Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Unfortunately, we don’t have ready-made tables with these changes. However, Nickie and Endugu tested several beefed up versions of Cranium Basher and Grandfather. I’ll find the thread that has videos, fun to watch… :slight_smile:

Sounds good. I combined change Magic Arrows with Immolation Arrows and then added back the AR on armor as you suggested. Hopefully, proposal is good now…

M’avina’s Battle Hymn

  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (Full Set)
  • Add +20% To Fire Skill Damage (Full Set)
  • Add 2-3 Open Sockets (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Fires Magic Arrows to Fires Immolation Arrows (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change 6-18 Cold Damage to Freezes Target +2-4 (M’avina’s Icy Clunch)
  • Add +250-350 To Attack Rating (M’avina’s Embrace)
  • Change Glacial Spike Lvl to 15 (M’avina’s Embrace)

That looks solid to me. We can add a full set bonus of 20 DR that matches the 10 MDR already on set. We can change the 3p bonus on the gloves from +Defense to PMH, which fits better with LL and ML already on gloves. For maul, the OS should roll 2-3 so it cant roll worse than as-is. I would not include the minor changes as it becomes to much. So, how is this for final version?..

Immortal King

  • Add Damage Reduced by 20 (Full Set)
  • Add +1 To Barbarian Skills (Immortal King’s Will)
  • Change E. Defense from +50% to +150% (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change CtC Lvl 5 Enchant to Lvl 14 Burst of Speed (Immortal King’s Soul Cage)
  • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen (Immortal King’s Pillar)
  • Change +120 Defense to Prevent Monster Heal (Immortal King’s Forge)
  • Change Open Sockets to 2-3 (Immortal King’s Stone Crusher)

If we wanted to improve set, we could add your ammy buff idea (just tone down proc %), then we could add 15% FCR to the armor, and finally 50% ED to weapon (already has DS) and you could play a battle mage early game…

Arcanna’s Tricks

  • Add +15% Faster Cast Rate (Arcanna’s Flesh)
  • Add +50% E. Damage (Arcanna’s Deathwand)
  • Add 15% CtC Lvl 4 Charged Bolt When Struck (Arcanna’s Sign)

Those are solid changes to Griswold’s. In addition to what you proposed, I would add for the armor to change Defensive Auras to roll +2-4 and have a small roll on E. Defense…

Griswold’s Legacy

  • Add +1 To Paladin Skills (Griswold’s Honor)
  • Add +0.25 Fire Absorb Per Clvl (3 Items) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Add +0.25 Lightning Absorb Per Clvl (Full Set) (Griswold’s Valor)
  • Change Defensive Auras from +2 to +2-4 (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change +500 Defense to +100-120% E. Defense (Griswald’s Heart)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items) (Griswold’s Redemption)
  • Change 10-20 Damage to +10% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set) (Griswold’s Redemption)