Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Hm, the idea ist nice, but I would focus on already existing mechanics. Developing new functions and extensive balancing would be a lot for the devs without a longterm monitarization modell backing up the effort.

To Arkaine´s Valor:

Love the Idea to have more aura options in the game, but put it on an armor would be maybe to much? That would create a lot of multi-aura mercs (what we have today but only in a limited aray), but with Might lvl 12 AV would be the new meta armor for mercs? And we want to increase diversity not create new metas right?

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Runeword Harmony can be made on flails.

Most people play with hoto anyway. Now you have a choice between DPS (hoto) or movement-speed (harmony on flail).


Below are the updates to the OP based on your feedback…

The Cranium Basher
Thunder Maul
Two-Hand Damage: (119-132) To (560-632)
Required Level: 87
Required Strength: 253
Mace Class – Very Slow Attack Speed
200-240% Enhanced Damage
20 To Minimum Damage
50% Damage to Undead
75% Chance Of Crushing Blow
4% To Cast Level 1 Amplify Damage On Striking
20% Increased Attack Speed
All Resistances +25
25 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1 Open Socket
    • Add +50 To Vitality
    • Add 20% Bonus To Attack Rating
    • Remove Indestructible
    • Change Min Damage from 20 to 200
    • Change Required Level from 87 to 80
    • Change Amp Damage from 4% to 15%
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 200-240% to 350-400%
    • Change Strength from +25 to +1.50 Strength Per Character Level (+0-149 To Strength)

Mang Song’s Lesson
Archon Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 83 to 99
Required Level: 82
Required Strength: 34
Staff Class - Slow Attack Speed
+5 To All Skills
30% Faster Cast Rate
-7-15% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Cold Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance
Regenerate Mana 10%
50% Damage To Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Increase Max Mana 20%
    • Add -15% To Enemy Physical Resist
    • Add Level 7 Lower Resist (80 charges)
    • Change All Skills from +5 to +5-7
    • Change Faster Cast from 30% to 50%
    • Change Enemy Lightning/Fire Resist from -7-15% to -15%
    • Change -7-15% To Enemy Cold Resist to +15% To Cold Skill Damage

Steel Carapace
Shadow Plate
Defense: 1618-1785
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 230
Durability: 70
+190-220% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 10-15%
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cold Resist +40-60%
Damage Reduced by 9-14
Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds
8% To Cast Level 6 Iron Maiden When Struck

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -20% Requirements
    • Add Fire Resist +30-40%
    • Add Lighting Resist +30-40%
    • Add 8-18% Chance To Cast Level 6 Iron Maiden On Striking
    • Change Faster Hit Recovery from 20% to 30%

Kraken Shell
Defense: 1514-1722
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 174
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense
+40-50 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 15-25%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 15-25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Add All Resistances +20%-30%

Black Hades
Chaos Armor
Defense: 823-1029
Required Level: 53
Required Strength: 140
Durability: 70
+140-200% Enhanced Defense
+30-60% Damage To Demons
+200-250 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Half Freeze Duration
Socketed (3)
-2 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Dim Vision
    • Add All Resistances +30%-60%
    • Add 14% Chance to Cast Level 7 Weaken When Struck

Duriel’s Shell
Defense: (528-650) - (610-732)
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 65
Durability: 150
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
1-123 Defense
1-99 To Life (Based On Character Level)
Fire Resist +20%
Lightning Resist +20%
Poison Resist +20%
Cold Resist +50%
Cannot be Frozen
+15 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1-3 To Charge
    • Add +2-4 To Holy Freeze
    • Change Strength from +15 to +30


  • Can now be made in Flails
    • This runeword adds more choice between DPS (hoto) or movement speed (harmony on flail)
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Love this topic a lot :ok_hand:

Some Ideas (other results in the post above a ready to ptr imho! love Black Hades espcially) :+1:

Heart Carver
One-Hand Damage: (44-49) To (110-123)
Required Level: 36
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 58
Durability: 20
Dagger Class - Fast Attack Speed
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
Adds 15-35 Damage
+35% Deadly Strike
Ignores Target’s Defense
+4 To Grim Ward (Barbarian Only)
+4 To Find Item (Barbarian Only)
+4 To Find Potion (Barbarian Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +2 To Warcries (Barbarian Only)
    • Change Deadly Strike from +35% to +45%
    • Change from +4 to +6 To Grim Ward / Find Item / Find Potion (Barbarian Only)

Love the idea, but would ad MF to be a swap-option for “little” horkers. Maybe 50-100% MF and would remain the three + Skills at level 4 (not +6)? So an alternative to ali baba with no skills needed in find item.

Duriel’s Shell
Defense: (528-650) - (610-732)
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 65
Durability: 150

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1-3 To Charge
    • Add +2-4 To Holy Freeze
    • Change Strength from +15 to +30

I think Duriels is already used a lot, at least in mid-game (lvl41!) and on budget-mercs. So little need to buff many things imho. I would love the added strenght (maybe as a roll 15-30?). Holy Freeze aura is perfekt. But to add Charge (albeit playing the theme) is maybe a bit to much. Duriels is a frequent find.

Kraken Shell
Defense: 1514-1722
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 174
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense
+40-50 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 15-25%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 15-25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Add All Resistances +20%-30%

Love added CB and @Res, but i guess thats not enough to make it viable for a relatively rare find (only found once). A Leviathan portrayed often as an air or water creature. So maybe we can build something around a “wind” theme? Its an melee armor, so not sure how to make it druid viable for a windy druid. But for other classes it could have 20% chance to proc lvl 18-25 Hurricane on striking. And maybe +1 to Cyclone Armor as an o-skill? And would increase +def to 300-500. Leviathan is a big beast hard to kill.

The Cranium Basher
Fine but we could reduce need lvl req from 87 to 80? Thats a issue for some items. I would love to use most items on a regular playthrough (what I finish normaly between lvl 78-81)… Same with others …e.g. Azurewrath.

Required Level: 58

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Telekinesis
    • Add 20% Chance To Cast Level 5 Slow Missiles When Struck

Love that! Playes the theme nicely. But have the feeling its elemental-damage could be buffed a little (just played a throw barb and had it on swap with a lower resist wand for dealing with physical immunes). Would have loved to see those buffs exept (minus resists, thats to much for lvl 58 req). Felt a bit to weak in act 5 while i was waiting to use lvl 85 Azurewrath (what i didn´t do, due to Baal dying at lvl 80. :slight_smile:

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -5-10% To Enemy Lightning Resist - [to much imho]
    • Change Chain Lightning Cast from 5% to 1to5%
    • Change Lightning Damage from 1-200 to 1-350

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84

As mentioned above would reduce req level vom 84 down to 75 ish.

Any thoughts?

Wish you all a nice weekend :slight_smile:



Skin of the Flayed One
NM Armor

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Ethereal
    • Add +0-49 To Vitality (+0.5 Per Clvl)

Love added life, but already can roll eth. I´ve one of those and love to use them on my early-mid-lvl mercs. Could see some damage reduction as well (how much at lvl 31 - 10-15?).

Silks of the Victor
Ancient Armor
Defense: 468-512
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 100
Durability: 60
+100-120% Enhanced Defense
+1 To All Skills
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+2 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +50 To Life
    • Add 20% Faster Hit Recovery
    • Add 20% Chance To Cast Level 20 Taunt On Striking

General good, but the taunt wont work on an armor, or? Since its only cool to cast it really witht the barb scream (audio) and it would interrupt any active action? How about replaceing it with a paladin goodie (like templars, I´ve the feeling, that this is more a paladin theme armor)? E.g. vengeance, prayer or cleansing aura as o-skill?

Full Plate Mail
Defense: 356-405
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 80
Durability: 70
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+2 To Light Radius
All Resistances +35
Attacker Takes Damage of 10
100% Extra Gold From Monsters

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Repair 1 Durability in 5 Seconds
    • Gold Pickup Radius Increased By 50%
    • Change Gold Find from 100% to 250%

The theme is obvious. :dollar: :dollar: :dollar:
Not sure if 250% GF is not a bit to much at sub lvl 30 and a modified gold pickup radius is kind a unlikely (but suits the theme in a brilliant way). If we might consider a second suggestion (only using existing mechanics). I would swap goldpick radius with 50 MF and maybe 1 OS to add a “gem” oder “jewel” by the goldsmith? :slight_smile:

The Centurion
Normal Armor

Defense: 51-54 (varies)(Base Defense: 21-24)
Required Level: 14
Required Strength: 20
Durability: 28
+30 Defense
Replenish Life +5
+50 To Attack Rating
+15 To Mana
+15 To Max Stamina
+15 To Life
25% Slow Stamina Drain
Damage Reduced By 2

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +15% Faster Block Rate
    • Add +15% Increased Chance of Blocking

Really love the look and the name of this armor. Suggestions play the them nicely. But is it still be used at lvl 14?
Stats are well assorted in general. Especially I like the 25% slow stamina drain at this stage. Would love to use it, if I find it early or keep it in my stash for another playthrough. But right now, it is easily outclassed. How about this additionals buffs? Or are the two blocking additions already enough?

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change 30 Defense to 60
    • Add 5% Chance to proc lvl 1 Open Wounds on striking
    • Add 1 OS

To be honest… this feels like a little too much. Though I suspect that is because Whirlwind is so lackluster currently. I guess what I’m feeling is that this is okay for right now, but if Whirlwind (particularly for two handers) gets rebalanced this could suddenly become too much. Or if the Strength bonus gets changed (as proposed), as that would add another 75% ED to this at the top end, on top of the 150% ED already possible with the current bonus.

I definitely agree with increasing the chance to cast amp damage. I also strongly support the 20% AR bonus. +50 Vitality is great. The socket feels unnecessary as if you find a good Cranium Basher you are obviously going to socket it. Removing Indestructible doesn’t bother me.

That leaves the increase in minimum damage (which I like) the increased ED (which is something I’d support if needed to make competitive with Breath of the Dying) and the massive +strength which I like thematically.

I guess bottom line is that while I’d be okay with testing this version in a PTR right now, I would put this on the list of suggestions that needs reconsidering if they make improvements elsewhere (like Whirlwind).

I really like this idea.

From a power level respective the Holy Freeze is the major bonus, as it allows using a Might merc wearing this to get also get the chill of Holy Freeze. Charge on the other hand is only a bonus to a player using it.

I think Leviathan is more viable currently than you think. That plus 50 strength is a huge bonus to a player that wants to use a high strength weapon (like Cranium Basher for example). That frees up 50 points to go into Vitality. Really the major problem is the lack of resistances. Adding resistances to this is huge as most melee players cannot afford to have body armor without resistances.

Why won’t Taunt work on the armor? The reason I suggested Taunt is that it fits the theme of a Victor so well, and it’s actually useful for a melee character to reduce enemy AR and damage. Does the Taunt animation play when you trigger a Chance to Cast item? I don’t think I’m ever seen that on a Chance to Cast warcry, but I don’t think I’ve played with many chance to cast warcies. If we had too we could make it an O-skill instead.


I do like the idea of adding some MF to be an alternative to ali baba while keeping the three +skills at level 4 as shown below…

Heart Carver
One-Hand Damage: (44-49) To (110-123)
Required Level: 36
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 58
Durability: 20
Dagger Class - Fast Attack Speed
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
Adds 15-35 Damage
+35% Deadly Strike
Ignores Target’s Defense
+4 To Grim Ward (Barbarian Only)
+4 To Find Item (Barbarian Only)
+4 To Find Potion (Barbarian Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 35-55% To Magic Find
    • Add +2 To Warcries (Barbarian Only)
    • Change Deadly Strike from 35% to 45%

In the OP, we have this covered…

The Cranium Basher

  • Change Required Level from 87 to 80


  • Change Required Level from 85 to 80

I could see a small boost in lightning damage…

Phase Blade
One-Hand Damage: (87-103) To (117-135)
Required Level: 58
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 136
Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
+150-200% Enhanced Damage
Adds 10-30 Damage
Adds 60-120 Magic Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
5-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
5% To Cast Level 14-20 Chain Lightning On Attack
20% Increased Attack Speed
Ignore Target’s Defense
Lightning Absorb 25%
+7 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Telekinesis
    • Add 20% Chance To Cast Level 5 Slow Missiles When Struck
    • Change Lightning Damage from 1-200 to 1-300

Instead of adding damage reduction, how about changing life leech to a bonus to demon heal as it fits the theme for demonhide armor. Plus, the flayed one screams open wounds…

Skin of the Flayed One
Demonhide Armor
Defense: 342-397
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 58
+150-190% Enhanced Defense
Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds
5-7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +15-25
Attacker Takes Damage of 15

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +0-49 To Vitality (+0.5 Per Clvl)
    • Add 15% Chance Of Open Wounds
    • Change 5-7% Life Stolen Per Hit to 10-15 To Demon Heal

I think adding 1 OS could work well…

Full Plate Mail
Defense: 356-405
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 80
Durability: 70
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+2 To Light Radius
All Resistances +35
Attacker Takes Damage of 10
100% Extra Gold From Monsters

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1 Open Socket
    • Add Repair 1 Durability in 5 Seconds
    • Gold Pickup Radius Increased By 50%
    • Change Gold Find from 100% to 250%

Skin of the Flayed One

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +0-49 To Vitality (+0.5 Per Clvl)
    • Change 5-7% Life Stolen Per Hit to 10-15 To Demon Heal

Does Demon heal work on mercs? I think I´ve read that it doesn´t? If so I´d rather keep life stolen.

@ Sackett

I´ve never played a Maul-Barb where you would want such high strg. But even if I would plan to do so, I´m not sure if I would prefer an Um´ed Leviathan with this buffs over the runewords. It won´t catch up to an Enigma (even consider the price) for sure but might be an better alternative to a Stone or Lionhard. Would love to se more elites beeing an BIS-like variant. Tyraels, Arkaines, G-Bane would be with the suggested changes. I feel like Leviathan is then only legit if you purely need the super high strenght. Anyhow, with CB an @ Res it will be useable. But how do u like Hurrican an striking? Then it would be really a niche to fill nicely.

Kraken Shell
Defense: 1514-1722
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 174
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense
+40-50 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 15-25%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 15-25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Add All Resistances +20%-30%
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You’re right. According to Diablo Wiki, Demon Heal does not work for hirelings. I honestly did not know that. Hmm, what are your thoughts about adding open wounds?

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I suggested Open Wounds on The Centurion since I think that suits the theme really good.

The Flayed One suffers open wounds maybe, but is he the one who delivers that? He endures tremendous suffering…thats why I could imagine DR on it.

But anyhow, would make the armor technicially more viable and would work nicely with an Hone Sundan for boss fights :+1:

When it comes to balance we need to take into consider the following questions:

  • Are we buffing this item specifically for Players 1?
  • Do we take Hammerdins and Cold Sorcs into account when thinking of balance?
  • Are we thinking about a single player playthrough (killing Hell Baal) or the multiplayer and trade economy aspect ← in most cases we should be favouring the latter for the longevity of the game.

So far the item buffs the devs have made to sets only took into account a single player playthrough which is why they didn’t leave a solid dent in the game.

For The Cranium Basher. That is an Elite Thunder Maul. That is the godliest of all high damaging weapons. In the video I posted, you can see that this item still takes a while to kill some monsters on Players 1 on FULL BUILD. That’s unacceptable. The biggest problem is Whirlwind though and not the maul itself. Berserk is able to 1 shot most monsters and basically 4 shot Diablo (with slow attack speed, so it’s balanced). That’s a good spot for a perfect roll Elite Thunder maul.

I think removing indestructible was a good decision in terms of balance. Someone is going to have to put a Zod rune into that if they want the damage output.

I think it could possibly still have 1 more attribute removed.

The 200 to minimum damage makes complete sense. In what world does a maul that touches you not do a tremendous amount of damage?

But the game is only coded to allow a max of +63 minimum damage. There’s also a modifier for Maximum DMG per level, but there isn’t one for Minimum DMG per lvl. I think that was a missed opportunity from the original devs, especially for powerful weapons like mauls.

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To some of the phyical ama equipment. Since Winforce is basicially the only endgame viable unique.

Crusader Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 45 to (190-313)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 97
Required Dexterity: 122
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-198% Enhanced Maximum Damage
+1 To Amazon Skill Levels
+6-594 To Attack Rating
+25 To Dexterity
Ignores Target’s Defense

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1 Open Socket

One OS is not enough (Lazurk can do that as well). I would either make it 1-3 OS or +2 to Ama-Skills and some strength. You need 97 for the Crusader Bow, a forti would need something in the low 1XX and G-Face needs 115. So with + 20 strength you would only need to reach the strength for the bow. Or could u imagine anything to support the eagle-theme?

Blood Raven’s Charge
Matriarchal Bow
Two-Hand Damage: (56-66) to (131-155)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 87
Required Dexterity: 187
(Amazon Only)
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
200-300% Bonus To Attack Rating
Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts (Level 13)
Level 5 Revive (30 charges)
+2-4 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 20% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add 20% Reanimate As: Hungry Dead

How about instead:

  • IAS is welcomed (20%).
  • I would increase Reviev to level 4-8 an make it 75 charges.
  • lower req. lvl from 71 to 60
  • Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts (Level 13) increase to lvl 16

So that would not be your engame bow, but well enough to carry you through most of hell. Is dex to high for lvl 60?

Unique Ward Bow

Two-Hand Damage: (50-60) To (132-159)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 72
Required Dexterity: 146
Base Weapon Speed: [0]

+150-200% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
33% Deadly Strike
+3-5 To Guided Arrow
Fires Magic Arrows [Level 11]
(Ladder Only)

Not in the list so far and needs only some love. Would just make it role guided arrow higher. E.g. 4-8 and maybe some IAS (10%).

Goldstrike Arch
Unique Gothic Bow

Two-Hand Damage: (30-35) To (150-175)
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 95
Required Dexterity: 118
Base Weapon Speed: [10]

+200-250% Enhanced Damage
+100-200% Damage To Demon
+100-200% Damage To Undead
50% Increased Attack Speed
5% Chance To Cast Level 7 Fist of the Heavens On Striking
Replenish Life +12
+100-150% Bonus To Attack Rating

Love that bow. Even worth upping. But it roles in a wide range. Would limit this a bit to not make it super hard to get a decent one. I could only find one offer on traderie with a decent role.

Proposed Buffs:

  • +200-250% Enhanced Damage (new 200-280%)
  • +100-200% Damage To Demon (new 150-200)
  • +100-200% Damage To Undead (new 150-200)
  • 5% Chance To Cast Level 7 Fist of the Heavens On Striking (new 10% ans lvl 9)

Valkyrie Wing
Unique Winged Helm

Defense: 247-297 (Base Defense: 85-98)
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 115
Durability: 40 +150-200% Defense
+1-2 To Amazon Skill Levels
20% Faster Run Walk
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+2-4 To Mana After Each Kill

A helm, that should be considered but falls of behind G-Face and Shako. Would love to see that within the circle to choose from.

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • add 20% IAS
    • add 1-2 OS
    • change from 2-4 mana after each kill to 4-6

Different story, just because I was looking at it.

Biggin’s Bonnet
Defense: 17-19
Required Level: 3
Durability: 12
+30% Enhanced Damage
+14 Defense
+30 To Attack Rating
+15 To Mana
+15 To Life

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 5% Chance of Crushing Blow
    • Change Attack Rating from +30 to +30-50
    • Change Enhanced Damage from +30% to +30-50%

Those buffs are nice, but this helmet is only lvl 3 and in my opionen an S-tier for that already. On a new char that bringst me through first half of normal. If you we want to buff that furter, then some strength req should be added and lvl. requierement should go up as well. Only free buff I could imagine is some stammina (+15 for example).

What do you think about that?

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Hmm… as a horn bow, I’d expect it to have piercing power. So maybe a 30% Chance to Pierce?

Eagle theme… tends to support something like always hitting the target, already supported by the + Attack Rating and Ignore Target Defense. Maybe +1 Penetrate as an O-skill? Or 20% Chance to Cast level 20 Inner Sight on Striking? Hmm… +1 Penetrate doesn’t help much for the Amazon, but it would help a lot for other classes, maybe change the +1 Amazon Skills into +2 All Skills. Maybe lean into a Druid/Hunter theme? That can go with the eagle theme. +3 to Spirit Wolves and +3 to Dire Wolves maybe?

Crusader Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 45 to (190-313)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 97
Required Dexterity: 122
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-198% Enhanced Maximum Damage
+2 To All Skills
+6-594 To Attack Rating
+25 To Dexterity
Ignores Target’s Defense
+3 to Penetrate
+3 to Spirit Wolves
+3 to Dire Wolves

That could be very attractive to a Summoner Druid, as the +3 to Wolves and +2 All skills is similar to the +5 from HotO and Spirit but give the summoner Druid something to actually do in combat, while the + Penetrate and high +AR means the Druid will actually be able to hit things with his arrows.

But it’s also possibly beneficial to an Amazon, as it would allow summoning Wolves in addition to a Valkyrie to serve as meat shields. They wouldn’t be powerful wolves at all, with the lack of hit points, attack rating, and damage due to lack of synergies, but it would allow the Amazon to suddenly summon a bunch of bodies which can at times be useful.

Perhaps an Enchant Sorceress might also find it useful? Maybe even a strange Paladin build? Certainly, it would give it a unique flavor and ability. It already has a bunch of damage and attack rating, the only thing else lacking is increased attack speed, but would that make it too much like the Windforce?

Revive charges aren’t really that useful without the support skills. But this is Blood Raven’s bow right? So maybe add +1 Skeleton Mastery and +1 Summon Resist as O-skills? That would suddenly give the revives some actual strength and durability.

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Hi, love your themecrafting around Eaglehorn, but I fear low level wolfs are so weak, that they will allways be oneshot victims in hell and so not helping non Druid chars I guess. Penetrate would help all chars, so thats a good one supporting die eagle/AR-Theme.

Crusader Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 45 to (190-313)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 97
Required Dexterity: 122
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-198% Enhanced Maximum Damage
+1 To Amazon Skill Levels
+6-594 To Attack Rating
+25 To Dexterity
Ignores Target’s Defense

How about that?

  • Proposed Buffs:
    +1-2 to all Skill Levels (rolling form 1-2 from +1 Ama only)
    +3 to Penetrate
  • 15-20 Strength (or alternativley 1-3 OS)

But I love the Idea to enable other chars to summon stuff. Ama with valk and low lelvel ravens :slight_smile:

Blood Raven’s Charge
Matriarchal Bow
Two-Hand Damage: (56-66) to (131-155)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 87
Required Dexterity: 187
(Amazon Only)
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
200-300% Bonus To Attack Rating
Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts (Level 13)
Level 5 Revive (30 charges)
+2-4 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 20% Increased Attack Speed
    • Summon Ravens lvl 5-7 (O-Skill)
    • lower req. lvl from 71 to 60
    • Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts (Level 13) increase to lvl 16
    • I would increase Reviev to level 4-8 an make it 75 charges.

Doesn´t make it op but interesting?

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I did an Ebotd Thunder Maul vs Cranium Basher and these are the results:

Cranium Basher has about 500(min)-2000(max) more on WW and Berserk than the EBOTD. But EBOTD has way more survivability and IAS. So you are able to stay in a very large pack of monsters and not die.

Cranium Basher you have to pick your battles. But it has more raw power when it does hit. I’d say this is a great spot for it and it gives players a choice. What do they prefer more? A little more power or both power and survivability. EBOTD is still better overall in the long run, but they still both have great perks.

Also one is actually designed to be a maul of the gods, the other is a universal runeword that’s not even meant to be a maul.

It’s currently in a good spot.


I really like the idea for a bow to have the hunter theme, but feel it should be on a low-level bow such as Witherstring for early playthrough…

Hunter’s Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 3 to 12
Required Level: 13
Required Dexterity: 28
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
+40-50% Enhanced Damage
Fires Magic Arrows (Level 3)
Adds 1-3 Damage
30% Increased Attack Speed
+50 To Attack Rating

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Summon Spirit Wolf
    • Change Required Level from 13 to 9

What are your thoughts on giving Arkaine’s Valor a thorns aura instead of might?

“May the spirit of Arkaine protect me”, I think it would be very fitting.

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That’s an interesting idea, but what about Defiance Aura on Arkaine’s Valor and fits the theme for being a defensive armor?..

Arkaine’s Valor
Balrog Skin
Defense: 1295-1450
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 165
Durability: 30
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To All Skills
+0-49 To Vitality
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Damage Reduced By 10-15

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1-3 Open Sockets
    • Add +180-210% Damage To Demons
    • Add Level 10-12 Defiance Aura When Equipped
    • Change Required Level from 85 to 80
    • Change +0-49 To Vitality (+0.5 Per Clvl) to +0-149 To Vitality (+1.5 Per Clvl)

This also keeps the Might Aura feeling good on Templar’s Might…

Templar’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1622-1923
Required Level: 74
Required Strength: 232
Durability: 60
+170-220% Enhanced Defense
+250-300 Defense vs. Missiles
+10-15 To Strength
+10-15 To Vitality
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+40-50 Maximum Stamina
+1-2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -20%
    • Add Level 4-8 Might Aura When Equipped
    • Change Required Level from 74 to 69
    • Change Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) from +1-2 to +2-4
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I was taking inspiration from League Of Legends with this armor which coincidentally is named Thornmail heh:

The defensive theme makes sense as well and was my first impression of the armor, but I think the deflecting damage back creates a nice contrast and makes it stand out a lot more. It’s as if Arkaine is still fighting the demons in spirit.

I think offensive armors add nice variety to the game. You adding Holy Freeze to Duriels Shell makes that armor much more interesting. It should have had that from the start. What are your thoughts?

But The Gladiators Bane would also make sense since it already has “attacker takes damage of” on it, so I guess we could put it on that?

That’s a good idea as well. That would make it a nice “support item” that benefits the party which could also be useful for PVP.

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How about L12-14 Defiance Aura on Arkaine’s Valor, L10-12 Thorns Aura on Gladiator’s Bane, and L4-8 Might Aura on Templar’s Might?..

Arkaine’s Valor
Balrog Skin
Defense: 1295-1450
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 165
Durability: 30
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To All Skills
+0-49 To Vitality
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Damage Reduced By 10-15

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1-3 Open Sockets
    • Add +180-210% Damage To Demons
    • Add Level 12-14 Defiance Aura When Equipped
    • Change Required Level from 85 to 80
    • Change +0-49 To Vitality (+0.5 Per Clvl) to +0-149 To Vitality (+1.5 Per Clvl)

The Gladiator’s Bane
Wire Fleece
Defense: 1255-1496
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 111
Durability: 135
+150-200% Enhanced Defense
+50 Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
Attacker Takes Damage Of 20
Damage Reduced By 15-20
Magic Damage Reduced By 15-20

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3-6 To Iron Skin
    • Add +1-3 To Natural Resistance
    • Change Defense from +50 to +250
    • Change Required Level from 85 to 75
    • Change Attacker Takes Damage Of 20 to Level 10-12 Thorns Aura When Equipped

Templar’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1622-1923
Required Level: 74
Required Strength: 232
Durability: 60
+170-220% Enhanced Defense
+250-300 Defense vs. Missiles
+10-15 To Strength
+10-15 To Vitality
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+40-50 Maximum Stamina
+1-2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -20%
    • Add Level 4-8 Might Aura When Equipped
    • Change Required Level from 74 to 69
    • Change Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) from +1-2 to +2-4

Does that seem like a good spot for Eaglehorn?..

Crusader Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 45 to (190-313)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 97
Required Dexterity: 122
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-198% Enhanced Maximum Damage
+1 To Amazon Skill Levels
+6-594 To Attack Rating
+25 To Dexterity
Ignores Target’s Defense

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Penetrate
    • Add 1 Open Socket
    • Add Piercing Attack 30%
    • Change +1 To Amazon Skill Levels to +1-2 To All Skill Levels

Agreed. Want revive charges to be more useful with the changes below…

Blood Raven’s Charge
Matriarchal Bow
Two-Hand Damage: (56-66) to (131-155)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 87
Required Dexterity: 187
(Amazon Only)
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
200-300% Bonus To Attack Rating
Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts (Level 13)
Level 5 Revive (30 charges)
+2-4 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Skeleton Mastery
    • Add +1 To Summon Resist
    • Add 20% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add 20% Reanimate As: Hungry Dead
    • Change Revive Level from 5 to 4-8
    • Change Revive Charges from 30 to 75
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