan’s Call

  • Add +25% Faster Run/Walk (2 Items)
  • Add +15% Lightning Resist (3 Items)
  • Add +1 To All Skills (Full Set)
  • Change Attacker Takes Damage of 5 to Attacker Takes Damage of 250 (3 Items)
    • Orphan’s Call partial set bonuses are rather lackluster and the proposed buffs would make it a solid budget set for physical damage characters

Isenhart’s Armory

  • Add +1 To All Skills (Full Set)
  • Add +20% Faster Hit Recovery (Full Set)
  • Add 25% Chance To Cast Level 5 Holy Bolt On Striking (Full Set)
  • Change All Resistances +10 to All Resistances +1-99% (+1.00% Per Character Level) (Full Set)
    • Isenhart’s Armory lack of plus skills means this set isn’t effective for long. With full set equipped, Lightbrand has chance to cast holy bolts. Lastly, buff all resist and add FHR as full set bonus to be relevent at later levels

Did not review all the replies. But I only have one question - If D4 release on Jun. 6. Is it still possible for us to have S4?

Not sure if a S4 would negatively impact sales no of D4. So I would guess we see a S4. But I would not expect big changes……

……:crossed_fingers: that we only see some big changes on an ptr prior to S4 start. :wink:

I read like 70% of them.
Honestly, looks great


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As a general change, I think we should add increased drop chance for low-level sets (with ilvl below 20) for super uniques in Act I. Below are a few examples…


  • The Crypt, Monster Level 5
    • Arctic Gear (iLvl = 3)
    • Hsaru’s Defense (iLvl = 4)
    • Berserker’s Arsenal (iLvl =5)

The Smith

  • Barracks, Monster Level 13
    • Cleglaw’s Brace (iLvl = 6)
    • Death’s Disguise (iLvl = 8)
    • Sigon’s Complete Steel (iLvl = 9)

Bone Ash

  • Cathedral, Monster Level 17
    • Infernal Tools (iLvl = 7)
    • Cathan’s Traps (iLvl = 15)
    • Angelic Raiment (iLvl = 17)

See your point. But not sure if I would spend time „farming“ an Arctic set in Act 1 on an normal playthrough.

And adding the discussion on droptables over here would be an almost insane mountain of work :see_no_evil:

That’s why I’d rather add 2p bonuses on the low level sets to increase usability.

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True, just thought it would be nice to find these low level sets before they become obsolete going into nightmare. Anyways, wanted to get on your thoughts on the set below as we haven’t discussed much…

Immortal King

  • Add Damage Reduced by 5 (2 Items)
  • Add Damage Reduced by 10 (3 Items)
  • Add Damage Reduced by 15 (4 Items)
  • Add Damage Reduced by 20 (5 Items)
  • Add Damage Reduced by 25 (Full Set)
  • Add +2 Open Sockets to Immortal King’s Stone Crusher (OS increased to 4, up from 2)
    • As Immortal King occupies six slots, it could use more damage mitigation to turn IK Barb into a physical tank. In light of the changes to Whirlwind in 2.4.3, I’m also proposing doubling maul’s socket count
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Like that. But haven’t played IK yet myself.

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Lets talk about Angelic Raiment. This set is focused on melee w/ emphasis on AR. The 8% mana regen full set bonus is useless and should be changed to mana leech. The HFD should be CBF. In addition, to add more value, the full set bonuses should also include FHR and damage to undead…

Angelic Raiment

  • Add +25% Faster Hit Recovery (Full Set)
  • Add +100% Damage To Undead (Full Set)
  • Change Regenerate Mana 8% to 5% Mana Stolen Per Hit (Full Set)
  • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen (Full Set)

What is the point of putting all this effort into such a detailed post when the game is finished and they won’t do any updates to the game?

If you’re not talking about it will not happen. And if at some point we might see only a fraction of it in the game that would be awesome. If haven’t noticed a devs comment on how they plan to put work into it or not.
Some changes would be easier to implement (items with only fixed adittion needed) then „inventing“ new runewords. :crossed_fingers:

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We need to keep bumping this thread until.blizzard sees it


High effort post. Thx. :eyes:


Back to work. Have now played D4 myself a few hours and although I kind a like it (story, cutscene, gfx), I´m pretty sure, that it will be a one or two times playthrough titel for me (like D3). So, I again will not lose hope to see some of the changes here to happen :crossed_fingers:

Generall thoughts about the set. Its a low lvl 12 set. Early on not super great right from the beginning. I have some mules and play full set a few levels to be able to put in on the char instead of the personal stash of that char.

Right now we have:

Partial Set Bonus
+10 Dexterity (2 Items)
+50 Mana (3 Items)

Complete Set Bonus
Half Freeze Duration
All Resistances +25
40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Item
Regenerate Mana +8%
+10 Dexterity
+50 Mana

The ring + amulet has some use to deal with AR issues later on (that should be the focus imho for improvements). The armor is lackluster, the weapon is weak at best.
The ring is - on a stand alone basis - okay between lvl 12 and maybe 20? The amulet is pretty good (if found early), would use that maybe until lvl 30. But MF is great early on.

I think FHR and DtoD of 100% suits the set verry well. It would not make it very strong, rather more viable (especially with the low dmg). Change useless regen mana to ML would be an update to open new strategies.

About the CBF I´m not sure. It would be an early source of CBN (Angelic and Hsarus sets, Deaths belt and a Hawkmail, beeinig the others, next would be a lvl 29 Rhyme shield - correct me if I´m wrong). So, that would be probably a very very strong addition to the set.

But, if the proposed stacking of “half freeze duration” would find its way into a patch, that would be fine for the set not changing it to CBF (1/4 freeze duration is early on no big deal). We should not add mighty CBF inflationary to too many items imho?

To make the partial set a bit more end-game usable (is only used for AR issues as a budget option in my opinion). We could add something like 15-20% dmg to mana as a two set bonus (will only be used as the ring and the ammy for that purpose)?

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Two set we havent spoken about to much yet:

Hwanin’s Majesty Set
Req: Polearm lvl 28, crown lvl 45

Partial Set Bonus
+100 Defense (2 Items)
+200 Defense (3 Items)

Complete Set Bonus
+2 To All Skills
+30% Faster Run Walk
20% Life Stolen Per Hit
+300 Defense
All Resistances +30

Never seen someone using it, but maybe we can make the 3p set a viable Act 2 merc super budget set?
2p and 3p bonus is only +300 defens (so nothing basicially). The things your merc would like to have like LL and @ res can not be obtained for a merc (4th piece is the lackluster belt).
But maybe if we add something to the 2 and 3p bonuses, that might work?

He would need some form of life regen to survive. So that could be maybe XX to life after each kill (full set with 20% LL is actually a lot)? Additionally maybe magic dmg? Something like 200-500? The 5-25 cold dmg on the polearm are rediculus at that levels (we could also add more cold dmg instead of magic dmg)?
And maby 15% chance of open wounds or crushing blow? All three additions would not make it really viable for a char, but a super budget merc might rock that?

Griswold’s Legacy Set
Partial Set Bonus
+20 To Strength (2 Items)
+30 To Dexterity (3 Items)

Complete Set Bonus
+3 To Paladin Skill Levels
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+200 To Attack Rating
+20 To Strength
+30 To Dexterity
+150 To Life
All Resistances +50
Display Aura

The set is only a budget budget budget option. But with the amount of open sockets, would be really nice set to customize niche chars. What would we need to ad to make it a little bit more appealing?
We changed offensive auras from +1-2 to +2-4 on Templars Might. So maybe we could add here defensive auras (on top of the +3 to pally skills for the full set bonus).
If we add that to the 3p bonus, that would maybe opens up some interesting combinations - even not with the full set)? Or maybe FHR? It has now 30% FHR on the full set. The BPs are for pallys 7 / 15 / 27 / 48 / 86 / 200.
So if we add as a 2p bonus lets say 20% you´d reach the next BP without FHR somewhere else. To reach the 86 BP we would need to add 60% more, that might be to much (as max I would say 40% in addition to the already 30% it has now - you would need 26 from charms or other gear for the 86% BP).

What do you think?

Even we could not rescue Heaven’s Brethren Set at the end, we might make the helm and the armor usable as a 2p set. I need to think about some ideas I might consider for a later discussion :slight_smile:

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This is what we have currently in OP. I like your idea about making 3p a viable Act 2 merc super budget set. I’ll need more time to think on this one as well as Angelic Raiment. We also have nothing on Griswold’s Legacy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hwanin’s Majesty

  • Add +100 To Attack Rating (2 Items)
  • Add +200 To Attack Rating (3 Items)
  • Add 1-250 Lightning Damage (Full Set)
  • Add +25% To Lightning Resist (Full Set)
    • Hwanin’s Majesty set is not popular as the damage is subpar and could use a boost in lightning damage. Also, set would benefit from lightning resistance and additional AR
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Didn´t look that up in the OP. But still +300 defense and +300 AR might not be enough to make the 3p set a viable Act 2 merc setup right? Looking forward to your ideas about that :+1:

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Here is my take on Heaven’s Brethren Set. Since we can not make the full set viable without changing the shield (- strength req) and the weapon (++++dmg)
iteself, I would try to make the armor and the helm as a 2p set usable (wont be good, but has some style points due to he unique look of the crown).

The whole set focuses on melee builds, wouldn´t change that. The armor has a modest req lvl of 44 but the helm has end-game like 69 lvl req.

Heaven’s Brethren Set

Partial Set Bonus
Heal Stamina Plus 50% (2 Items)
Replenish Life +20 (3 Items)

Complete Set Bonus
+2 To All Skills
Replenish Life +20
Heal Stamina Plus 50%
All Resistances +50
Cannot Be Frozen
+5 To Light Radius

Ondal’s Almighty
Spired Helm

Defense: 164-209 (varies)(Base Defense: 114-159)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 116
Durability: 40
10% Chance To Cast Level 3 Weaken On Striking
24% Faster Hit Recovery
Requirements -40%
+50 Defense
+15 To Dexterity
+10 To Strength

Haemosu’s Adamant
Heaven’s Brethren Set

Defense: 688-702 (varies)(Base Defense: 188-202)
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 52
Durability: 50
+500 Defense
+40 Defense Vs. Melee
+35 Defense Vs. Missile
Requirements -20%
+75 To Life

So two options for the 2p set bonus (we could distribute this to the single items as set bonus?):


  • adding “Increase Speed” of lvl 10 as an O-skill (= +36% FRW, +22% for barbs capped at lvl 3)
  • adding “Iron skin” of lvl 3 as O-skill (+50% defence all classes)
  • adding +200 life


  • adding “Holy Shield” lvl 10 as an O-skill (= +30% blocking/255 seconds, +20% blocking/80 seconds for paladins)
  • adding 10% life leech
  • adding +150% Enhanced Damage

For a three piece set bonus to make it not rediculus adding a lot to the 2p set but only +20 rep life for the third piece (that would be the weapon at best) I would add:

  • +200 to mana
  • +20% dmg to mana
  • +200 AR

Still not mighty, but maybe this could translate to serve some niche builds?

Whats you opinion on this?

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I really like your idea of holy shield as an o-skill. What do you think about below?..

Heaven’s Brethren

  • Add +6 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add 10% Life Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
  • Add 150% Damage To Demons (3 Items)
  • Add 150% AR Against Demons (3 Items)
  • Add 25% Crushing Blow (Full Set)
  • Change All Skills from +2 to +3 (Full Set)

You tried to balance the distribution, but still nobody would use the full set. You need 175 strength to wear the shield (+10 from the helm included). “Only” having holy shield with lvl 6 (duration is only 155 sec then - so not great) doesn´t cut it for me. Would you ever consider yourself using the armor and helm with the then given stats?

That would be only for the 2 pieces at level 69:

  • Add +6 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add 10% Life Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
    +75 To Life
    +40 Defense Vs. Melee
    +35 Defense Vs. Missile
    +15 To Dexterity
    +10 To Strength
    10% Chance To Cast Level 3 Weaken On Striking
    24% Faster Hit Recovery

A Lore helm and a Stealth or Smoke armor would always be the far better choices (easily available in terms of the needed runes and all below lvl 37 and not 69 for the helm Ondal’s Almighty). :man_shrugging:

Lore + Stealth:

+1 To All Skills
+10 To Energy
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
Lightning Resist +30%
Damage Reduced By 7
+2 To Light Radius

Magic Damage Reduced By 3
+6 To Dexterity
+15 To Maximum Stamina
Poison Resist +30%
Regenerate Mana 15%
25% Faster Run/Walk
25% Faster Cast Rate
25% Faster Hit Recovery

We really need to buff the 2p set extraordinarily to even make a budget choice imho.

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